Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1908: Class actual combat explanation and "thorn bird" (middle)

"The Flame Alliance's choice to perform the sacrificial ceremony two years ago is definitely a preparation for the advent of the red star. The war may last for a long time, and it needs the younger generation to grow up as soon as possible to make up for the consumption of the early battles. The empire's round table knights attendants The distribution of the document probably also has this meaning in it."

"I have lost two years, and this time will continue in the future. What can I do now?" Cassia tried to think about what he can do in his current state. "The study of the mental body will definitely be carried out, but in addition to this. In addition, everything else needs to take into account the situation in Sisia. There is no strength, power, money, alliances, etc., there is only a weak body that needs to be exercised and strengthened."

"I can't guarantee that I will make Sisia my previous female status, but I do have confidence in letting him grow to be a top member. If you jump out of this training ground, the search for resources can lead to a path. But all the premises are Time that is not available at the moment."

Thinking about this, Cassia naturally thought of the top or elite members he had encountered in the past. Without exception, they are full of self-consciousness, possessing talents and at the same time possessing the level of effort not to lose anyone else. Almost all behind them are huge and well-known forces and families, and there will be no shortage of resources and various types of information. So every bit of time is the widening of the gap.

Only by compressing time can it be possible to catch up with and surpass such people. Or, wait for them to make a fatal mistake.

It's just that in Cassia's memories, the so-called fatal mistake was just met with him. When it comes to playing against other people, they will not make mistakes. Even if there is, it is absolutely impossible to be fatal.

Cassia was thinking about how he could break the situation. Afterwards, whether it was hope or not, it was only a matter of time before meeting these people.

"With the current strength of Sisia, even if you add yourself to the frontal combat, the enemy in the middle of the third stage is the limit. Even if you can rely on other methods to hunt powerful surgeons, the conditions are very harsh." Looking around the spiritual world full of cracks, The light green fluorescence is like snow flakes, falling down little by little.

In fact, apart from thinking about mental and physical things, Cassia also studied these green fluorescent substances. They were all the consequences of using uranium and gold at that time. Starting from this clue, an idea he thought seemed like a fantasy appeared.

The energy of uranium and gold can act on the spiritual body. Although Cassia doesn't know the specific principle, because in his cognition, the spiritual body is really what kind of thing, until this moment, he has not got the answer.

In the hypothesis, he treats the spiritual body and the spiritual world as a concrete thing, and this concrete thing can be affected by external substances. Among these things, the energy produced by uranium and gold is included.

Soon after waking up, Cassia was thinking, since uranium energy can affect and destroy the spiritual world. That means there must be some way to transfer energy to this. He thought in the opposite direction. Now that the spiritual world is still full of uranium and gold energy in the form of radiation "germs", if we can find some way to use this part of the remaining energy, what will be the result?

On the one hand, it can eliminate their erosion and destruction to the spiritual world, and on the other hand, it can help oneself recover. Going a step further, if you can find a suitable answer from Sisia, transfer the uranium into her body...

What Cassia missed most at the moment was his biologically toxic and corrosive blood, as well as his extremely powerful self-healing ability. Among the two, in addition to the support that requires huge energy, it is the radiation "germs" of the volcanic man's land that created the initial foundation for the two capabilities.

Falling into fantasy in the spiritual world, and seeing the effect if successful, Cassia is in a good mood. It can be seen that Sisia, who is running in the virgin forest of the training ground at this moment, has been struck off with a relaxed and happy mood.

"Whether you are running for a long distance or moving quickly within a few meters, you must ensure that you are within the average intersection of several ancient trees. Simply put, walking in a virgin forest environment, the route is absolutely impossible to be Straight line. Because it is necessary to move quickly between the intersections of ancient trees, it must be a curve-like detour anyway."

"In addition, you need to pay attention not only to the enemy’s position and movement, but also to perceive your surroundings at any time. You must be aware of the location of all ancient trees in a certain range around you and their approximate size. Only when you have this information, when facing an attack, You can immediately know where to avoid, and where to avoid, what level of firepower can be resisted, and how long to protect yourself under this firepower."

Sisia stopped at this moment, looked around very quickly, and immediately closed her eyes. She explained the information she had observed and analyzed in her head, but the time was close to two seconds later.

"Here, minus the time you spend thinking into specific language. UU reading, but the time it takes is still too long." Although it is a simulation of pre-war preparations, it can be used as a second personality for training in actual combat. Cassia did not lower any standards. He knows that the current Sisia is definitely not up to the standard, and a few days of practice will not bring a huge improvement. But it needs Sisia to feel the pressure firsthand.

"In the virgin forest, the control of sound and sight is extremely important. There are only natural sounds around. Once you are familiar with the surrounding environment, your hearing is slightly sensitive, and you can catch your heartbeat and breathing within a certain distance. This is also what I let you practice. Circumstances, especially the reason for forced suppression of heartbeat and breathing after strenuous exercise."

"On the line of sight, you still can't pay attention to 360 degrees all the time, so at the current time, you must at least perceive and control the back of the body, and the line of sight to observe the level of things in the range of more than 180 degrees in front of you. "

At this time, Sisia opened his eyes and went to an ancient tree. Sitting on the bare roots, he said, "It was okay at first, but as I rushed and captured more things, I felt that a lot of information was piled up. It's in my head. At this moment, I'm still processing the scene I wrote down a few seconds before, and distinguish the doubts in it."

"In the later stage of the second stage, the processing power of the brain can definitely meet the needs. It is because you are not used to it, and there are problems in the method of processing information. After more practice, this situation can be alleviated." Cassia explained one by one, here needs to be detailed , Related to the basic theory, "You need to record in your head what you have in the virgin forest environment as soon as possible, and turn common things-such as ancient trees-into a filterable model. When distinguishing, you need to subconsciously, and it can be regarded as correct. Oneself issues self-will-like commands. Take the ancient tree model as an example, actively filter them from the line of sight, or blur them out, to this degree, you can be regarded as the first step."

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