Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1896: Successive clearance and all-out (part 2)

"Surely there are huge risks, right?" Sisia suppressed her curiosity and replied after thinking about it. It is difficult to hear such words from the mouth of the second personality, because Sisia has always felt that he will be a very stable person, will control the overall situation, and will hardly do risky things. Under the **** of rationality, everything will be analyzed clearly, and after adequate preparation, there will be no so-called unexpected situations.

"The amount of benefit is often positively correlated with the danger, but the coefficient is hugely different depending on the individual." The second personality admits Sisia's guess, "but even if it is a greedy plan, you only need to be prepared and informed. It’s not difficult to collect data, and it’s not difficult to turn it into something unexpected. And it’s expected that the opponents of the simulation battle will be the group of people who will carry out theoretical assessments with you. If they are, there is actually no risk."

"And it's a plan, it's better to say that it's forced by the situation. I feel more and more that you and I won't have much time. Here may as well tell you, when observing and judging, don't just focus on your surroundings, but also go. Understand the changes and flow of the general environment. This training ground currently looks very peaceful, including you, all students are training, learning and resting in accordance with the established process. But don’t forget that the situation of the entire Flame Alliance can easily be affected here."

After hesitating for a while, Sisia knew what the second personality was worried about: "It is the people of the Natural Association who have entered the alliance one after another. At the same time, there are also members of the Holy Tenras Empire entering the Far Sea Common Kingdom at the same time?"

"Can it affect us here? According to your statement, the people in this training ground can't even reach the level of cannon fodder." Thinking of finally finding an opportunity to refute the second personality, Sisia felt very comfortable.

But this little thought was immediately seen by the second personality. Without feeling anything about this, the second personality can only explain: "Compared with the team that can really fight the enemy, the level of the students here can only reach there. But compared with the army composed of ordinary people, you are A killing weapon made of steel. In addition, as a team of surgeons, logistical follow-up also requires speed and saturation. You will not go to the front, but it is a good choice to follow the team for logistical support."

"I would like to remind you here that in large-scale battles, we and the enemy will prepare several teams for the logistics forces to hunt down logistics support personnel and cut off the opponent's supply network. Compared with the enemy facing the enemy, these are in-depth The team behind the enemy must be stronger and more difficult to deal with."

Sisiah breathed out a sigh, "In short, in your thinking, wherever you go, you can encounter life-threatening danger. I think it is the second personality that you are too cautious. These situations may be It will appear, but the probability is very low, and it is often the worst of all situations. After that, if I go to the logistics team, my team will definitely only transport some basic ammunition and food supplies, and hardly let the enemy specifically To cut off the necessity."

This time the second personality fell into silence. Sisia thought it didn't want to talk to himself for a while, so he could only change his clothes and go to a special place for physical exercise.

At the same time, in the world where the wreckage of the battleship is located, Cassia is indeed caught up in thinking because of a word from Sisia. He was reflecting on whether he was the same as what Sisiah said, and he was indeed too cautious.

I didn't think that caution would be a bad thing, but Cassia realized that in the current environment of Sisia, it seemed that he didn't need to use his previous experience to deal with it seriously. The people here don't have the careful thoughts of those enemies in the past, and what happens will only follow simple reasons, and will not be mixed up and down to form a complicated situation.

After all, the training ground where the students competed in battle was indeed the first time Cassia saw it and knew it. If military schools have such programs, there is a high probability that guns and cold weapons will be provided in unlimited quantities, provided that they do not harm lives. As for whether there will be a disability in the fight, the participants will not care, nor will the military school.

Compared with the outing mission, at least after the end of this project, you are indeed alive. And go out for tasks,,,

"Perhaps in a simple place, it will be faster to use a simple method." Cassia came to the result, "Some things can be known to Sisia first, and the effect can be slow. Competitors will not be here, and put too much thought on On them, it will affect the follow-up plan."

Soon after, Cassia's second special training for Sisia began in a stadium with many training equipment. They rarely use them. Most of the time, Sisia uses combination exercises as explained by Cassia. During this period, Cassia also collected data on Sisia's physical strength, speed and agility.

In the current time, Cassia can only allow Sisia to pursue a roughly balanced state. If you want to improve a certain aspect of the actual data alone, in addition to the promotion of the medicine, it also requires a certain amount of exercise time to maintain stability.

Two days passed quickly. On this afternoon, Sisiah, who had been specially rested, finished his physical activity in the dormitory. While talking with the second personality, he went to the firearms training site for the second assessment.

During the special training break, the two practiced physical takeover, while at the same time allowing Sisia to adapt to the feeling of separation as soon as possible. After that, Cassia needs deeper control, and the pressure on Sisia's subjective consciousness will be even stronger at that time.

Arriving at the evaluation site, a long line has been formed at the entrance of UU Reading At this time, Sisia has naturally become the focus of some people's eyes. Psychologically, there is no pressure for a long time, but when many people look over it from time to time, it will feel more or less uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the conversation with the second personality diverts a lot of attention. There is no need to worry about this evaluation. The next evaluation of affinity will be the point of conversation between the two. No longer suffering from narcolepsy, Sisia is more or less confident in it. Knowing how to assess affinity, Cassia believed that he could also help Sisia.

It's just that help is of the more violent kind. Cassia thought that he was more suitable for survival in the Flame Alliance before, and the main reason was that his own aura could deter most of the second type creatures. In addition, Cassia didn't know whether he was familiar with the young dragons, but if he could get closer or get in touch with the young dragons during the evaluation process, then he thought it would not be difficult just to pass the evaluation.

Even if it is a spiritual body now, Cassia can feel that many things have been preserved, including the two methods of Sukarius. And this is the main reason why Cassia hopes that Sisia can get in touch with the way to obtain dragon blood as soon as possible. Perhaps in addition to allowing Sisia to enter the third stage as soon as possible, the considerable amount of perfect evolutionary substances contained in the dragon's blood can also help him recover.

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