Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2015: Rehabilitation of the Spiritual Body (Part 1)

In the afternoon of the next day, Sicia and Hilary Riley, under the covert protection of General Pullman and Adolf, who were in a cheerful mood and always had a smile on their faces, handed over to the team that organized the delivery of dragon blood, medicine and weapons.

The process is very simple. There are only three people in the organization and transportation team, all of whom are high-level operators. Driving a truck somewhere between small and medium. In the past, the truck was parked on the side of the road, and the wiper had a ticket. Of the three escorts, one sat on the roadside smoking, one slept in the cab, and one went shopping for drinks.

I have to say that the acting skills of the three people and the performance of the truck driver are really good. Maybe it has something to do with the organization's own environment, and they need to hide themselves at all times.

Seeing Sicia and Hillary Reilly, the other party directly gave them all the truck keys, vehicle IDs and other things. Before the person who bought the drink came back, he politely asked Sicia and the others if they wanted it.

Of course it was refused. So the entire handover process, which lasted no more than three minutes, was over, and it was less than five minutes when the three of them drank drinks while walking along the road and gradually disappearing.

Hilary, as a temporary driver, drove the truck to the warehouse that Adolf had prepared in advance, but it only took more than an hour. Originally thought it would be a complicated handover process, requiring attention to many details, so that after the truck was officially turned off, Sicia, Hilary, and General Pullman spent time thinking about what they could do before the evening.

I simply counted and recorded the contents of the truck. A few people left and stayed at the nearest hotel, waiting for the results of Lisuman and Pekinz's investigations to return. At the same time, Cassia thought about the plan for the next half a month.

The materials he requested from the organization to send to the capital were not many, only thirty steel jars of dragon blood that had been concentrated several times, and the number of them was about a few hundred to help stabilize the operation stage and various tissues of the body. They account for the main proportion of this material, and the combined value in the lighting organization is the number of several experiments in a certain laboratory.

The uranium gold that Cassia gave as a gift is even less worth mentioning. If it's a deal, they're things on the table that won't be tasted by many people after the deal is done.

In addition, the rest are common weapons and equipment, and the specifications and quality are very good.

A revolver made by a mechanic with replaceable accessories and a caliber of 18mm is almost equivalent to a 20mm caliber cannon. In addition to the special platinum bullets with stable quality, the blue and silver bullets of the corresponding caliber must be among the supplies. There are also heavy sniper guns made by mechanics, which are weapons that Cassia really wants. In the three-stage circle of operators, in front of it, even operators who have developed the ability to perform scaling surgery can remain equal to others to a certain extent.

For the first month or two, Cassia has been thinking of ways to find a way to obtain the "hand cannon" weapons. This small demand has also been realized and satisfied by the organization. They are two hand cannons with a caliber of 35mm, which are both heavier and longer than a heavy sniper rifle. They are also equipped with special platinum bullets. But in general, the so-called hand cannon weapons, in Cassia's view, are more like two gun barrels that were dismantled from somewhere, and then they were processed at will and brought over.

But there are weapons that almost all three-stage operators can treat equally. As for how to aim, how to hit, etc., it is a question that needs to be considered later.

In the end, pneumatic weapons are definitely in the armament as well. But Cassia was more concerned about the ultimate alloy weapon made by the organization, a forged steel sword made in the shape of a holy sword. The senses are completely incomparable to the second-generation holy sword obtained from the volcano no-man's land. It is gray-white as a whole. As the ultimate alloy, the metallic luster is indeed dazzling, but it has lost its sacred feeling.

Compared with the weight of the second-generation holy sword, the forged steel sword made of Ultimate Alloy is very light and does not reach the level of the second-generation holy sword. But for Siciia, the weight is just right. For her who is far from being at the level of Cassia's previous level, the excessively high weight, Cassia's previous fighting style is completely inapplicable.

The other weapon was a spear that extracted data from memory—something owed to Hesley for a long, long time. Cassia has a blank piece of ultimate alloy in his hand, but he has never been able to find a place and a mechanic to process it, and various things that happened later made him have no time to care about it.

This time, with the help of the organization, the commitment was finally fulfilled after a few years. Although it was late, perhaps Hesley himself had forgotten the promise. But Cassia thought it was better because it would be a surprise. The unexpected and the surprise are often more pleasing than the promise. All that's left is to find a time to hand the spear to Hesley.

"After the test,,, or after Sisia goes to the third stage?" Cassia arranged the time after that. It won't take long, just in this half month. He remembered that the headquarters of the Arms Business Protection Network was in the country of Saint Viciu, and it would be easier to find Hesley.

But fulfilling the previous promise is one thing. What Cassia wants to do more is to use actions to inform Hesley, Delia and others, so that they know and feel that even if the current self can't really appear in them In front of him, but he has really returned, and he has always been around.

After the Southern Forest incident, people and things related to them will not be in a good situation. Doing so at least puts them in a better mood. Cassia doesn't think it's about regaining hope or keeping them going. But just to let them know that this time it really just needs to wait a little longer.

That night, Cassia and Sissia discussed a rationalized plan—to start the dragon blood absorption test under the transfer of body control early tomorrow morning, and adjust the results to enter the various time nodes of the third stage.

Among them, Cassia's only concern is the absorption efficiency and absorption quantity. In the past, he seemed to have no limits. Even if it was a whole adult dragon, he believed that he could absorb all the useful substances by the swallowing method. However, the side effect is that the weight may go to several tons, and the height and body shape will completely change in a period of time, becoming a little giant two or three meters high.

For Sisia, whether the absorption of dragon blood will meet the limit, Cassia is still uncertain, and the result will be obtained after the test.

At five o'clock in the morning, Hilary Reilly knocked on the door and came in, and Sicily ended her workout at the same time.

"Korkeva and Lina asked how long it took you to go back? Another ally has arrived for a few days, and they are all feeling bored now."

"Mr. Cassia will continue to be bored after he said it. UU reading He said that when I enter the third stage, there is a high probability that Mr. Kolkova's help will not be needed."

"That's about you and Cassia, I only need a moment." Hillary Reilly didn't care, waiting for the answer at the door.

"Twenty days later." After a few breaths, Sicia replied.

"Another thing, you made No. 0, who was looking for traces, appear in the most lively frontier of the empire, with a group of people and more than a dozen experimental subjects. It was in the neighboring country where Korqueva was located. He said no. Continue to follow, and several investigators have died. If you need to meet to talk about something, just rush over as soon as possible, No. 0 will not stay for too long." Hilary Riley turned and left, and closed the door.

"It won't stay for too long, but he won't leave the border of the empire." Cassia added, "Continue to practice, No. 0 is a backup plan to deal with the boss of the human trafficking network. If we can solve the problem ourselves, Then it will be your last exam project to graduate from me."

"If you can escape from it smoothly, you are fully capable of taking over the position of a monster in the Flame Alliance."

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