Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1868: The ending, trendy and turbulent world (10)

"It's all over. This kind of thing that has been implanted in the body almost from the beginning of birth has been integrated with us. Without a strong spirit, it is impossible to notice. Of course, the beginning of everything is because this thing is also a fact. Without it, things will go very smoothly." Kara and the two people beside him went to the monitoring machine and checked the current data of Ye Jielin's body.

"Everything is normal, tomorrow you will be able to move normally in this airship." Kara said.

Ye Jielin thanked Kara at this time, and then asked her questions. It's all about the situation inside the southern forest, from the beginning to the present. Having been inside the enemy joint base, she did not know too much information.

"It's a long story. After you can move around normally, let's talk slowly." Looking at Ye Jielin, Kara has a lot of emotions on her face, "I need to sort out the corresponding information. You were taken from the Knights of the Round Table Take it away, until now sitting in this hospital bed, there is a long time span and a lot of information during this period. It is not a thing that can be fully explained in a few words."

"In addition, we are not out of danger yet. For some reasons, you are still a popular figure. Although not as good as Cassia, many big family powers will not simply let you go back. Now, there are many problems within the empire that require A clear answer, they think you can provide such an answer."

"Provide?" Ye Jielin snorted, but there was no follow-up.

Kara knows Yejielin’s character and she is not in the same direction as herself. She did not say anything about it: “We will probably stay on this airship for a few more weeks, in the form of a merchant ship in all parts of the empire. Circulation. Although the incident in the southern forest is over, the finishing work will continue for a while. When no one comes forward and lets the whole incident be pushed into the dark, I don’t think we have the need to show up. That’s too dangerous. "

Ye Jielin thought for a while: "What happened during the period of the powerful tranquilizer?"

While speaking, Sanna walked in with new information, but it was just a few color photos printed out. Kara took it and gave it to Ye Jielin: "It is these aurora across the sky. When we accessed the dark world information network for the last time to obtain information, all the families and companies of the four forces began to act accordingly, including the Webley family. This is also the reason why I didn't let you contact my family in the first time."

"It's also caused by... Cassia?" Ye Jielin's words suddenly seemed lost. The thought movement at this moment made it clear to her that during the nearly two-year blank period, there was a huge deviation between Cassia in her memory and reality. Cassia must still be Cassia, but there are so many things that I don’t know and don’t understand.

When Ye Jielin's mood stabilized, Kara continued: "Perhaps it can be said that shortly after the appearance of the aurora, it ushered in the retreat of various forces inside the southern forest. We who have been on the periphery also caught the signal at that time, so we found about you."

At this time, the sound of the monitoring machine became a substitute for the sudden silence of a few people, and it rang in this room, not silent.

After a while, Ye Jielin looked at Carla: "Is there any latest news about Cassia or Southern Forest? Or, can I get some information?"

Seeing Kara shook her head, Ye Jielin seemed to mutter to herself: "It is indeed dangerous. All the forces from the four parties are dispatched. With their control of the empire, as long as there is demand, they can find a little trace, and then dig out what they want. thing."

"That's why we need to wait for this period of time to pass. At least someone can end this state. That's when we reconnect with the Empire Information Network. It's not very clear about the time, but it shouldn't be more than a month or so. When the knight king of the Chira Andi family returns to the empire, what should be resolved, what should not be resolved, will be finished. And we..."

"Keep waiting, all we can do at present is just this, and there are more things that need to be handed over to us in the future." These words are similar to comfort.

"Get a good rest," Carla said afterwards, and the four of them left the room together. Ye Jielin was lost in thought, not knowing how long it had passed, perhaps only a few minutes, and the door of the room was opened again. Cara came in with food, alone.

In this regard, Ye Jielin did not seem to be surprised: "It seems that you also have a lot of things you want to know about me."

"Indeed, otherwise, relying on a modified commercial airship to come to the Southern Forest, based on my creed of survival, I would never do it." Pulling a chair over, Cara will put a tray of food. Placed in the corner of the bed, "There is still a lot of time, we can have a good conversation."


The huge rainstorm continues. Over the southern forest, the weather is constantly changing. Blizzards, hail, and heavy rains, whether alone or mixed, without the intervention of high-level surgeons, for this huge virgin forest connected as a whole, its self-adjusting power is also It cannot be subverted by an extreme weather.

From the beginning to the end, the black clouds across the sky lost their color and became thinner until they were finally penetrated by the sun. Two weeks passed. All traces have been washed away. In those areas where the huge tornado storm freezes, a large number of pieces of wood have been covered with soil, and new shoots from the ground, or some bare rhizomes that have not yet completely died, have begun the first part of their long life cycle. step.

There is no follow-up here, and the withdrawal of all forces can be described as decisive and thorough. The remaining materials are either sealed in the camp under the ground, or destroyed artificially, waiting to be eroded by nature.

No one came to investigate the traces of the battlefield. At the moment of evacuation, this place may have been the default restricted area for a long time, and no forces will have any interest in this place.

In the area where the original joint base was located, several old base sites in UU Reading have completely disappeared. Some creatures have come and destroyed this place again. When looking for something, a huge pit was dug together with the ground. A lake replaced the former site of the Joint Base, and all that can be seen now is a lake shining in the sun, with slight ripples, burying everything that happened here.

But no one cares about the changes here, the vibrations within the empire still continue, and the surface does not seem to be calm anymore. A large number of conflicts broke out among the search teams of various families and forces, which became the carnival of another group of people. The group of people who evacuated from the southern forest fell into silence.

They need to be quiet for a long time, but the liquidation has begun to show signs. In order to cope with the return of the third generation of the knight king of the empire, basic sincerity needs to be done. Even if it doesn't work.

The squad conflicts between the various family forces began to escalate a few days later, and the Imperial Council began to mediate with this time, and held an early meeting on the supplementary proposal of the knight attendants to divert attention. With this as the node, the conflict is finally suppressed and hidden in the darkness, but there is no smell of stopping there.

The aurora that represents uranium and gold will eventually shroud the sky over the empire for a long time.

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