Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1905: The humanoid machine under the liberation of the body (middle)

For the next three days, as usual, I spent the rest of the exercise. During the period, the instructor came to Sisia several times to find out the corresponding situation. They said that the disappearance of narcolepsy may be a basis for resolving the sequelae of the ritual, which needs to be reported. Only when the instructors came back yesterday, it was no longer the point.

"It seems that there has been a breakthrough, and your situation cannot be used as a reference." The disappointment can be seen on the faces of the instructors, but it is not because of the failure to advance the sequelae, but because of the performance that the reward has failed. "Let you Train hard and strive to reach the third stage as soon as possible. The management organization of the participants of the ceremony said that most of the three-stage strangers are not troubled by the sequelae, and the best way to treat it is to rely on oneself."

"There is also a corresponding method, but there are a lot of resources needed. The participants of the second stage who are currently alive have begun to queue up. When it is your turn, they will inform you." The instructors came to Sisia for the last time to find out the situation. Said something like this. Without Kassia's reminder, Sisiah could understand the meaning of the words on his own.

I don't know if it is certain that the narcolepsy disappears, or other reasons. Sisia did not have any negative emotions because of the instructors' words, nor did he go to see the so-called "treatment queue number". The schedule for the past few days has not been affected.

The ease of mood gave Sisiah gradually a visible enthusiasm and motivation. Perhaps after gradually accepting those words of Cassia, she began to understand what needs to be done and what to think about now.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon that day, Sisiah sat up on the bed punctually and glanced at the time.

"Ten seconds left." Cassia commented, "You don't need to worry about this ability, you can practice at any time. As long as you pay more attention on weekdays, the second count will be very accurate afterwards."

"The time of combat evaluation is uncertain, and it is entirely subjective of the instructor. I repeat my reminder." Cassia continued, "After the body is liberated, it will be accompanied by a lot of energy consumption, and its mechanism is destined to have sequelae after use. Most of the muscle tissue is broken in various parts of the body, so it takes some time to recover. The process will be accompanied by pain throughout the body, you need to endure it, and I will not help you reduce your perception of pain signals."

"I got it." Sisiah exhaled, and while checking for missing items, he opened the dormitory door.

Snow clouds still cover the entire sky, and the cold wind still has no strength, only a slight air movement can be felt. The evaluation site is where you observe the battle. There are many hard concrete floors. Special cement is used, which is comparable to steel. The heavy machine gun shot up is just a small pit, which is difficult to be destroyed by man. At least the many students in this training ground.

The assessment site was already very lively, and the surrounding area of ​​the cordon that was pulled up was full of people. It is to collect information, or to learn things. In the battle assessment, the instructors will also take action to test the students' coping methods and various data, which is a rare opportunity for most students. Being in this training ground is destined to be in the time period from training to graduation, most of the students did not have the opportunity to accept higher-intensity outing tasks.

"A lot of people come to see Chelse Sack and Nortonk Lomonta." When queuing into the waiting area, Sisia said as he looked around, "It is already a candidate for the'Thorn Bird' training ground, as long as the results All are qualified and passed directly after the evaluation."

"Is the tribe speeding up the pace and progress of training?" Cassia is also watching the surroundings, but his goal is the instructors who have put on combat costumes. "The data is removed from the four top training grounds in the tribe,'Thorn Bird'. The training ground is already excellent among the remaining batch. Although there are more than 20 as good as it, it is no different than the number-named training ground where we are now. Too much."

"The vassals are constantly being screened layer by layer, and finally the outstanding people are gathered together to enhance competitiveness while ensuring the quality of the team when going out for various tasks. This can be treated like this. This should be a signal. The Flame Tribe will not tolerate the empty training ground. As many people leave from there, as many people will replenish it later. It is an opportunity and a visible danger."

"As you might expect, there will be no transfer of personnel from such a training ground at all." In the waiting area, he chose an open space, and Sisia did warm-up exercises like everyone else around him.

"If it is necessary to recruit personnel from the training ground here, it means that the situation is already very serious." Cassia replied. Sisia did not know the information about the red star, and it would take some time to tell her this.

Someone came to wait for the district to start routine inspections shortly afterwards. Because it is only an assessment, it will try to avoid injuries to the trainees. There should not be any steel parts on the body, and before the evaluation starts, many precautions will be emphasized. However, because of some surgical items or the wrong way of self-effort, injury is inevitable. However, the medical team was already prepared on the sidelines.

"Still a little nervous." On the side of the concrete battlefield about half a meter higher than the ground, when seeing his identity number displayed on the machine, Sisiah inserted the identity card and breathed a sigh of relief, "This seems to be a second personality. Your first fight, right?"

"Forget it, don't worry about me, I will protect this body." Cassia is not good at lying, so he gave a vague answer, "I have simulated in my mind countless times, you have to trust my simulation results, UU Read the book and the experience gained from it." During the conversation, the two had completed the handover of body control. Now it only takes two seconds, and it can be compressed again.

This time, Cassia exhaled, but the breathing method was different. For this battle assessment, Cassia deliberately recalled what he was like in the late stage of the second stage. Although there is not much reference value, he still did some research on breathing. Sisia currently needs to rely on breathing to activate the body, and cannot yet get out of the air.

Short and strong breathing, controlled by Cassia, almost invisible the ups and downs of the chest or abdomen. There were voices around, but it could not have any influence on Cassia. The things that can give him emotional swings in this training ground have not yet existed.

"Sicia Mandeville." The battle platform is a round platform with a diameter of 100 meters. As the instructor for evaluation, stands in another semicircle. At this moment, the information is checked for the last time. "Among the registered information, there is an ability called'body liberation'. ? Determine it here once, because the evaluation result will be involved. Is the restriction on physical output removed?"

"It can be understood as an enhanced version. This ability also has a good power-enhancing effect." Cassia replied. When the short breath is over, the heartbeat is controlled, and the speed and beating power suddenly increase, so that Sisia's face also begins. Flushed.

"Then I know." The instructor on the other side nodded, "Time is limited. Use your ability directly to fight me."

Cassia nodded and exhaled a long breath. On the exposed arms and calves, blood vessels suddenly swelled, and then disappeared. The next moment, the skin tore as expected, and brightly colored peristaltic muscles were visible below. Without bleeding, with the practice of handover control, Cassia has been able to fine-tune this body a little, and compressing blood vessels is just the first step in this kind of operation.

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