Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1980: Blood and bite gear (middle) happy new year's day

"Applying to go to the frontiers of the St. Dorag Empire, the boss of the network is just going to solve it by the way?" Sisia analyzed this meaning from the words, "Many times, especially before the Thorn Bird training ground, the alliance "Monster"-Veranilia, the new "Ferocious Tooth" of the Crocodile Tribe. When you met her, you didn't think highly of her. You always said that finding a chance to beat her wouldn't be difficult. "

"Now, the owner of that human trafficking network seems to have a lower evaluation. The same is an alliance monster, but I always feel that your evaluation of him is still much lower than that of Villaneria. But you have only come into contact with the world of strangers. In two months, why have I realized more clearly and little by little that the gap between myself and them is actually very huge."

"Some things I absolutely can't do, many ideas, analysis of the situation, etc., I don't have these things at all."

"It’s just that you haven’t been in contact with the Strange World for long enough. It can’t represent anything at all. You have to be clear that whether it’s power, your thoughts, the analysis of the situation, etc., it will be in a certain period of time. Stagnant state, reaching or close to full value. You just need to know that you are changing all the time and growing." Cassia replied after thinking about it.

"Now you are a child in the world of the strangers. Facing adults, there is no advantage, and there is a gap. It is very normal. And the reason why the evaluation of Villanilia and the sales network boss is not high enough, think It’s not difficult to stop and clean it up. On the contrary, it’s something that can be done over time, and it’s also because they are almost at a standstill."

"If there were no sacrificial rituals, they would stay in the'stasis state' for a long, long time, and it would not necessarily last until death. And Kolkova would be a monster in their eyes. In addition, even with the help of Sacrificial ceremonies, they have not gained much growth."

"Don't forget, you are also a participant in the sacrificial ceremony."

Sisia sighed and nodded to show that she knew.

"Then what's the ‘more important thing’?" She took out the pistol and the plural bullets, put them on the bed, and then zips up the suitcase and put them aside.

"Milius, Hilary Li, Linna, and Sheila are four of them. You still have an impression, don't you?"

"They came here too?" Sisiah recalled. The appearance of four people soon appeared in his head, but only the appearances of Hilary Li, Linna and Sheila were clear, and Mr. Milius, no matter how many times he recalled, It always feels fuzzy. It's as if I didn't observe it clearly in the car.

Sisia thought about it later that the first two should be very powerful strangers. She followed Cassia's method-the amount of information observed from the opponent often represents the gap in strength. Whether it was Milius or Hilary Li, the information she got was zero.

"Not only came here, but also brought you a gift. You can look forward to it, and soon it will be the New Year of most countries on the mainland."

In the afternoon of the next day, with the help of Cassia and the makeup skills of Sisia as a woman, her face changed six to seven points because of various cosmetics. Afterwards, Sisia put on a pair of thin-rimmed glasses, pulled the suitcase to the street, and walked towards the corner of the city. The information collected and inquired in the morning showed that there was a place to connect with the dark world, under the cover of a construction material company.

Tell Corcovado that it is about three months to end the human trafficking network boss, and there is plenty of time. Waiting for the results of various arrangements and plans in the next step also gave Sisia enough time to complete more surgical project development. During this period of time, Cassia temporarily had the idea of ​​allowing Sisia to contact the world of surgeons more.

The weapons, state-controlled items, and intelligence transactions in the dark world are all she must know.

After asking Perkins to send out the letter on his behalf, Cassia also knew that the time for explaining his true identity to Sisia was not far away. Although Sisiah is very interested in the one he used to be, when he went to gather intelligence in the morning, he still wanted to ask the intelligence merchant from the side whether he had any information about him. But interest is just interest. When the actual facts come before you, there is a great possibility that there will be huge discrepancies between the situation and the imagined results.

The current self seems to be a second personality produced by a sacrificial ritual, teaching Sisia's theory of human body structure, firearms knowledge, etc.; correcting her training methods; teaching her in combat and instilling experience; Psychological and ideological guidance, no longer go the way she has walked before; and actively let her contact the world of the surgeon and talk about common sense issues; in the end, it is always protection.

For Sisia, the only student who worked hard, he seemed to be a competent, dedicated and serious teacher. But the premise of this matter is that he is really just a second personality, not as Cassia.

When the identity is chosen, the title "teacher" is totally untenable!

Even for a second-stage surgeon in a small country, after knowing his true identity, the word "boom" in his head would not be "teacher", but only "use" and "in order to avoid Let yourself die, that’s why it looks like a professional, attentive and serious teacher, so that you will not die, and will not affect my own life."

Sisiah's reaction speed may be a little slower, but it only takes one or two breaths to think about everything clearly.

Although Perkins and Hilary Li are on the sidelines, the initiative is entirely in his own hands. Perhaps it was in Sisia who saw the shadow of herself in the small town in the past, and Cassia did not want this to happen. It is for this reason that he is very serious in teaching and developing surgical projects.

He is the center of a vortex. On the side of the vortex, most of the sailing ships just want to use the rotating force of the vortex to accelerate the ship itself. And there are only a few that really want to get closer to the center and take oneself out.

In the empire, it is still unclear why he and Nuo are connected, because they are the vast majority of those ships. All of them would not understand the feeling of the self who had been swallowed by the whirlpool when they saw someone put down the shackle rope to pull themselves up.

It is precisely because of this feeling that in the past Cassia would use the hard-earned tuition on that car to exchange for a cancellation ticket belonging to Nuoer, then the current Cassia will also exchange other items for it. A ticket belonging to Sisia to escape the vortex.

Cassia knows very well that after coming out of the small city, he has changed too much. UU Reading www.uukakā has turned a lot of people into corpses, and some things sink to the bottom of my heart during the period, losing their traces. . But even so, sinking and losing traces can never mean that something has disappeared.

When he should show tenderness and light, he will not hesitate, nor will he be stingy in the slightest.


The cold current blocked by the Imperial Blanco Mountains is obviously much stronger than in previous decades.

A heavy snow came very early and encircled Manoma of the Empire ahead of time. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the newly repaired and renovated street lights on both sides of all streets in Manoma extended from the center points of each area and turned on on time.

Shake finished his cup of warm coffee and patted her rosy face with her hand. Then she picked up the notes and books on the side. After checking the time, she got up and went to the lecture hall of the Imperial History School which can accommodate more than a thousand people. . It is named after the first king of the empire and is called "Atoy's Lecture Classroom". It is one of the famous attractions in the history school and a fixed location for important lecture halls held every year before the New Year.


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