Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1917: Candidate cohort and adaptation period (medium)

Because there was no actual feeling in the simulation battle, I watched a short and unexpected simulation battle as a third bystander. Sisia was not affected in any way and returned to daily life under the reminder of Cassia that night. Status.

Her final result caused a small discussion in the training ground, and it came fast and disappeared just as fast. When the names of the three candidates for the "Thorn Bird" training ground were disclosed, the topic moved well.

The weather continued to get colder as the cold wind strengthened. Snow clouds lay across the sky, and the color deepened to lead gray was the fourth day after the simulation battle ended. At noon, the blizzard that most people expected began, and snow flew like fallen leaves in the autumn forest.

It was also on this day that Sisia received a notice to go to the management floor of the training ground. There, she, Chelsi and Nortonk got the corresponding formalities together with the new ID badge representing the training ground of "Thorn Bird". The same items include the password card in the room of the "Thorn Bird" training ground and a bank card from the Flame Bank.

There is an amount of 800,000 dollars on the bank card.

Every member who enters the Thornybird will receive a one-time monetary reward of 500,000, and there will also be a personal reward fee of 10,000 as a unit every month. And every time your status level is promoted to one level in the future, whether it is a one-time reward or monthly personal reward fee, there will be a qualitative increase.

The remaining 300,000 is the reward for the training ground here. Let the trainees of their own training ground go to Thorn Bird, which could have been written into the history of the training ground itself.

Several bishops and several high-ranking administrators all came. After handing over the items and procedures, they talked with Sisia, Chelce and other three people for a long time. The content is all about the latest information about the Thornybird training ground and their suggestions. Leaving here, they are the newcomers of Thornybird, and everything is a new beginning.

Chelse and Nortonk obviously had the help of the tribal family. They asked some questions that Cassia wanted Sisia to ask. It's all Cassia who is thinking about it recently and wants to get answers urgently.

The instructor and several managers said that they did not have exact information. The thornbirds always meet them, not the thornbirds, so the question cannot be answered effectively. Only in the end, a manager said something, which helped.

It's about the frontiers of the St. Dorag Empire and the small nations, where the fighting is getting fiercer. A few days ago, several hidden strongholds of the alliance were removed together, and nearly a thousand people died within a day, including several important members of the Nature Association, who were the commanders of the team who came to the alliance a few months ago, or Captains.

There were very few people who escaped, but they brought back very important information about the mysterious team confronting the Holy Emperor Hall, the Alliance, and the Common Country of Far Seas.

",,, are like several forces, including some of the Saint Dorag Empire's own forces, as well as people from small nations. There are also members of other organizations, and their identities are still being investigated."

"These are far away from you. And what you need to know is that the support team formed by the alliance has begun to move. The first batch of personnel has been on the way in the past, after a period of time, the remaining members will also rush over. It The impact on you is that a training ground like Thorn Bird may speed up the training progress and speed of its own students. This means that later outing tasks will be more than before."

One of the special airships at the Thornybird training ground arrived here after the third day. There are a total of seven airships, and they have already set off a few days ago. When the route is connected, it will go around half a circle on the map section of the entire Flame Alliance, picking up all the members who will go to Thorn Bird under this time node.

Prior to this, Sisia contacted the tribe and explained the current situation to the old butler Fuer, so that they don't have to worry. After leaving the training ground here, there will be some problems with resource docking. The contact also serves the purpose of informing the members of the tribe.

The resources of the thornbird far exceed the training ground here. For some low-level potions that are not used, Sisia can send them all back to the tribe.

The special airship is modified with a standard merchant ship, and it is full of rooms. Sisiah was almost half full when he boarded. When going to the cafeteria to eat, she was able to see all kinds of people, and from them, she was able to trust the previous words of the second personality more.

According to the words of the second personality in the past few days, half of the members of this airship are in the early stage of the third stage, and the latter stage of the second stage is the final bottom line. But even in the late stage of the second stage, Sisia could hardly feel the breath of these people anymore. The so-called powerful aura of advanced students that can often be felt in the training ground is indeed the same as the second personality said. It is not a manifestation of being uncontrollable and not knowing how to hide. It is not a strong proof at all.

During the time on the airship, Chelse and Nortonk visited Sisia once to discuss alliance matters. The opening was rejected. However, the three of them discussed some information about Thornybirds, but this time, no one had any conclusive information, and they could only be treated as psychological comfort.

On the sixth day after boarding the airship, in the afternoon that day, the announcement speaker in the corridor sounded a reminder that he was about to arrive at his destination. Sisia had packed her simple luggage. She looked out the round window. Several mountain peaks were cut off from the mountainside by snow clouds, like floating icebergs, the snow shining brightly in the sun.

This is a stretch of mountains, and under the snow clouds, you can see the high-wall-like mountains that rise straight up into the sky. The Spiny Bird Training Ground is located at one end of the mountain. A large building is built on the mountain, and all kinds of facilities are in it.

It is a city hidden in the mountains, which can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

When you go under the snow clouds, you will see a blizzard. With the dim light and large swaths of snowflakes, you can only see the outline of the mountains.

After ten minutes, the airship landed smoothly at the open air airport between the mountains. UU Reading At the same time, several other special airships almost landed at this airport together.

When going down the airship, there were staff waiting at more than a dozen exits, and a simple map was issued for every new member who came here. Only the location of the dormitory and a few meeting places are marked above. At the bottom of the map, there is a description that detailed information about the internal buildings of the training ground has been sent to the dormitory.

Sisia took out her identity card, read the number on it, and went to the corresponding venue to gather.

Tens of thousands of members brought by a total of seven airships quickly diverted in front of the airport, and each went to their corresponding area in a heavy snowstorm. Sisia was mixed in the flow of people and walked nearly three kilometers at the foot of the mountain, only to see a row of lights in the wind and snow that represented the gathering place shining.

The gorgeous red light was dazzling at this moment, like a bad omen.

"This posture is not like a way of welcoming regular newcomers." In the spiritual world, Cassia is still studying the green fluorescence that represents radiation, and already has some clues. Soon Sisia will be able to conduct corresponding experiments. . At this time, he looked at the surrounding environment and couldn't help sighing, "I hope I don't perform high-intensity tasks as soon as I come here. I still need some time."

"But after the transition, I hope that the so-called excellent training ground of the Flame Tribe will not let me down."

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