Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1994: The prerequisites are fulfilled one by one (above)

There was a buzzing in his head, and General Pullman found himself unable to think about anything.

Adolf stood up at this time and staggered. He took out the suddenly vibrating communicator, and the kind voice of Emilia Red Mans came from the other side, making his spirit instantly different from General Pullman.

He had at least other hopes, but General Pullman did not. Since the Holy Emperor asked him to contact Lisuman a few years ago, he hasn't seen him much. General Pullman knew the reason, so the real appearance of despair was helplessness - the Holy Emperor did not expect that Lisuman, who had stayed in the tundra for decades, would be so valuable.

The strength is completely unbeatable by General Pullman. After several years of contact, Lisuman has become familiar with him, and he can't run even if he wants to. The reason why he was helpless was that he had mentioned these things to the Holy Emperor several times.

"The most important quality of a person is persistence and patience." After hearing this, the Holy Emperor would become a kind teacher. The answer asked General Pullman not to mention the matter after that.

He used to be a star general in the empire and the military. He has been exposed to a lot of new information in recent years. It is impossible to know that Lisuman has gradually shown cooperation with the Kiraandi family in addition to his strength, which is also considered by the Holy Emperor. one of the main factors.

Moreover, Adolf who came here was one step ahead of him and fell into a mental breakdown. At that time, he also comforted Adolf, let him insist. Because there is really no way, he said, and it will be over soon. Only now and in the future, it is very likely that Adolf will comfort him.

General Pullman opened his eyes and looked at Adolf who was answering the communication. He thought that after the Southern Forest incident was over, when he learned that Lisuman did not escape to the tundra, but returned to the Imperial Manoma after more than half a month, he did not analyze anything at that time, and immediately said in his heart. The phrase "suffered".

"My predictions and foresight are still accurate." After saying in his heart, "It really happened", he consoled himself.

On the side, Adolf was talking with Emilia Red Mansions in code language. Every time he said a word, his face increased with a look, and finally he showed a smile that disappeared completely recently.


The communication was quickly over, and he took a deep breath and threw a hopeful "reassuring" smile at General Pullman. Then he looked at Li Suman, who didn't care about this connection at all, and focused all his attention on fashion magazines.

"Master Hongmang has news about the two remaining knights from the three major knights of the Holy Nation."

"My lord said that due to the tension in the frontier of the empire, there were new members in the team formed by the two knights. There were two people, one with obvious characteristics of a common country on the far sea, and the other from the religious country. Four people In the small country bordering the frontier of the empire, it is estimated that it has only arrived for a week, and the environment has not yet been clearly understood.”

Seeing that Lisuman still didn't respond, Adolf slowed down and increased his voice: "There are traces of the imperial hall of the Holy Emperor found in that small country. Lord Hongmang said, Miss Lisuman, the king's family Astus you are concerned about. , it also left traces of activity there half a month ago."

"In order to ensure the success of the operation, the lord said that an additional support will be sent. It is not specified who it is, but it will be notified after arriving in the surrounding small countries."

After speaking, it was an act of resting his breath, and Adolf's mood at the moment returned to the "good" level. General Pullman immediately added: "In this case, let's set off immediately. The partners of the dark world were around the meeting destination a few days ago, and the support of the Commonwealth of the Far Seas must be these days."

"After staying here for a long time, the two knights of the church may leave, and the worse situation is that the people from the Holy Emperor's Hall and the king's family Astus will rush to join them one after another. The power of the enemy Before becoming one, it is most reasonable to clean up one by one."

"Mr. Terry Weikang said it very well!" Adolf nodded again and again, and when he sat back in the chair, he was not directly leaning on it.

The two sitting looked at Lisuman at the same time. In sight, she spent more than ten seconds reading the magazine with the current number of pages, folded the footer in a corner, and then closed it. Found the communicator under a pile of clothes, she moved slowly, thinking about the composite radio frequency. Finally, she pressed the communication button, and a burst of electronic noise entered the ears of both of them.

After a breath or two, the connection was established, and on the other side came the familiar voice of Adolf and General Pullman. It was Emilia Red Mans who had just contacted.

"There are still things to be dealt with here. There is no need to worry about the concrete block and the two knights of the church. You can send the additional support a week later." Lisuman said naturally, completely Not like a negotiation.

"Yes." Hongmang replied without asking why. After that, the connection was cut off, and Lisuman threw the communicator on the pile of clothes she had taken out, opened the fashion magazine again, and continued to look with interest.

"Miss Hongmang said that the additional support will not be dispatched until a week later, so we will wait. It is only in our favor that the people from the Holy Nation join the Holy Emperor Hall and Astus. Miss Hongmang spent so much time. It takes a long time to get the news, they stay together, they don't have to go to them." She speaks of course, with good reason and right, and her attention immediately turns to the magazine.

Adolf, who was sitting upright, leaned back on the chair. The light that reappeared on his face and eyes just now was as short as a shooting star, and now it has completely disappeared. His dull eyes stared at the ceiling of the living room, and after a few breaths, his eyes closed.

Aside, General Pullman's eyes also closed. Both became serene and peaceful at this moment.


"Tomorrow, it will be a new year in the Empire, and Manoma will be very lively." In the living room of the villa that served as a temporary base, Hesley was sitting on the sofa, with a wisp of steaming black tea on the table in front of him.

Delia came out of the kitchen with a kettle in her hand and looked at the floor-to-ceiling windows as she brewed a new pot of black tea. It was snowing lightly outside, and it was not windy. There was only a thin layer of snow on the grass in the small garden in front of the villa.

"It's also the New Year tomorrow, it will be lively." Delya replied, the faint scent of black tea dissipated, "It has something to do with us? The cold outside the window is only separated from us by a wall of glass, but we just can't feel it. The same is true for the New Year, even in Manoma, nothing will change. I can be happier than the New Year when the head of the regiment is back."

When she made the black tea, a man wearing a winter hat appeared beside the fence of the villa's small garden. It was Waters. He lowered his head, his clothes soaked in the snow.

"It's snowing in several factories, and the construction progress will be delayed for another day or two. The prices of weapons and ammunition in the black market have risen a little more these days. I really want a few factories to be closed next week. It can be put into use and start production." He took off his coat and hat after entering the living room and put them on the hanger. He took a sip of the black tea brought by Delya, "Isn't it New Year's Day tomorrow?"

",,," Delia sighed.

Hesley laughed, glanced at the sighing Delia, and hurriedly imitated her tone and said, "It has something to do with us? The cold outside the window is only separated from us by a wall of glass, but we just can't feel it. New Year's Eve The same is true, even in Manoma, nothing will change. I can be happier than the New Year when the head of the regiment is back.”

"Ah,,," Waters was holding a black tea cup, and was taken aback by Hesley's words.

Delia let out a second sigh, shaking her head and pouring herself a cup of black tea.

Waters turned his head from side to side and looked at the two of them. He didn't understand what was going on, but his instinct drove him to say, "I'm just as happy, the head of the regiment is back, and I'm definitely better than New Year's. Happy."

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