Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1881: Evaporation, evaluation and buyers (part 2)

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The sky was gray and black, and the wind was blowing, with a large snow cloud appearing. The air is dry, and the cold wind can take away a lot of water from the skin.

At around 7 o'clock, the corpses piled up in the underground waterway were only mutilated bones full of pits, and clothes and other things were completely eroded by bacteria.

"There shouldn't be any major problems. When this heavy snow falls, there won't be any traces of us. Everything disappears and cleanly." The woman went to the man to report the situation.

"The sixth team is also about to arrive at Kos. It is expected that all the rest will be cleaned up by midnight tonight. Then we return to the original task and finish the finishing work, and then we can go back and rest for a few days with peace of mind. The man talked about what he knew, and then looked towards the Mandeville tribe’s resident direction. “Kase’s identity is a member of the population trading network in the dark world, one of the sub-cores, and he manages two areas. I don’t know if his death will have any impact."

"Find a suitable reason and report the existence of the trading network to the tribe?" The woman didn't think much. "Even if these connected areas are at the junction of Thunder Wolf and Flame Tribe, power and management are composed. The above seems chaotic. But they are definitely not equivalent to the gray area of ​​transition between countries. Population transactions are also not allowed by default among the strangers. There is a real gray area that cannot be removed. Do these things in a region under normal management. , Didn’t you trouble yourself?"

The man said with a smile that this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to solve simply: "It is not a large number of population transactions. The information obtained by several team leaders said that they are engaged in high-quality population transactions, especially women with a certain level of population. Strange, just like you."

The woman pointed to herself: "Then I hope they do have this strength."

"Captain, do you want to say that the lord asked us to come and perform the task urgently. Is it related to this sales network?" The woman thought of other things, "Miss Monica and we have both investigated the Mandeville tribe. The captain thinks it will Is there a relationship with the participants of the sacrificial ceremony in this tribe?"

"Sisia Mandeville? It has been almost two years since the end of the sacrificial ceremony. Many low-level participants died due to various side effects. Will the side effects end? Does the participants who are still alive so far mean they can survive for a long time? No, there is no clear conclusion about these. Buying a big price for a person who can be said to die at any time does not have any practical significance, right?" The man gave his own thoughts.

After thinking of the points of interest, the man shook his head: "Don't investigate too deeply. First, it doesn't belong to the scope of the task. Second, you and I know how much the sacrificial ceremony involves. Recently, people from the Nature Association have begun to continue. Arrived in a large number of alliances, no one knows how the situation will change in the future. This sales network has existed for a long time, if because of our inadvertent investigation, the adults will have a conflict with a monster after the sacrificial ceremony... This is not what we want to see."

"There is still some time to move a few boxes of basic medicine to the designated place, and wait for a short while to see if anyone appears nearby. Evacuate from here immediately afterwards," the man said at last. The more he thought about it, the more he felt uneasy. Because the mission itself does not have any sufficient information and reason, and not only within the Flame Alliance, but the entire post-phase continent is gradually transforming into a huge battlefield. In the next few years, a large number of people will migrate from the other two continents.

But the man knew that this was a direct order from an adult, and he would definitely think about more things. As long as he does not leave a trace when he executes the order, and does not involve other people and things, there will be no things he is worried about.

"This time the war under the red star should not follow the trajectory in history to drive normally."

On the other side, Sisiah was awakened by the knock on the door and the shout of the old butler of Fall, and immediately sat up on the bed. The first feeling is that breathing is smoother than at all times in the past year or so. Although the air is cold, it smells fresh. The second feeling, several hours of deep sleep, showed for the first time the rest effect it should have.

The physical fatigue has really disappeared, and the mental state is no longer the same as before—even if I wake up, I am still full of fatigue, and I will always be in a lack of rest. Sisia felt that she had returned to the months after the sacrificial ceremony was over, when she was full of spirit.

"Why..." Sisiah muttered to herself, breathing slowly, and then remembered that Fore was still outside the door. She got up and put on her clothes, but only when she wore it on her body, the blood stains under the skirt appeared. She immediately took it off and put it aside, and found a new set of clothes and put it on her body. After trimming her hair in front of the cabinet mirror, she let Faure in.

"Miss?" Fore's first sentence when he opened the door was still puzzled. It's just that this doubt is the result of comparing the state of Sisia yesterday morning. In Fowler's mind, this is the normal process of Sisia's morning.

But without thinking more about this matter, Fore immediately explained the situation to Sisiah.

"Disappeared?" After hearing Faul's words, Sisiah was surprised, "Maybe it was just because of something, the group left? After all, according to the old housekeeper, there are more than 30 people at the same time..."

"The shortest time is about one day. If you encounter obstacles, it will take less than three days to completely resolve it." Thinking of yesterday’s estimation of time after the "Second Personality", Sisia seemed to have found the answer. The surprise on his face slowed down and turned into thinking.

"Go to the scene to see, there may be traces left." Sisiah's words were halfway through, and she immediately changed her words. But when I walked through more than 30 rooms one by one, Sisia and the old butler and his party found nothing. Thirty people disappeared together last night, as if evaporated out of thin air. Except that everyone’s weapons are agreed to be placed on the table in a unified manner, UU Reading www. In some rooms of, there are even clothes taken off during rest.

"Old Butler, Fore, tell the rest of the tribe that everything should be done as usual. The patriarch and them are out for a group because of some things, and maybe they will come back in the afternoon."

"I see, miss." Fore heard something, and the worry on his face was immediately replaced by a smile. He originally thought that the patriarch had completely abandoned the tribe with that group of people. Now it seems that it is not the direction he is worried about.

When the time went to nine o'clock, Sisia went back to the room to take the letter that had been written before the rest last night, and then went straight to the garage. Fall was already there waiting for her.

In the limousine, Sisia took out a hidden pistol from under his seat, and while inspecting it, he said: "Old butler, on the way to Cherrywood Hotel yesterday morning, do you remember the steam tower of the Union Industrial Institute? "

"It's less than twenty minutes away, miss. But do I need to call some more people?"

Sisiah shook his head: "It's just a matter of determining in the past. If there is a real danger, the number should have no effect. During those hours in the training ground, I have seen many monsters."

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