Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2302: The prototype of the aggregate (middle)

"I'm used to it, no matter how much I prepare, it's impossible to prepare properly." Delya drank her lipstick tea, "I know how to do it, and I reminded us of the danger of the upcoming time point not long ago, and the news has been passed on, the entire knight order We will proceed with caution afterwards.”

"Actually, as a network of taverns spread across most of the small countries, there are teams dedicated to capturing the situation and risks. Most of them are born as intelligence merchants. They have a keen sense of smell and have rich experience in analyzing various situations and information. .It's certainly impossible to predict everything, but it does the trick by keeping the branches from colliding head-on with huge troubles."

"By the way, Captain, the tavern transformed from the network that protected the black market arms business has now taken care of many functions. If the Steam Knights exist as a brain center, then the tavern is a complete The body. Waters’ factory is to provide all kinds of weapons and equipment needed for this body, and the steel security company is to make this body more convenient to go to various places.”

"It's very much like a network of connections, connecting several general institutions into an aggregate. And the several approximate structures provide each other with their own products, and strive to make the entire aggregate grow little by little."

Delya continued to explain the current situation of the entire force. After Cassia drank half a cup of black tea, he signaled to Delya to continue talking. His attention and thinking fully support multiple things at the same time; on the other hand, he will Put the cup aside, took the paper that was placed by the sofa, spread it out, picked up the pen, thought about it, and began to draw the scene in the illusion that I saw when experimenting with the red star pattern.

"The tavern can input needed power to various organizations at any time. When the security company was first established, most of the candidates came from the tavern. Because the development of the tavern has not been affected, it has absorbed a lot of mercenaries and bounties over the years Hunters, among them, some people are indeed not suitable for doing things in the dark, and they can play their role better when placed in the sun."

"Recently, with the help of Miss Oviglia's establishment and expansion plans in various small domestic bases, the tavern's own liaison offices have also been established everywhere. Just like offices, they have their own locations, basements, rest areas, The supply office, etc. At the same time, the branch of the Iron and Steel Security Company is also in progress. In the current atmosphere of the small countries, only a little money is needed to make things go very smoothly, and everything can be done very well. it is good."

"It's just because of the number of people in the entire collection. Although the size of the small countries is not huge compared to a giant country like the Empire, it is still a huge land for us. There are also many countries on it. , the rules are also different, resulting in whether it is the office of the tavern or the branch of the steel security, it is currently relying on the seven major coordinating countries as the core point, and then spreads out and expands towards the surroundings.”

"In terms of location, at present and in the future, most regions and countries may only consider cities of a certain size. Some remote places, or places with a small population base and no specific industries, will not be considered for the time being. But overall, the development is going well, so this should be enough. The Knights really need more time."

Cassia nodded here and gave a response: "I'm not worried about the factory and arms business. I've done these things from the beginning. But I still remind you." He looked up at Delya, "In the next few years, the knight The regiment should be able to earn a lot of money and various resources by relying on the arms business and security companies, and complete a certain amount of accumulation, I think.”

"However, the security company is sustainable, and the arms business... If you want the Knights to truly have the power to protect themselves, the status of a black market arms dealer is not enough. Maybe you can consider more obvious things like security companies , the dark world is still too dangerous to be regarded as an irreplaceable matter.”

"In addition, you should try to distance yourself from me. After the South Forest incident, I have been thinking about it." Cassia sighed, then stopped writing, and laughed, "Even if you are used to it, you still have to It cannot be considered normal.”

"On the stronghold, it's perfectly fine to follow Miss Ovelia's plan. In that plan, Mr. Hay and Mr. Corcova are both involved

You should be able to learn something. In addition, it is indeed a good practice to regard the tavern as a network, but whether it is now or later, it may be a better choice to keep it as a separate entity. "

"Do you "borrow" from Knight Commander Hesley when you need it? Delya thought, "I will discuss this matter with Hesley."

"What about the Iron and Steel Security Company? It should be one of the key points of the Knight Order now, right? After all, there are already a lot of people being protected. While these protected people provide rich benefits, their own value is a huge benefit. Just right The upcoming war provides you with an opportunity and time to reap this benefit, so you must seize it.”

"In addition, it should be a few days later. I will go to the organization once. After that, some members of the organization should come to you to discuss the handover of some matters. If you need additional help, you can come to me People brought it up. Organizations are the only ones in control among the small countries. Compared with the strength of control, the penetration of the three giant countries is not as good as that of organizations.”

"For some time to come, while separating from me, you should also make use of the convenience I bring to you as much as possible."

"We've been doing this all the time, Commander," Delya said in frustration.

"Go on, there is still a long time." Cassia replied, and the stopped pen continued to move.


At 2 o'clock in the morning, Hilary was leaning on a chair, staring at the ceiling in a was also leaning on a chair, with an open book on his lap, he turned his head and looked out the window , also fell into a sluggish state; Li Suman was lying on a chair, with a pile of fashion magazines stacked aside. Instead of being in a daze, she closed her eyes and fell asleep, with Perkinz, who had the strength of the Knight King class, beside her, she could rest at ease and enjoy the feeling of deep sleep.

"Why sleep?" Perkinz asked now.

Hilary replied, "Because you're here."

"Okay." Perkinz smacked his lips and resisted the urge to wake up Lisuman.

He moved his body at this time, and when he obviously wanted to say something, there was a "sizzling" sound from the living room, and the movement stopped immediately. His and Hillary's perceptions locked in immediately.

"It seems that Cassia has arrived at Delya." Hilary said, "The drawing of the red star has arrived."

"Here comes the trouble." Perkinz got up, "Go and have a look, actually, I am also interested in the current situation of Red Star."

"I'm also interested." Lisuman opened her eyes at some point, and said suddenly, "Sure enough, I still can't sleep."

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