Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1835: The **** knight (6)

As the concentration of frozen air increases, the cloud color becomes purer and whiter. Cassia could not see their appearance in the field of vision, but could perceive them as thick steam in an icy environment, turning into masses of solid objects, with weights that were not of their own nature.

Cassia felt joyful in her heart, gathering freezing air, and the increase in concentration had a different effect from what she had imagined. It's just that he was in the middle of the clouds and didn't notice that because of this action, the snow flakes falling from the snow clouds over the joint base changed almost at the same time.

The size of the snow flakes remained the same, but they became more crystal clear, like polished crystals, with good hardness and weight. The heat and impact formed by the explosion in midair and on the ground cannot shatter and melt it in the first place. Only within the effective destruction radius of the explosion can you see this crystal clear snow becoming fragments.

But most of them are just broken pieces. Compared with not long ago, they directly become powder and then evaporate. At this moment, the strength of the snow flakes has increased too much.

Snow flakes have the feel of a sharp blade, which can be cut through dark green leaves by accelerating the wind. If the angle is right, some can cut the bark and hurt the branches of old trees.

Although there were fires and continuous explosions around the Joint Base, with the observation of the surgeon, the sudden and strange changes were quickly discovered. The snow clouds in the sky have naturally been spread by the luminous veins, like an invisible net, bringing the entire joint base into the scope of itself.

There is no obvious visual change in the snow cloud layer. Under the staining of forest fires and explosions, it has been repeatedly alternating between dark red and gray and black. But the strength of the snow flakes at this moment is enough to make it called the ice flakes made by precision machines. It comes with the wind and hits the body with slight pain.

An enemy reaches out to catch a few complete pieces, and for a while, the body temperature can't completely melt them. In just two or three minutes, in this small area where the joint base is located, the ice-like snow flakes became extremely dense, and the entire sky seemed to be occupied. The sound of "ding-ding" in my ears was caused by snow flakes colliding with each other in the gusty wind. The colors in the mid-air are also wonderful because of the mutual refraction of light.

Ahead, the ground team observed the changes in the weather, and the offensive became more fierce. The captains of all the teams have guessed that the progress will go so smoothly because the enemy deliberately did it. But no one can stop, the environment has become a chronic catalyst, constantly stimulating the nerves of all members, including the enemy.

At the same time, Noroska and others who had stayed in the tree house had walked out and stood still on a platform of the base. Chilman was beside Noroska, already holding a stack of glittering snow flakes in his hand. The two raised their heads to look into the air together, staring at the snow cloud that had turned a lot of gray.

"Fortunately, it is only three stages. If this action is postponed for another one or two years, it will allow him to grow up smoothly and get too much exposure to the things related to the bio-inductive stress field, so that this power can be used by him skillfully to a certain extent. Our current situation It will definitely not be good." When Chilman took his gaze back, he smashed the snow flakes in his hand, and the pieces scattered all over the floor. His body temperature melted part of the fragments into drops of water dripping on the wooden floor, but with one breath, it had already frozen on the floor.

Nonoska took a piece of snow flakes casually, put it in his mouth and chewed it up: "As you said, at this moment, it means that among the enemies, there is not only an extremely dangerous and extremely difficult five-stage powerhouse. Cassia will also be the source of danger for stage four surgeons. With the help of the power of the giant whale, Cassia may be very troublesome at this moment, let alone this kind of monster has grown to the same level as us."

When Nonoska turned back to the tree house, she looked up again at the sky: "Aviation torpedoes have been eliminated, and Cassia is above us. When the enemy attacks the joint base, he should get down. Still according to the plan, no What's easy to change. After all, this is the source of Hilary Li’s female perspective, and it also has the most likely result analyzed from the emotional perspective. Probably, it is in our interest and it is also in line with Cassia’s choice."

"That's right..." Noroska tilted her head and said to Chilman, "Let that team get ready. They have solid red mercury bombs in their hands. They have not used them all the time. It is a waste of them to put them in their hands. I’m going to trouble you to take a trip. Their task is to complete a few solid red mercury bombs. The new task is to **** the young students to their designated locations. As for the others..."

Noroska was silent, and Chilman smiled. He didn't have any psychological burdens: "Definitely you will never die. If you survive and return to the Far Sea Common Country, they will get what they deserve regardless of whether they return to the religious country. This is the current period, and in a few years it will be the arrival of the red star. If the religious nation does not fulfill these promises during this time, there will be wars in the future, and there will not be many people who truly respond to its call."

"War, I thought it was still far away in the past. I didn't expect that decades will pass, and I might also welcome this kind of thing in the future." The voice became smaller because Noroska entered the house. Chilman followed Noroska's actions and took a piece of snow from mid-air and put it in his mouth.

"It's not very sweet." He sighed, looking for the direction, and jumped off the wooden platform at the top of the base.

On the other side, Hilary Lily came to Base 6 in the Joint Base alone and walked into the huge central warehouse on the ground floor. As the largest base in the joint base, a few hours ago, there was still a huge amount of various materials accumulated here. At this moment, in addition to the compressed food that could not be eaten at all, all the ammunition, firearms, various potions, etc., were all taken away by the various teams at UU Reading

The central warehouse was almost evacuated. Except for some hurriedly left behind, the only thing left here was a four-meter-square steel cage.

"It's time?" Although his voice was weak, he could still hear a burst of energy.

Hilary Li smiled, went to the steel cage, and melted the lock made of alloy into molten iron. While opening the door of the steel cage, Hilary Li took out the specially prepared potion: "I know it is a trap and full of danger, but Cassia will still come to rescue you. Ye Jielin, it seems that it is not only because you are really beautiful. , There are many other reasons."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"No thanks." Hilary Li expressed courtesy and injected the medicine into Ye Jielin. "The stimulant plus the perfect evolutionary substance extracted from the concentration is not low enough to restore a lot of physical strength in a period of time. You also have it in your body. Solid red mercury, it’s not a problem to leave this huge forest safely.” As she said, Hilaryly disconnected Yejielin’s alloy steel cable, “It’s indeed time, but you and I still need to wait here. It will take about half an hour."

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