Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2339: Arrangement under the deadline (Part 1)

"As you like, the place that will be rummaged has already been determined." Ye Jielin called the door, and Gabriel's voice was heard when it was about to close, "It's the third time to redecorate, the bed and cabinets are newly bought Yes, it’s just according to the original appearance. It’s not that you don’t know how crazy these people were when Cassia had uranium and gold in his hands. Do you think the place where you stayed can be spared?”

"You are not naive."

The last sentence was full of irony. Not in the mood to answer at all, Ye Jielin walked along the corridor to the elevator, waited for a short time for the protective door to open, and then flipped through the documents in her hand.

"After the marshal, the new appointment of the military star general and the list of all star generals,,,

The second and third super-steam furnace arrays of the Military Standard Manufacturing Institute were activated, and the mechanical city built half on the mountain finally regained its heartbeat after decades of silence!

Golden Bank focuses on protecting the external mail storage business. Although the scope has been reduced, the delivery fee has only increased by less than five times.

All ocean exploration activities were suspended by the Imperial Council, and applications must be obtained for future travel.

Cross-continental trade has shrunk by 99% in a few months, and the business of the three-phase connection network and the deep-sea ocean company is close to a standstill,,,”

"Huh,,," I just flipped through it briefly, and seeing Ye Jielin here turned to look at the door of her room, and then took a deep breath to suppress the violent ups and downs of mood.

This kind of content is completely the most direct retelling of the internal news of the empire. Perhaps the basic content has not been changed, but it is directly copied and named after a document.

Ye Jielin didn't want to go back and talk to Gabriel, and her mood did turn bad all of a sudden, but after taking a deep breath, she immediately understood that these retellings of the news were Gabriel's intention to explain to herself that the changes in the internal situation of the empire were consistent with the current situation. Just like the news, there is nothing more to note.

"Ding!" The protective door of the elevator opened, Ye Jielin walked in, went directly to the underground building network of the family residence, took a limousine from there, left here, and went to live in a hotel dozens of kilometers away.

A very small part of the documents provided by Gabriel needs special attention. After understanding, it is time to come back again.

On the other side, when the evening night and the condensed clouds over Manoma made the lights of Webley's residence even brighter, Gabriel finished drinking several bottles of wine, tidied up the table, and went to the cabinet to find a garbage bag. When she saw more than thirty wine bottles lying on the floor, she stopped and thought for a while, then put the garbage bag back in place.

"Working hard to become strong is for a better life." While comforting herself, she left the room, and when she closed the door, the wine bottle on the ground had disappeared out of thin air.

In the internal hospital of the resident, Gabriel followed the familiar corridor to a quiet ward at the end.

"Leaving?" The old man already knew the answer, but he still asked as if he had gone through a process.

"I didn't want to come back at first, but this time I just came to see the attitude of the family." Gabriel went to sit down on the chair by the wall, and replied to the old man, "The character is still the same, there is no change. But you can listen to our words Yes, I won’t accept all of it, but I will also think about the useful part of it. You have told her everything you asked to convey, and as for how much effect it will have in the end, you should have an estimated value in mind.”

"Not very ideal." The old man sighed.

"Time will change her view. After these few months, the relationship with the family will ease a lot. She will definitely need the family's resources and help. Wait until she sees the front line or the situation in the small countries. After the domain war, it should be the time point we are waiting for."

The old man did not continue this topic, but asked about other things, "How is the connection with the military department? The problem with the military rank has been resolved, but it will be a very cumbersome process to actually get a controllable surgeon army. Now None of the star generals will take the initiative to let go of their power."

"Well, the situation seems to be a little different from what you expected."

"Difference?" The old man standing by the window looked back at Jiabili. After thinking for a while, the doubts on his face disappeared. "Is it a connection we didn't know?"

"Judging from all the current information, it is indeed the case." Jiabili smiled with emotion, "Also, this may not be a stable connection, but I just want to use Ye Jielin's line to simply express my kindness That's all. A surgical army is indeed a huge force, and it can be used reasonably, enough to control the offensive and defensive trends of an area. However, it is worthless to compare an army of surgeons with the solid connection between Cassia."

"I think there is value in in-depth investigation. The identity of this star general seems to have some involvement with other forces. Because just knowing that Cassia is not dead is enough for us to pay attention. A person with The alliance has a relationship, and he is still an ambitious military general, so people look forward to his future actions."

The old man was thinking, and finally gave an answer, "Be careful when investigating. People in the military department are indeed very talkative, but only if they kill you without meeting you."

Gabriel nodded, "They are all professionals, and I know the importance. Besides, the people in Kilis have long been used to it. To what extent, they understand and grasp it better than us."

"Regarding the family summoning order and the area where the members are dispatched, all the information should be in your hands. When she returns to the family again, don't forget to remind her. Try to stagger with the family members as much as possible. She will not take the initiative to let her go now. Overcome those who stand in your way. UU Reading”

"About this aspect, I will find time to talk to her more."


"Uncle, you seem to be very tired recently." Doris said with concern as she could sense the obvious fatigue.

"It's all about returning to the previous life. Although the memory has been worn away by time, I still remember that when I was still alive, I was used to a similar state. Don't worry about me, you should pay more attention to yourself. The situation in the Far Sea Commonwealth will happen soon. Huge changes, your identity is still very safe. But in the near future, when those people arrive..."

"Continue to practice what I have taught you. If you can go to the fourth stage of surgery as soon as possible, it will have a huge impact on yourself and on me. In addition, from now on, cutting off any contact with the outside world will You can just be the saint of the Holy See. You need a period of quiet."

Doris nodded in response and stopped answering. She looked at the documents Keshan brought and sighed—there are still too few things she can handle now.

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