Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1813: The Watcher in the Dark (29)

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Open your eyes once every half an hour, observe the surroundings for a few minutes, and compare the pictures detected by the sound pulses in your head to determine whether there is an enemy approaching. The rainy, dim, background sound environment has a wonderful combination with Cassia, the two can be integrated and adapted to each other as one. In such an environment, Cassia has a wealth of combat experience, knows and understands how to use the environment. So as to how the enemy will adapt to this environment, there are also a lot of templates in his head. The advanced surgeon didn't know, but for the surgeon from the third stage, Cassia hadn't met anyone who could bypass these templates.

When I opened my eyes for the sixth time, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon. Cassia's breath was already full of cold air, and the slight ups and downs of his chest caused him to take a piece of frost powder sinking down with every breath. Unconsciously, the gradual calming mood made the freezing air seem to overflow. The ancient branch where Cassia was located was completely frozen outside of his consciousness, covered with a layer of three or four centimeters thick ice.

It was good news, and Cassia felt happy because of this, but in any case, it was not easy to smile at this moment and in the future. Without the idea of ​​moving the body, as usual, after a few minutes of probing, Cassia closed his eyes in the light and sound of thunder. The gathering and absorption of the frozen air never stopped. After that, Cassia set aside a part of it to observe the sound waves caused by thunder.

Later, in the face of a large number of enemies at the enemy's joint base, Cassia's plan was to use Cassie's body as the source to release a wider range and greater energy of low sound waves, which is one of the plans. Even if it will be hindered, it cannot last forever. But replacing his throat with Cassie's throat, after a simple conversion, Cassia got within half a minute to a minute, which can affect the results of most of the three-stage surgeons. If the enemy wants to recover, the time can also be calculated in hours.

And during the time flying with Cassiehei, Cassia did not simply stay on its back, except for gathering freezing air, or waiting to reach the destination. I have done some experiments. Simply put, I tried to transfer the surgical development projects I have completed so far, or the surgical projects I knew but did not develop, to the card when I control Cassie’s body. West Black's body.

The development and application of surgical project capabilities is inseparable from the dragon tissue implanted in the body. The dragon tissue proliferates, gradually assimilates and completely replaces its own body, which is a superficial explanation of assimilation and fusion. So, will there be unexpected results in the development of these projects on the dragons, which are all fresh and pure dragon organizations? For example, it is very fast, there is no hindrance, there is no risk, etc.

And Cassia also found a key point. After entering the three stages and forming the term "mental body", many "memory" in the body are not actually rooted in the body, but rooted in the "mental body". Just like the ability on sound waves, Cassia thinks that he can use low and high frequency sound waves, all because of the constant reformation of his throat and hearing for too long. But when he made an inadvertent attempt on Cassie Hei, he found that although it was not as smooth as his own body, it was not what he had originally thought, and it was completely unfeasible.

Almost when I want to use Cassie Black’s throat to emit low sound waves, Cassie Black’s body, especially the stomach and chest, has a heat flow on the solid red mercury that has not been absorbed by it. Emit, converge towards its throat. After a short period of time, the sound waves are emitted and used more smoothly.

Cassia believes that this is the function of the imprint that exists in the "spiritual body", and it is also an instinctive thing, as long as the conditions are met, it can be completed quickly. Many surgical project developments can be learned and used by most surgeons, that is, a process that satisfies various conditions over time.

Later, I tried several other items, such as kinking of muscles and strengthening of bone sclerosis. But it is not as fast as the sound wave, and I have not seen any obvious effect on Cassiehei after a short time of trial. Cassia guessed that this has something to do with the basic body strength of dragons. If you want to strengthen like the surgeon, the amount of the perfect evolutionary substance may be the key point, and of course it is the biggest obstacle. In the body of the second type of organism, the amount of this substance is not very large.

This is just a small discovery and pastime to travel alone with Cassie Hei under the heavy rain. Cassia doesn't have more energy to pay attention to this aspect, and can only wait until the end of this incident, and then slowly explore.

"There are so many things to do by myself." Cassia sighed. All kinds of speculation and information research, as well as going around the empire later, give yourself a leisurely time to rest. Cassia felt that he would retire and go home to enjoy life after the current incident.

It's really because I'm too tired, and over a long period of time, I have accumulated too much mentally. They need time to melt one by one.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Cassia, who opened his eyes on time, found that the surrounding light had become dim again. Towards the evening, the heavy rain seemed to be more violent than last night. Since the communication in the morning ended, there was no more vibration to the communicator. Cassia could only continue to wait in the forest with Cassie.

It was probably boring. Soon after entering the afternoon, Cassie got up, put down the great sword, and started digging a hole on the side. Although it was quickly filled with rainwater, UU reading www. But for Cassiehei, digging a hole at the moment is nothing more than a mode of relaxation and recreation.

At six o'clock, there was still no information. Cassia has a hunch that tonight will also be passed in peace. I don't know which team or link has the problem. The teams and the airship fleet have approached to their current positions, and there is no error in their actions carefully.

After nightfall, lightning was frequent, and the sound of thunder from far and near overlapped from all directions. The light was much brighter, and for a few seconds, the rainy night was illuminated like daylight by lightning.

Cassia was still lying on the branch, opening her eyes every half an hour, spending a few minutes exploring her surroundings. It's just that the breath has become longer and longer, all the frost and powder falling between the sprays, and the frozen area around it expands again. Below, Cassiehe was completely submerged by the rain in the cave. From time to time, it poked its head out to take a breath and look at where Cassia was resting.

One person and one dragon spent the whole night under the rainy night in the forest. Until about eleven o'clock the next morning, the communicator vibrated. This time it was not in the form of a password, but a normal contact.

A horrified voice appeared on the other end: "Mr. Cassia, it's time to start."

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