Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1848: Non-human form, uranium gold and resonance (2) combined

"Who would dare to treat him as a three-stage surgeon?" Hilary Relli asked, looking around with a sigh, and Noroska warned each direction.

Nonoska snorted: "There will be no few people who will do this. The entire three-phase continental plate, among various systems, from the three-phase to our field, the probability is too low, and there is no one confirmed yet. The method to mass-produce four-stage surgeons. The psychological excellence and rights that result from this can be imagined."

"And it's the same thing as self-suggestion. Let the body accept the order that Cassia cannot be underestimated, not just know it." Amidst the emphasis, Noroska exhaled and released the pressure accumulated on the body in a short time. The closer I get to Cassia, the more cumbersome new information emerges when he observes the reality. Fortunately, we are in the fourth stage. Even if we encounter various unknown situations, the induction force field can gain a little critical time." Norsca looked at Hilaryly and asked seriously: "Can you imagine Cassia at the same stage as us? Or if we are in the third stage at the moment..."

After thinking about it, Hilary Li replied: "In either case, a small half of our members must have died. As for whether you and I are among them, there is no need to analyze it. However, as long as we are sure that we do have the surgical stage. The advantage is enough. If you think too deeply, you will fall into it, Nonoska."

Seeing that Nonoska did not speak, Hilaryrie took a few deep breaths in small movements. She knew in her heart that the main purpose of Noroska talking about these things with her was not to discuss the target Cassia, but simply because she was forced to remember the memories of the voyage and wanted to talk to herself and divert part of her attention.

Those thirty years was indeed a torment. The fleet has sufficient firepower, with five-stage surgeons for strength support. But when he returned to Islam, the losses were still heavy. The death of most members is not enough to cause a mental burden. What frightens people is the unknown, and the inexplicable undetectable. It seems that from the beginning of their voyage, some things are attached to the established time node, as long as the time arrives, it will happen, there is no way to prevent it.

What Nonoska feared was this unpredictable inevitability. This time, he captured roughly the same feeling in this incident, making his mind confused.

The eyes can see more violently surging clouds. The gray-white clouds are gradually turning into heavy fog because of the falling clouds.

Nonoska did not continue to be immersed in self-thinking: "The cloud column attracted the attention of most people, but also blocked some people. Mr. Cross estimated that there were four to five people following Cassia, all of whom were selected. It takes time for Chilman to keep up, and Cross needs to keep hiding. He shows up when necessary to achieve the best results. Although it won’t be long, you also need to be careful.”

"Does the tornado storm protect Cassia and others, but also protect us?" Hilary Li heard the meaning of the words.

Nonoska nodded and said: "Because you can't hide anymore, meeting is a real fight. Letting the members chased by or protected by the other party become corpses is the easiest and fastest way to eliminate obstacles.

There was thunder in the air, and Noroska and the others caught the white light that passed through the clouds. This is not the edge of the disintegrating tornado storm, but the movement of the concentrated fire bombing of the Holy Royal Hall is not far away. The cloud gas then fell like frost powder and gradually faded.

It was at this time that Cross, whose voice had disappeared for more than half a minute, sent the latest information.

"The second category of creatures has feedback, and we proceed as planned. It is the front left of the joint base, with a total of four people around, one of whom is walking forward with Cassia on his back." Cross briefly summarized the main situation, "On the other side, the cloud and gas column has not collapsed. However, someone noticed the abnormality. The two captains of the Common Ocean Country are returning. Ms. Spider has stepped out of the tornado. She will set up traps in an area. Tell Chilman, he will meet with you from time to time, Nornos Mr. Card."

"According to the information sent back by Ms. Spider, the situation outside the tornado storm may not be better than inside. She was attacked when she went out. Perhaps Cassia informed her members of all the anticipated circumstances before the transaction. , And then agreed to use a certain phenomenon to explain which situation occurred. The people in the Saint Royal Hall are currently gathering from various places. Please be prepared for the short time when you go out."

"From the analysis of the current signs, after the dragon successfully took Ye Jielin away, the information we collected before depicts what Cassia looks like. The current Cassia is a multiple of this image. Cold-blooded, violent, and The most important reason. You must be vigilant!" Cruise said these last few words to everyone.

After rushing for several kilometers with Nonoska, Hilaryli spoke in a complex tone: "It seems that we liberated Cassia by ourselves, and indeed exchanged the most promising method for him to evacuate quickly from here, but There is no psychological burden at all... it's not good news."

Nonoska shook his head: "Don't think too much, now is another stage, and this is the optimal solution. The power balance of the five-stage surgeon is out of balance due to the advent of rain clouds. The Holy Royal Hall urgently dispatched additional personnel, but absolutely Can’t keep up with the point in time when the balance completely collapsed. In the current situation, why don’t you think that Cassia has finally returned to what we are familiar with and can use the results of previous analysis to make some response? This will not be bad news."

Faced with Noroska's optimism or psychological hints, Hilaryrie didn't know whether she should be happy or worried, but she didn't think too long about things that could not get an absolute answer.

The surrounding environment is changing rapidly. The left side of the joint base is not on the battle line of ground teams, and the craters are much sparse. There are more old trees, and the color has been distorted due to the landing of the tornado storm. The explosion and vibration caused by the rush caused the ancient tree to make a "click" sound. The strong wind failed to clean the snow on the tree canopy, and they fell in large groups at the moment.

"Boom!" The distorted colored leaves fell like sharp pieces of glass in front of the two of them. Some small ancient branches broke apart, before they touched the ground, they disintegrated into pieces by themselves.

"It's a cloud of frost and powder, which brings all the remaining frozen air from the tornado storm to the ground." Nonoska removed the protection of the induction force field, and his face was suddenly covered with water droplets after the body temperature melted the frost powder. The hair froze to grayish white, and he exhaled a big breath, only then reopened the induction force field.

The "click" sound became frequent. A large number of leaves and branches broke and fell into pieces. In the visible field of vision, snow and frost are all over, a scene of dead silence. The huge ancient tree was crumbling, without any preparation, when the two of them caught the external flashing explosion fire, it collapsed in pieces.

The two are agile, walking through the broken pieces of the ancient tree. The field of vision gradually became clear, and the clouds faded away. The speed of the two of them did not change, and in the blink of an eye, the background of the gray field of vision was completely transformed into a dim black with sparkling fire. The huge ancient tree instantly pounced from the front of the field of vision, and the air was cold, with a faint smell of gunpowder smoke.

Several huge mushroom clouds rose not far away, and countless ballistic lines were shining against the background of gray-black clouds, attacking from another direction, bombarding those mushroom clouds one after another near the location of another huge tornado storm. Noroska and Hilary Li immediately understood that there should be the place where Ms. Spider was. In the sky, dozens of pieces of aerial bomb groups in the hundreds are following their trajectories, hovering under the clouds, ready to fall at any time.

The two of them did not take a breath of relief, and the light blue beam of light that was condensed penetrated the trunk of the ancient tree, leaving a few still burning holes close to two meters, and instantly hit the ground beside them. Countless bright red cracks centered on them, extending to a hundred meters, followed by a dull sound, and a small lava lake appeared at their feet as if it had moved from somewhere else out of thin air.

At the same time, a ball of light appeared in the sky, which was very attractive. The light ball ablated the sparse canopy layer around it into ashes. The black ash was forcibly pulled to the core of the light ball along with the air, and it continued to burn, turning into a dazzling core luminous sphere, which then collapsed.

Human figures swayed around, and Noroska and Hilaryly stood directly in the small lava lake, sinking into it to the waist, but the high temperature could not ablate anything on the two of them. The two of them worked together to prop up the induction force field, and when they were still judging the specific situation around them, a horizontal tornado rescued the cloud that disintegrated behind them.

A trident wrapped around the "crackling" chaotic electric light, and in a flash, it smashed the bright core of the ball of light. It continued to move forward and landed a kilometer away. An entangled electric current burst out, blowing up the old tree and inserting it. On the ground, a deep hole with a diameter of one hundred meters was created. Under the scorched sawdust there, a figure retreated straight away. Several figures around Noroska and Hilaryli also immediately stopped, and they didn't even look at them again, they all disappeared at this moment.

But some people wanted to go to the deep pit to take away the trident that continuously stimulated the electric light, but Chilman rushed all over his body, his skin resembling the powerful carapace of certain insects, dark and shiny, and polished mirror-like. He is like a human-shaped cannonball, jumping back and forth between the trunks of the ancient trees, extremely fast. The sturdy tree trunk shook and became a pedal, causing a huge movement, causing Chilman to smash another pit in the deep hole where the trident was.

Chilman pulled out his trident, scanned the arc in front of him, and the enemies retreated.

"Mr. Cross gave me the coordinate position and angle, otherwise I don't know what happened just now." Chilman said to Noroska and Hilaryly who rushed to the side, but his sight had gone to the front and raised anew. Mushroom on the cloud. Countless bright red sparks flew in that sky, but they were immediately extinguished by the heavy rain. Blizzard and hail weather only exist in the vicinity of two tornado storms.

Chilman waved his trident and pointed in one direction, and said, "Ms. Spider's black spider and Mr. Black Wolf's giant black wolf are attracting attention. Cross controlled the giant black wolf."

"The ability in the spiritual realm is really scary." The three of them started again, and Hilary Li sighed.

"Look at how much power the Church has deployed for this, and how much power has been deployed by the Nature Association? By comparison, you should understand how many people Cross is equal in value." Noroska continued to explain.

The scenery passed quickly on both sides of them, even visually distorted. The heavy rain gradually returned to the senses of the three, which meant that some traces would be washed away by the cross-current rain.

Several flares of different colors were shining in a corner of the sky. It was a message that everything was planned to be normal, indicating that the enemy was going straight ahead as expected, choosing the shortest route.

Chilman and others immediately changed directions, and the dozens of people who came from the Saint Royal Hall thousands of meters away controlled the distance between the two and moved in parallel. After a few breaths, the sound of the "buzzing" miniature engine was mixed with the small-range high-frequency vibrations on the ground, and the two captains of the Yuanhai Common Country chased up.

They wear custom-made kinetic energy armor, six small boosters are deployed on both sides of their backs, and they use solid red mercury as fuel, supplemented by a bio-inductive stress field. The dark red streamer that they emit is wrapped in a layer of pale white light, providing huge thrust.

The two were extremely fast, exceeding the speed of sound by more than half, smashing into the air all the way, and soon disappeared from the sight of Chilman and others. The **** of the enemy ahead approached the trap set by Lady Spider in advance. Cross couldn't hide, and only Lady Spider was alone, absolutely unable to stop the team. They need to rush to help. Otherwise, if the speed difference between everyone is not big, only the time and distance are enough, can the distance be reduced slowly.

But now, what is missing is a long distance and time.

"Let's come!" Hilary Li reminded Chilman, but Nonoska told her to leave it alone. As soon as the voice fell, the same number of members of the Saint Emperor Hall came from the side to stop them.

The aerial bombs hovering in the sky were mobilized by the enemy, and the flames in the tail skyrocketed together. Thousands of aerial bombs landed in a quiet area ahead together at this moment. UU reading www.

When the fire from the aerial bombs directly reflected the rain clouds in bright red, the sturdy electric current surrounded Chilman's body, and then all concentrated on the trident in his hand. It was an ordinary and powerful throw, the trident flew into the sky, directly causing the air in front of him to explode, almost becoming a vacuum.

The three speeded up together and went to the edge of the wide area that was bombarded with scorched earth.

The trident had already fallen and was inserted in the middle of the scorched earth. A corpse without a head was half kneeling next to it only twenty or thirty meters away, and the whole body was covered with charred silk. The scorched black filament is very tough and has extremely high strength. The extremely high temperature force of the bio-inductive stress field, combined with the current of the trident, failed to ablate it.

On the other end of the wedge-shaped scorched earth, Cassia was carried by one person, and both of them were full of broken filaments, which happened to disappear at this moment. A burning kinetic armor chased behind, and immediately disappeared from the field of vision, leaving only a flame of light to be captured.

At this moment of mutual intersection, the three of Hilary Li and Nonoska saw the cold eyes in those eyes, observing their surroundings, and then observing their round, blood-colored pupils that appeared on the side of the scorched earth.

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