Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1801: The Watcher in the Dark (17)

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! "It doesn't seem to be a good thing anymore." Adolf suddenly became serious. He could penetrate the dense rain curtain and be caught by them, which in itself meant that the source of the red light would not be ordinary things. "These teams, still What to do with the team behind? That is also the focus of our task!" Following Pullman, Adolf glanced at the direction of several teams, expressing his concern.

"Look in the past and then return. Of course, if you can leave without being restricted. A large number of members must have rushed in this direction. Pay more attention to the surrounding movement, and then meet the members of Macquarie, or directly contact Enemy encounters are normal things." General Pullman is not an explanation, but a general description of the current situation. "There will no longer be high-level surgeons who care about the ground team, unless they encounter halfway through, maybe it depends on the mood. Hands-on,,,"

When they were speaking, a brighter red light rose from behind them, breaking through the dense rain curtain, and within a second or two, the light enveloped a huge area.

General Pullman and Adolf used the nearest old tree as their footsteps almost at the same time. The next moment they jumped out of the forest, and within a few seconds, they were above the canopy.

Several bright red light clusters like giant explosive fireballs have not lost all their power, like the setting sun that is about to sink to the horizon in the evening, according to a certain interval, they still emit light rays continuously behind them. At the moment when the radio is heavily interfered, it conveys the message that the ground team has contacted and started war.

"Hey,,," saw several flare flares behind him gradually being swallowed by the rain curtain, and finally disappeared. General Pullman and Adolf sighed almost simultaneously. They know that they can't escape this encounter. Be careful. Although they may not live to the end, they will definitely choose "no" if they have the right not to participate. Options.

Fleeing into the forest, the two disappeared from the area at an extremely fast speed, and rushed towards the direction of the red tube plane's light just now.

At the same time, the teams they followed also captured the light of the giant flare. One of the correspondents tried to communicate with each other, but could only hear the electronic noise with whistling from time to time. The communication airships used to enhance the radio signal are all in their respective rear areas, and at this moment they have not rushed into this area where battles can take place at any time.

After a short break, several teams made different decisions. Some chose to go deeper, while others changed direction directly and moved horizontally to help other friendly ground teams nearby.

And hundreds of kilometers behind these teams, a ground force with more than two hundred people formed by a mixture of several teams, is like the marching ants that can be seen everywhere in the forest. Long linear queue. All the members were wearing steel and alloy auxiliary machinery, and in the sneer, steam overflowed, mixing together to drag out a steam smoke belt. At this moment, half of them were alone, or together, carrying the ultra-long-distance cruise missile parts wrapped in turquoise rain-proof cloth. Under the heavy rain, they were following the mark made by the team in front, all the way to "dongdong". Forward.

In addition to the components of the ultra-long-distance cruise bomb, there are also portable rainwater filters for field operations, and a team-portable steam furnace close to the size of two adults. The light of the giant flare made them accelerate their speed. Soon after, with the strange sound of "Om", the team stopped and began to take a break in a disciplined manner. But in five minutes, the other half of the team picked up all the parts and set off again.


The red light of the giant signal was diluted a lot by the white light of the surrounding lightning, and the roaring thunder caused the vibration to be transmitted to the body through the air. Cassia can keenly feel the vibration of the dense raindrops and the huge natural energy catharsis that is happening all the time in the clouds above.

The falling lightning has almost no intermittent, and dimness is still the main theme, but relying on the light of the lightning, you can see the gray-white rain curtain from time to time. Under such a huge rainstorm, the line of sight has been lost. The dense and superimposed raindrops make the recognition of the field of view only within a radius of 20 to 30 meters.

Cassia had already closed her eyes, and lay on Cassie's black back near her neck, using Cassie's sensing system to expand the monitoring of her surroundings. The flight speed is not fast, but it is also more than 100 meters per second, making the rainwater hit by Cassie black like steel projectiles, making a "clang" hitting sound on the armor.

Recording the time and the shape of the route traversed in my heart, after reading the news about Ye Jielin spread by Manoma, Cassia finally decided to cooperate with the ground team and the high-level surgeons who would interfere with it from the back of the joint base. A breakthrough in defense. I already have a battle plan in my mind, and I just wait for the time to arrive, and the opportunity is ripe. But before that, Cassia had another task entrusted by the hacker, that is, the remaining two dragons that were not completely killed a few days ago.

While continuously summarizing, combining, and analyzing existing intelligence in his heart, Cassia used Cassie's as a dragon to have a wide range of perception, paying attention to the situation in mid-air, and searching for the presence of enemy ground teams on the ground. Once encountered, Cassia won't mind wasting those minutes or two. In the end, the more members of its own side can go to the vicinity of the joint base, the more confident Cassia will have in the rescue.

He also knows that not long ago, he was indeed in a state of semi-out of control after seeing the photos and the latest news. That is the most primitive impulse hidden at the bottom of my heart. After becoming the surgeon, it has been forgotten by Cassia. Although reason is occupying the brain at this moment, Cassia is afraid that the rescue plan will end in failure because of impulse.

It is precisely because at this moment that he can still think sensibly, Cassia has discovered the countless chains in this incident and the difficulty of rescue.

In the white light of lightning, a bright dark red light appeared that made Cassia withdraw from his thoughts in an instant. Twisted lightning blasted in the mid-air ahead. Under the brilliant white light, an extremely sharp object directly cut the rain screen, dragging a dark red tail like a meteor that is about to fall to the ground, already locking him and Cassie Hei, and impacting. .

The thoughts have not yet been formed, and a little red light separates from the bright dark red light. In the blink of an eye, the separated red light suddenly swelled and turned into a bright red light group, and its flight speed increased to rapid speed. It only took less than a second for the thoughts to move. In Cassia's judgment, it had already traveled thousands of meters and was still accelerating.

"The air bomb against the airship!" The memory returned to the military school class in an instant.

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