Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1883: Conversation and physical liberation experiment (middle)

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"No, we are just a simple employment relationship." Sisia replied calmly, "However, this mysterious employer has asked me to hand over things on her behalf." She took out the written and installed letter, and Sisia handed it to the man. I asked him to pass it on to Mr. Corqueva, and said that he looked forward to the next contact and meeting in the future."

The man took a look at the letter, and then carefully put it in his pocket: "Master Corqueva asked us to prepare several basic medicines. Do you need to count the quantities with us? I think this should be given by the employer. Your reward?"

"No, it doesn't matter if you have a slight deviation." Sisia looked at the man and pointed in the past. In a factory guard room where the moving door had been yellowed, several wooden boxes could be seen overlapping one another through the broken glass window. On a table with a little clutter.

At this time, the man turned around and glanced at the female members beside him. After thanking Sisiah again, he walked away quickly, and soon disappeared completely from his field of vision.

"Take these things back. You should know how to use them together. You need to supplement a lot of various substances. In addition to these medicines as an aid, I recommend eating more high-calorie and high-substance foods after a good rest. For example. The more advanced compressed food on the market, or food made from the ingredients of some second-class creatures." After confirming that the two had left, the voice of the second personality echoed in Sisia's head.

"In addition, the combined use of medicaments can be increased to three times the normal standard dose. This is almost the appropriate limit level that this body can withstand. If it is used according to the normal standard, a lot of time will be wasted."

Sisia felt that the voice of the second personality was getting weaker and weaker, and he had a strange feeling of listening to the last words: "Are you going to fall asleep again?"

"Because the dual intensity of your mind and body has not yet reached the standard, if you maintain a normal conversational state, not only myself, but also you will return to the previous fatigue. Narcolepsy will find you again. , The same can be said. This is the transitional consumption in maintaining the spirit, and it is not just as simple as doubling."

"You must have a lot of problems, but after rational judgment, it is not the time to have a long conversation. There will be such an opportunity in the future. In addition, from now on, it will not be easy in the future. You should know about the sacrificial ceremony. Side effects, this side effect still exists on you. If you don’t hurry up, you and I will both die under the side effects.”

"Do you have a way to solve this side effect? ​​Time is enough." Sisiah asked with concern.

"Information is limited. Most of what I know is based on what you already have in your head. This is the foundation. But after analysis, it is not impossible. At present, entering the next stage of the Strange as soon as possible is the most likely solution. It’s the most value to try.” The voice in his head became weaker, “Remember, unless it’s an emergency, don’t try to actively wake me up. The next time I wake up should be three days later...”


"Captain, this is completely different from our initial plan and the information obtained from the investigation." In the ordinary limousine, the two of the third team have changed into another set of clothes, and even their appearance is slightly different. Change.

The man steadily held the steering wheel. Even if there was no car on the road in the industrial park, the speed was still within the prescribed range: "That's why I don't want to stay here any longer. Is this the same for people who have participated in the sacrificial ceremony?"

"Could it be that the employer is on the sidelines, and we have not discovered the capabilities yet?"

"Whether it is Sisia himself or the employer hiding in the side, the breath that spreads at that moment confirms that this is not something we can study. It is no wonder that the adults will urgently dispatch us to deal with such small things. When the "monsters" generated after the Alliance’s rituals collide, I think we should be able to meet this mysterious employer or Sisia Mandeville again."

The woman agreed: "There are also the top members of the two superpowers. Miss Monica said that in three months there will be more than a dozen people in the alliance. There is also the Saint Dorag Empire, especially in some missions. The experimental body that appeared. The news said that the last time we met was a product that had been improved several times, but afterwards, we could only avoid it. There is no hope of victory alone."

"Not to mention the more famous Experiment No. 0 behind them. Both the Crocodile Tribe and the Flame Tribe were killed by elite members."

"Don't forget the Snake Wolf tribe. After all, he is a monster-level member who recorded the first dying ceremony. Experiment Zero is well-known within the alliance, and most of the reasons are due to this monster-level member. Good.” The man added, “But the ultimate victory is not determined by personal strength. It is as powerful as Cassia in the Santorage Empire at the time. At that time, Zero could only hold him down. But. It has been more than two years since the Dark Forest Incident, and now to see, ,, and are all high-ranking members to complete the final encirclement and kill, how powerful it is can be seen how terrifying. But it has disappeared in history."

"Strength is one of the essentials, but it is difficult to become a key point."

The limousine car merged into the highway, and the man glanced at the rearview mirror, and the steamy tower was moving away from them. He retracted his gaze, and the woman beside him just pressed the vibrating communicator connection button.

"Have you met with the hired? The sixth team reported to me the latest situation. Regarding the human trafficking network behind Coss, please don't contact, just finish the tasks in the mission. Tell her Information about the human trafficking network is permitted." Monica's voice sounded, "That network is not newly established, it has existed for a long time, Lord Corkva knows that it exists. But my lord I know this thing was six years ago."

"Nothing extra, Miss Monica." The man said to the communicator, "The employer is probably right next to the hired. We did feel the momentary horror. This may be intentional by the employer."

"Do you feel the horror?" Monica murmured to herself, and after thinking about it, she reminded, "I will report to the adults. You immediately return to the original mission. Regarding the midway transfer this time, the adults said that they have forgotten and treated as before. Never happened is the most sensible choice."

After a few words, the connection was broken.

"Captain?" Seeing silence in the car, the woman asked.

"The adults let us forget that we can't talk about it anymore. From such a branch, we can't see the overall arrangement, but it must be related to some important thing or person." The man replied, "After all, adults can Let us deal with it personally. The attitude is enough to explain a lot of things. Don't think too much, go back and continue to perform the task, the adults will let us forget, then we really haven't done these things."

"I know, this is our protection."

On the other side, Monica, who was cut off, has compiled the latest information: "It is four days after the third team returns, and the letter will arrive here along with it."

"There will be no important information in it. It will probably be polite words, which can be used to strengthen the relationship of allies without contact for a long time. Important things will definitely be explained directly in the contact as soon as possible. Mr. Cassia can It’s not that kind of cultivated aristocratic background. He wouldn’t do such useless things that seem elegant and polite.” Corqueva nodded and said that he knew, “As for the sales network behind Kos, you can continue to investigate. It is best to find out which forces and members are involved."

Monica stopped writing here: "Do you want to interfere?"

Corqueva shook his head, but the words had turned cold: "How do you think I knew about this sales network?"

"At first, someone cleaned it up because the network at that time was trafficking in human beings in large quantities, that is, slaves of various natures. Most of its sources were various mountain corners, or unknown tribes in barren areas. Of course, there are also Small-scale tribes, especially those small tribes that have provoked larger forces in the region."

"And there are professional intelligence agencies in this network that collect similar information around. They will actively and secretly contact the forces in various regions, saying that they can serve as free mercenary members to help them solve the problems that have provoke them. People."

"Take yourself as an execution tool, and the larger forces in various regions are trying to help them cover and eliminate their influence? Not only can they clean up the small tribes that contradict them, but also get a part of the benefits." Monica connects to Cole. Kwa's words.

"But this approach is probably only a part of it. They often act directly for no reason after confirming the investigation information. Any small tribe can be their prey. The third and sixth teams, as well as your investigation They have been carrying on information on trafficking in high-quality human beings all the time. Now it has become the main business of this trafficking network, probably after the last clean-up, they have become more cautious. After all, buyers of large numbers of people are not It will be people in the alliance. Most of the slaves will go to the gray area and then flow into other countries or small countries through various means."

Monica thought about it carefully at this time, but in her memory, she completely searched for information related to it less than six years ago.

"Don't think about it, the reason why this network was cleaned up six years ago was entirely because they sold people who shouldn't be considered as prey. Therefore, after angering some people, the cleanup action took place. As for Why would I know about this..." Kolkova smiled, "I was only determined to be the successor of the tribe at that time. I don’t have my current status and I’m not a core member. I traded with some people for resources. , So he secretly participated in the matter as the captain of one of the teams."

"The Lord asked to continue investigating this network, do you want to repeat what happened six years ago?"

Corqueva shook his head immediately: "I don't need this kind of thing to help me exchange resources anymore. It was only six years ago, even if the person who was offended did have status in a certain tribe, but this trafficking network The supporter behind it is not a casual member of any tribe. Keeping an eye on it can be regarded as making up for the previous regrets."

"My lord, don't you think that in the message that just came back, the person named Sisia Mandeville belonged to Mr. Cassia..." Monica looked incredulously and looked at Cork. Wa's eyes changed, she hadn't thought about it in this direction at all.

But Monica immediately changed: "Listening to the description of the two captains of the third team, Sisia Mandeville is indeed a very beautiful woman with the temptation to make people take the initiative to protect. Mr. Cassia Suddenly contacted us to help Miss Sisia... But I still feel that this is not very possible."

Corqueva smiled bitterly: "I have to say that your thinking is indeed much more divergent than mine. I have never thought about this possibility. You and I both know some information about Mr. Cassia, whether his true side is Whatever it looks like, it can’t be what you just thought."

"My purpose is very simple. I saw that this sales network had a connection with Sisia Mandeville, and Sisia is likely to have a deeper relationship with Mr. Cassia. So after thinking about it, I have When the opportunity arises, maybe Mr. Cassia needs information about this sales network and he can say that it is not necessarily. At that time, we offered some help on the sidelines and it was not something that we couldn’t do.”

"But everything depends on Mr. Cassia. In the past two years of the Dark Forest incident, he has not suddenly appeared until now. There are too many secrets and doubts in it, and we don't know how he is now. However, since it is Cassia Sir, I personally choose to unconditionally believe that he is definitely a person worthy of alliance."


In the evening two days later, Fore and other members of the family searched for the patriarch Muirfa for a few laps in Morgan City. After still no results, they all returned to the family residence.

The patriarch Muirfa and the rooms of the other thirty-odd people were all carefully searched under the meaning of Sisiah. Naturally, the basement never escaped.

Nearly 30 wooden boxes have been inspected one by one. In addition to all kinds of medicines, there are also some information about ability development and the corresponding special effect accelerators. The silver-white alloy box was also placed in a corner of the basement, and under the alloy box, Sisia found a password card and a piece of paper with the password. Compared with a certain book in the room, it is a page torn from above.

As for the things in the alloy box, Sisia, who had been in contact for a few months after the sacrificial ceremony, naturally knew its value. Comparing its value, Sisia’s concern is why this kind of thing is in the hands of Muirfa. It shouldn't be something that Muirfa can contact and have the ability and channels to buy.

"Go back?" Sisia muttered to herself while sitting by the bed in the evening. She herself thinks that this is impossible. “The second personality may be able to wake up tomorrow and ask it for its opinion on the matter. The evaluation of the training field, I don’t know if it can do anything about it.”

And how should we deal with the rest of the tribe? For a while, Sisia felt troubled.

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