Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2388: The Road to Self-Proof (Part 1)

No. Zero turned his back to the adjutant and did not respond, but nodded to show that he understood. He patted the cover of the book, shaking off the crumbs on the baked and dried book, gently opened it with a look of fear of breaking it with too much force, turned over the introduction, preface and table of contents, and went to When it came to the text, seeing that the neat ink fonts were still clear, and the degree of blurring did not affect subsequent reading, I closed the book, held it in my hand, stood up and turned, and looked at the adjutant.

"First, collect the corpses of huge creatures with special shapes and colors that are tricky in battle, pack them up and choose a location to store them, arrange several people to guard them, and wait for the logistics transport team to transport them away;

Second, the rest of the corpses are buried in pits, and the best-quality bacterial agents are used to eliminate pollution and accelerate decay, and the dosage is twice the theoretically calculated value;

Third, gather members above the team leader to form the entrance and exit of the underground world where the exploration team suddenly appeared, and investigate the specific situation. The degree of exploration is limited by seeing the root tissue on the surface, and it must not continue to fall. I can't protect you in time for the danger below, I hope you will remind them of this point;

Fourth, allocate most of the team's medical members to treat the injured members within a four-dimensional range until the doctors from the nearest city arrive. Of course, this is the case if there are still doctors who can come. Remember to actively contact people in nearby cities to explain the situation here. The time node is set at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. If you can't get it, just leave some medicine, and the team will move towards the destination according to the plan;

Fifth and finally, in twenty minutes, I will go to the scene. Hopefully it's been cleaned up by then. "

Zero gave a slight nod at the end of his words, and after watching the adjutant leave, he took a few steps to the center of the wide villa hall where the door had been smashed. A scorched biological skeleton lay quietly there, and there were still chances around. Smoke rises. The skeleton of this creature has a wolf-like skull, twice the size of an adult's body, and three rows of sharp teeth. It has withstood the high temperature and still retains some whiteness. In the center of the skull, there is a hole the size of a fist pouring directly above the brain.

The excess material on the skeleton was melted and evaporated, and the remaining material was pitch black, but had the luster of molten metal. The skeleton is also a trophy this time, but it is dealt with last.

The chairs in the hall were all damaged, No. 0 could only kick the scorched skull off the joint of the spine, use it as a temporary stool, sat on it, chose a comfortable posture, opened the book and read.

The speed of flipping through the book was very fast. The twenty minutes mentioned just now was not the time reported indiscriminately, but just the length of time he could read it in its entirety.

Amid the distant and faint sound of pattering rain outside the hall, the bustle of carrying joined in. Zero just listened, and with only a small amount of energy, he was able to monitor the complete situation outside. For a while, only the sound of flipping books was embedded in the ambient sound in the hall.

When the bell on the wall of the hall rang very timely, he just finished reading the last page of the closed book with number zero, got up from the skull, looked around, and finally put the book on the wall clock before walking out of the hall.

I don’t know how long it took for the invisible bioelectrical stress field to unfold. The sound of rain outside the villa hall has always come from a distance. When No. 0 walked out of the hall, within the range seen, an invisible barrier had already been propped up in midair, evaporating all the time. The torrential rain that fell made the surroundings a rare and dry scene.

Busy team members, the work at hand was coming to an end, and the corpse disposal was finally completed without any risk when passing through a building wreckage on the 0th and reaching the huge pothole with a diameter of about 400 meters. The two adjutants hurried to his side and spoke when he stopped.

"The investigation team has reached the outer edge of the root system. The roots are full of signs of being eaten, and the gray-white viscous liquid is almost secreted not long ago." Said, the adjutant handed over the communicator under the LAN, but was blocked by No. 0 open.

Zero leaned over, and half of his body went to the sky above the pothole. The bright red cross pupils lit up, and then became round. The burning light seemed to directly penetrate all the darkness in the pothole.

"There are many shadows of empty corridors near the bottom, which should be connected to a larger underground cavity. As for where..." Zero stood upright and looked forward to the left. , nothing can be seen. But the panoramic map in his head told him that that direction should be the location of a limit field, a swampy area full of toxic substances, and one of the main sources of the empire's biological agents and reagent raw materials.

"The emergence of underground creatures that are not contaminated with biological toxicity may be a manifestation of our luck. But next time, we should not be so lucky. It is often said in books that luck often does not stay forever, but alternates with disasters." He said to the adjutant, "This information is also notified to the members of the nearby major cities. Whether they are alert and adequately prepared is beyond our control. But in the branch of the Holy Royal Hall in this area, Order them to form teams."

"My lord, will this cause a conflict of authority in the scope of management? The person in charge of this area is..."

Before the adjutant finished speaking, he was interrupted by No. 0, "If they don't accept it, you should contact the headquarters of the Holy Royal Hall and bring the new research base, explaining that the person in charge of this area has been polluted to a very strong degree. The slightest chance of a cure, it’s up to me to start the cleanup process. They know how to do it, an easy multiple choice question.”

The adjutant nodded to show he knew.

"Let the investigation team come up, collect information, and send it back to the intelligence agency." Number Zero continued, his voice was always mechanized and cold, and there was no emotion at all. He turned around and was about to look at the place where the corpses were stored, but his footsteps had already stopped - in his mental perception, another adjutant was running quickly from the position of the communication vehicle, and the expression he captured contained too much shock and surprise .

"My lord! Emergency communication from the Holy Royal Hall and the new research base!"

After a few seconds, the adjutant stopped firmly on the side of No. 0. After taking a deep breath, UU Reading suppressed his voice, "The small countries are close to the border of the Flame Alliance, and a battle broke out an hour ago. One side is the Flame Alliance The joint team with the Nature Association, and the other side is the members of the Qila Andi family alliance in the small countries. The brief contact between the two parties ended with the death of the joint team leader and several small team leaders,,,"

The adjutant took a short breath at this time, "According to the information of the members who scattered and fled, the enemy who quickly killed the leader of the joint team in the enemy team is extremely suspicious of Cassia, who was confirmed dead in the southern forest incident a few years ago... Kira Andy."

"Subsequently, the high-ranking members of the Nature Association who went to support him confirmed their identities. It is almost certain, but it is still not ruled out that it is a substitute member forged by the enemy!"

"Well,,," No. Zero's words were still emotionless, but they no longer felt cold, "Casia Kira Andi has long been confirmed dead, and this enemy is likely to be a trained substitute. I Information has been received."

"When the investigation team comes up, the team will get ready and rest." Zero continued, and then walked to the place where the underground biological corpses were stored, but after a dozen steps, he turned his head and looked at the adjutant just now.

"Follow up at any time, if you have the latest news, explain it to me immediately."

"Yes, my lord!"

No. Zero turned his head, and other words sounded in his heart: "Mr. Cassia, after the battle has been delayed for several months, is your place finally about to start..."

(end of this chapter)

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