Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1809: The Watcher in the Dark (25)

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! On the other side, here you can see large tracts of stars twinkling on the dark night sky. If the line of sight is turned down, a black rain cloud layer like the sea surface under a stormy night is surging, and a strong wind that is easily imperceptible covers the sky above it, becoming an invisible barrier, separating it from the high sky. Looking into the distance, irregular lightning and lightning appeared on the entire black sea-like cloud layer from time to time, and energy was dissipated, but it could not affect anything.

Four standard red tube planes rushed out from below and headed aside. After a few breaths, the other two electric eels also appeared, keeping up with the speed, resuming the formation of the six planes, and quickly went to an aerial formation in the distance.

The six red tube planes are just one of the small teams in this aerial formation. In addition, nearly dozens of various red tube planes were flying quietly in this area of ​​air, maintaining subsonic speeds. When the six red tube planes returned to the formation, the air formation immediately changed direction and began to return to the airship fleet. Nearly half a minute later, two giant dragons with several people standing on their backs flew up, circled here for a few times, and then returned towards the airship fleet.

Half an hour later, Sasir, Heinoy, Komishuer and others met again in a spacious room in an airship. There are a few fewer people, but the power gathered in the room at this moment is enough to become a strong team when not encountering Cassia.

"New information about Cassia." The intelligence has always been dominated by Komisul. The distribution this time is just two simple pages. One chapter is a pattern that Komishuer and the others can't understand, and the other is a simple text description. The people in the room naturally skipped the pattern, because it was originally not something prepared for them, and you can hold it for research if you are interested, but it's not the time period that makes people nervous and can't relax.

"Mr. Sasser, you know the information best, and you have the most right to explain it here." But Mishul had known the new information in advance, but it was limited to knowing, she also needed Sasser's explanation.

Sasir confirmed it back and forth on the two pieces of printing paper. After confirming it several times, he added a long sigh: "In short, Cassia is now not only a dragon knight, but also a big tribe of the Flame Alliance-the Beluga tribe. One of the sons of. Two identities, and each of them has a lot of status and deterrence in the Flame Alliance. At least of the two, Cassia is absolutely also the feeling after we contacted some time ago. Is one of the top members."

"The stranger of the beluga tribe is guided by the giant whales in the giant whale group. It can be said that the power of giant whales is completely different from that of dragons." Henoy added, " The characteristic of the members of the Beluga tribe is that they have the option of using forces such as cold air. But this is like the breath of a dragon, and the users are all the top three-stage group of people."

"As for the abnormality of the rain cloud layer mentioned in the intelligence, it is also correct. Although I don't have any feelings myself, based on the information fed back by the dragon and his perception, there are indeed things in the rain cloud layer that make it uncomfortable."

When Sasir, Komishuer and others discussed the latest intelligence. Deep in the forest, the joint base in the rain.

The sound of rain and wind intersect with each other, and the construction took into account the heavy rain. Although it is not the scale at this moment, the preparations made in advance also prevent the entire joint base from standing water, and most of the tree house rooms can be maintained. dry.

"I have already said that this is something prepared for Cassia by the Knight King Irene of the St. Dorag Empire. Because the current strength is still insufficient, so he can only sense and guide the use by increasing the concentration and total amount." Qi Ulman leaned half of his body against the wooden wall, holding an empty glass after drinking in his right hand, talking, and regularly hitting the wall with his head, making a "boom" sound.

"The three dragon knights of the Flame Alliance are out of luck?" Hilaryly asked back, but he looked at Noroska on the side.

"I remember that when Ye Jielin was taken away from the St. Dorag Empire, the enemy member was on the scene and showed his use of the power of the giant whale. It is impossible that the Holy Emperor's Hall does not have this information, and I absolutely know the existence of this powerful person.” Nonoska recalled his previous information, “It’s just that the luck of the three dragon knights is really bad. However, the downside is that their opponent is this powerful one. The top five-stage surgeons, not the rain clouds with the power of giant whales. The on-site analysis report came out long ago. Before the rain clouds really gathered, they had already died nearly half of the dragons and members. There was no rain. Yun, only a few can escape in the end."

"Eleanor went to the Endless Sea very early. It is impossible to know by any means that there is such a member in the forest who can use the power of the giant whale. So only Eleanor knows that Cassia can, and can Only by using the power of the giant whale, will the giant whales of the endless sea help if they can't make it back, so that this heavy rain will bring other things." Chilman followed his own explanation.

"It seems that there is a connection between Eleanor and Cassia." Probably because he was tired from leaning against the wooden wall, Chilman stood up straight, and then went to fill up the wine. "I always advocate not to worry, to stabilize yourself. The mentality of this side. A few years have passed, and we have not been in a hurry, and we have come to the present slowly. The matter has reached this point, and if you worry about it, don’t you think it’s a bit late? It’s not necessary. The change in the situation is not you. I can control it. Although the enemy member who can use the power of the giant whale has become a huge and almost unsolvable problem at this moment, in the end, he has not found a way to contain it."

"The way you said is to rely on the two deputies of the Holy See Pope to restrain together, and also to catch the other two titled knights of the three three knights? The death of Otto in the Holy Royal Hall had a huge impact. UU Reading this time relies on an enemy member to contain our two top five-stage combat forces, as well as two other powerful five-stage members, no matter how to calculate, the basic addition and subtraction is used You can't offset it like this." Hilary Li's speech is very fast, which means that her mood is not very good.

"If you don't limit it, let the enemy member encounter other surgeons, and the loss will be even greater. This is the same as not restricting Cassia and letting the ground team face him directly. Both are the same. The same is true in the church. A powerful monster, it's just that this kind of task cannot be let out."

"The Holy See has said, and even the Pope has personally reminded that this is a task that does not account for the cost. I think even if the two deputies of the Pope die as a result, as long as the purpose is achieved, it is worth it. Hilary Li, you understand this very well. The nature of the second mission, as we who are already half-footed into the death line, don’t think about the death of others." Chilman said, letting Hilarylee control her emotions and mood, "not only a five-stage surgeon. , Several of us are also in trouble. Although Cassia is a three-stage surgeon, he can use the bio-inductive stress field, which means that he has the possibility of harming us. Now add the power of the giant whale, and this A cloud of rain, and considering that he still has some information on him that we haven’t ascertained..."

"You forgot the important point, we still have the limitation of not destroying his body." Noroska continued this sentence with a smile.

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