Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2166: Feast before the big rainstorm (16)

Danger perception went to Sebor's head one step earlier, and had long expected that the enemy would attack when the perception of darkness disappeared. I just felt the huge heat rapidly approaching myself, and a solid fire column was drawn in the recovered perception, showing a diverging cone shape, the diameter was still expanding, and it slammed into myself.

"I can't escape!" A subconscious thought appeared in his head, and Sebor's thinking and actions did not stagnate or hesitate at all. The feet and the right arm touch the ground instantly, and the muscles seem to need no preparation time, and they have already swelled and accumulated strength. At the same time, the dark red scales that had been erected on the back also shot out at this time, like an aerial bomb, all of which were thrown towards the blazing white fire column that hit him.

The bright red obscured the blazing white color in a moment, and the solid breath fire column was torn apart under the explosive power of the imitation red mercury scales. Purchased precious time for Sebor.

The silent explosion concealed a muffled sound as the ground sank, and the drawbacks of running fast were fully revealed at this time. Sebor could only be refracted at an obtuse angle, as far away from his current position as possible, out of the range covered by his breath.

In the loud "dong" sound, the breath hit the ground to cause an explosion, layers of flames rolled back, and the shore slapped around like a wave.

Sebor was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but his tense body and spirit had not yet relaxed in the slightest, but he noticed that instead of disappearing, the blazing white fire column that hit the ground expanded further. At this moment, he directly followed his moving figure and melted the ground to pursue. come.

"What are you doing?" He wanted to ask such a question, but he didn't have time to roar. The dark red scales remaining on the body shot again, tearing apart the pillar of fire briefly, blocking its momentum. His body was refracted again, and he felt that there were still a few scales on his body with the properties of a solid red mercury bomb. At this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of regret.

The regret was emptied the next moment, and Seboer stopped thinking about other things. When he shifted his position and pulled out the flare gun, he suddenly found that this time the fire column broke through the explosion barrier, and it seemed that it took a little longer to keep up with him. But there is nothing abnormal in the perception, the pillar of fire is still the pillar of fire just now.

There is no joy in his heart. The enemy's attack is about to disappear, which is not good news for him now.

The abnormality of the subconscious made him instinctively expand the bioelectric stress field to isolate the danger that was about to arrive. Immediately, a dagger with a scorching temperature flew out of the flame. Its high temperature and the temperature of the induction force field caused it to emit a dazzling white light. When it approached Sebor's head, the scales on it immediately exploded in a directional direction.

More than a dozen "clang clang" sounds, the dagger deviates from its trajectory, and when it deviates and submerges into the ground, an electric light twists from a distance and falls to the side behind him. The pillar of fire also suddenly disappeared at this moment.

Thurbolton let out a breath and kept moving erratically, away from the place. The flare gun was triggered, and a bright flare popped into the air, obscured by the smoke and surrounding flames that were not fully extinguished. But a high-speed object flew by, making a "chichi" sound and knocking it down directly.

Before he had time to think about something,,, Sebor saw a dozen dazzling silver-white rays of light suddenly appear behind him from a wide angle of view, like shooting stars. Not the pillar of fire, he immediately had a judgment. At this time, under the dual action of sight and perception, he saw that more than a dozen silver-white scales were being rapidly heated by his own induction force field, but there was no sign of melting—

"The scales of the ultimate alloy,,, is this the reason why his skin is not normal and fair?" I felt that I had grasped the point, and I also knew an important piece of information, "I knew this was the reason earlier,,,"

In the next moment, all the ordinary scales that had just grown on Sebor's body were centered on him, and directed lasing explosions towards the outside. Powerless to stop, only a few scales were slightly changed direction, dozens of extremely high temperature scales still penetrated the body and limbs, leaving a hole the size of a baby's fist; or hit the bone and stayed in its body, leaving surrounding small pieces of flesh and dirt Organ tissue is ablated into coke.

His body, which was rapidly changing positions, was suddenly stagnant, his right hand and left leg had lost most of their strength, and he could only rely on his right leg to move. The body stood upright at this time, and the balance was still excellently maintained. Sebor disarmed the induction field and jumped on only one leg.

"Dong, dong, dong!" But at the moment when the induction field was released, Sebor felt the danger of his life, and his intuition came down at the same time, reminding him that death was rapidly approaching.

The next moment, when he had to deploy the bio-inductive stress field again, six 20mm caliber bullets using the same ballistic line chased after him, and immediately melted and evaporated in the inductive force field. But before the sense of urgency has disappeared, another wave of sense of danger has already arrived - the eight dazzling silver-white rays of light that are exactly the same as before bloomed again, and then penetrated through his chest, leaving a hole that was almost connected. The heart is also missing more than half.

"Ah!" Sebor shouted helplessly, full of helplessness that he didn't know and couldn't deal with the double attack. Two of the three pupils in the eyes disappeared at this moment, and the only remaining one was also on the verge of dispersing at any time.

When his body fell forward under inertia and hit the ground, the time and space around him seemed to have a momentary stillness - the flames, the dark red smoke, the turbulent air slapping each other, the twisted air, etc., were all frozen into one. Poor quality painting that is not artistic. An inexplicable breath was released from his body and quickly spread into the distance.

The breath was followed by a shock wave formed by the energy overflowing from the body. After leaving Sebor's body, it quickly dissipated and disappeared, but still isolated a hemispherical space about 20 meters in diameter. The flame was extinguished in it; the weight of the smoke belt should not belong to it, sinking to the ground; the high temperature of the environment decreased, and the molten ground not far away lost its bright red luster, and solidified into a black dry cracked block in the blink of an eye.

"Boom!" The deep-sea giant monster-like heartbeat resounded, and the ground, air, and smoke shook and transmitted to the four people including Cassia and Keburo.

"Boom! Boom!" The heart beat instantly intensified, and a large area of ​​bright red eroded Sebor's entire body, as if it had become fuel, burning violently. At the hole penetrated above, the carbonized material fell off, and pieces of foamy proliferative tissue expanded, filling the hole. In the holes on the chest that are almost connected together, you can even see a brightly colored beating heart that has grown back at some unknown time through the gaps that have not been healed yet.

In an instant, except for the severed left arm, all the wounds on Sebor's body appeared to be completely healed. In the blink of an eye, a layer of delicate, delicate oval scales emerged from under the large expanse of new skin, obscuring the bright red and the fact that the body was burning like fuel.

"Phew—" Sebor inhaled, and the smoke was pulled and rushed towards him. Then spit it out, the pressure generated stagnates the smoke that is about to arrive in front of it, and then pushes forward and rolls back, like several waves of slaps, slowly advancing for more than ten meters before exhausting its strength.

He touched the wound wrapped by the **** body on the shoulder of his left arm. He was about to die, but at the moment he was reborn with visible sadness and no joy at all.

The experience at this time was amazing, full of undeniable comfort, more than ten times more attractive than the sports in the top hotels in memory. He has been tempted and tempted to stay here, only to keep moving forward, not retreating.

But he was very aware of the current state. It was a decision made when he was on the verge of death, after the combination of self-suggestion left in the past, consciousness, and instinct. It is true that he has regained a new life, but 99% of them have lost hope of staying in the future. For the remaining one percent, he chose to leave it to his own luck.

Sebor glanced at the scale-covered right hand and sighed. The great emotional fluctuations recovered a little at this time, and he began to perceive. Although he entered the fourth stage for a short time, there was a level difference between the perception and perception of the previous second.

The perceived darkness created by the imitation red mercury explosion didn't go away, but it didn't affect him anymore. At this moment, he was finally able to see the target of this plan, which was also the enemy, very clearly. He saw a figure moving slowly, every step and every action taking place in the gap between the airflow and the smoke, blending well without affecting the environment.

It's just that most of the enemy's clothes are torn. On the skin, nearly half of it is wrapped and protected by **** body, and the remaining half is covered by charred shell, which is healing and falling off at a fast speed. The only intact parts are the front and back of the chest, the neck and the head.

He felt the enemy's breathing, the extremely weak heartbeat, and the almost non-existent features of the visceral tissue.

He controlled his eyes, and saw the enemy came to the side and stopped dozens of meters away, turned his head gently, and looked for something. In less than two seconds, the enemy bent down and pulled something out of the dry dirt on the ground.

Sebor strengthened his perception, and was not worried about the enemy's detection at all. Because in his cognition, the enemy did not notice the possibility at all - the enemy threw off the excess soil at this time, and what remained in his hand were two pieces of flakes.

"The scales of the ultimate alloy,,," Sebor subconsciously thought of the limbs and the hole in his chest. Then, he quietly watched the enemy wipe the scales with the few pieces of clothing left on his body, and then pressed it against his chest. In the blink of an eye, the two scales were recovered,,,

"There are less than forty pieces in total,,, but myself,,," There was more sadness in his heart, Sebor seemed to understand at this moment, the real-time analysis and reaction of the enemy's powerful places in battle. The breath fire pillar is just a cover. Ficino's short sword, large-caliber revolver, and these few scales, the change after combining with each other is the main reason for his failure.

Thinking of the mixed attack of blue-silver bullets and scales just now, the helpless pace that made Sebor stop.

"There are still nine seconds, cherish it well,,," the words are full of kindness, "After nine seconds, you can also feel that unique feeling."

At the same time, there were questions from Kebuluo and the others. They all felt the unusual aura just now, and it was no secret that they briefly entered the fourth stage. Still no answer, Sebor stood in the darkness of perception, and he could even "see" Vaspia's superimposed perception, as well as the powerful perception hidden behind the enemy's simulated environment.

"Vaspia may only be able to surpass the enemy in the extreme state. Two different routes, now the enemy has the advantage." Waiting for the passage of time, he felt a little bit of comparison and evaluation.

"Five seconds,,,two seconds,,,"

"One second!" The timer fell in Seboer's heart. When the arm was raised, the scales on it and the front of the body were all erected, and dark red was poured into it. In the sound of "susu" breaking through the air, dozens of elliptical scales Flying out one by one, following Cassia's movement trajectory all the way, even if the speed is very fast, it completely covers it.

The power was even stronger, and Sebor saw that the enemy was attacked by the shock wave, the **** body shattered, and the charred skin that had not yet fallen off also cracked. Then dozens of scales were connected, predicting all movable positions, and bursting again.

The next moment, the bright red light of the explosion disappeared, and he saw that the enemy was dragging his body and moving erratically, rushing towards the river bank. Sebor once had an illusion, as if he saw himself just now.

"Don't you like to attack with scales?" Seboer said, following closely behind Cassia, in a shooting game, the dark red scales flew out one by one in an orderly manner, deliberately not hitting the enemy who had slowed down , only exploded nearby, hitting the body that was getting slower and slower with shock waves and heat waves.

As if he was powerless to fall down just as he was just now, Sebor drew closer, but stopped in the middle. Because an intuition struck, telling him that there was danger ahead. But the stagnation was only for a moment, and he finally stepped forward, leaving only a few dozen scales to stand up, and more to fit the body.

In less than two or three seconds, he was standing beside the enemy who was panting irregularly.

"I'll give you nine seconds. UU reading" Sebor said, dozens of scales shot out and surrounded them in the shape of Cassia lying down. The next moment, he suddenly realized that thinking was directly disconnected from his body. In the corner of the angle of view, a silver-white light flashed, and at some point, an art-like tail covered with sharp scales had wrapped around his neck, and the induction force field could only heat it up rapidly.

And this tail has cut off the spine at the neck without any hindrance.

"Enough is enough, but I seem to be too cautious. The performance has really become a part of me. It's not good." Cassia's breathing stopped at this time, and the **** body and charred shell on her body were completely cracked, revealing the layer that was not damaged in the slightest. Fair skin, "First, thank you for creating a huge darkness of perception, and the other three have no chance to escape; second, it should be a little disappointed. It seems that none of you who have actually entered the fourth stage, even if you have The ability to briefly enter the fourth stage is there, but in terms of application understanding, it is still in the transition stage, and it will not adapt to the high-level intensity level all at once.”

"But it is enough. If you are like this, other people are probably the same. Knowing this information is a windfall for me. At least if it is someone else who has enough information, it is not impossible to fight against you, although the cost It will increase by a dozen times. However, the scales of the imitation solid-state red mercury bomb did surprise me for the first time.,,, If the information is poor, there are no corpses left."

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