Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1791: The Watcher in the Dark (7)

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The other three did not answer the conversation. Their attitude has changed and is the same as the principal of the military school. But even now, some words cannot be said from their mouths.

In the silence, time was approaching the point where the steel king Defoni arrived. Several people looked at each other a few times, trying to say something, but there was no sound. The running water outside was beating the hull, and the sound came in, making it not so quiet here.

"After the forest incident is over, the environment and situation will have to change again. I hope you will think about this country more later. It has existed for too long, and the interior has already become bad. But only if it is there will we have our current The duty, and the things that exist to protect us." A kindly reminded by a chief executive.

"This should be more to the holy fathers in the Holy Royal Hall. Most of the things between us can be attributed to bad competition. And what the holy fathers have been doing is completely hollowing out the empire. The foundation of my own. If possible, I would like to go directly to the tundra, thaw all the frozen fathers of the past, and hang up their bodies.” The principal of the military school retorted. He knows that the chief is a simple reminder, without any extraneous meaning.

"Holy Royal Hall is also an important part of the empire. To completely eliminate its influence, it is impossible for the ordinary world without the replacement of several generations of personnel." The Chief Executive responded, "I also just reminded that it is hoped when needed. , Everyone can stand up and provide help. No matter whether it is a red star or a historical node, nothing can be passed by alone. And soon, you should also know that in the endless sea, a fierce event is extremely likely to occur. The Holy Fathers can be so unscrupulous and not afraid that the mad girl will retaliate wildly after the return of the mad girl. It is because the Knights of the Holy Land or the Alliance of the Nature Association are waiting for her return around the Postphase Continent."

"After this incident, the Saint Royal Hall will become more prosperous, or it will decline.... In short, I think in your hearts, what you want to see must have declined." A chief executive expressed his attitude. He did not give other people a chance to connect. After seeing the time, he got up and said, "Defoni is here, and everyone is waiting for this moment. After the discussion starts, in their respective fields, please don't be stingy with your own hands. Information."


"It's a weird kind of weather, but that's what happened." In a clearing on the edge of the camp, he reached out to catch a few silver-white snowflakes the size of two adult thumbs. Seeing that they were melted by his own body temperature, he put down his hand and spoke to Cassia next to him, "According to the data, this is a typical climate of endless sea freezing air, and one of the frequent visitors when the red star comes."

"It seems that the expected heavy rain will have to wait another day or two." I had to make my own words louder, and the gust of wind swept into this clearing and made a whistling sound. The surrounding tree canopy resembles the sea surface under a rainstorm night, and layers of waves are rolling, repeating the state of ups and downs over the seemingly borderless forest.

There is no end of the cloud in the sky, and its thickness brings a natural sense of oppression. The air not only becomes cold, but also gradually becomes more pressure. The clouds are very close to the ground, giving people the illusion that they can be reached with one's hand. The gray-black sea of ​​clouds was surging in the sky, and it was only ten minutes ago that the snow began to fall.

It should be a well-lit afternoon, but the surroundings are dark and temperatureless. Cassia just raised her head, her eyes were out of focus, and she didn't know where to look.

At this time, Hae turned his head and wanted to go back to the camp. In light of the changes in the weather, he made appropriate adjustments to the team's progress afterwards. But looking at the past moment, I was shocked to be sure that it was not an illusion, but a fact that was really happening. At that moment, he did not catch Cassia's figure in the horrified sight. When time did pass by a subtle point, he was sure that Cassia was always next to him, keeping the posture of raising his head unchanged.

The surroundings are not dull, there is still light, and it looks like a transitional period from dusk to night. For a surgeon like Hae, there is no big difference between day and night in the low-light field of vision and the eye's capture of the subtle light.

But he was sure that at that moment, there was no presence of Cassia in his eyes. Naturally, it is also fully integrated into the background of the environment.

There were some smiles on Ji's face, and under the rush of thoughts, he knew why Cassia hoped the heavy rain would fall sooner. Cassia is not a product of the sun. Walking in the midday sun, Cassia is a person who naturally seeks out shadows and blends into them.

What is frightening may not be the absolute strength of Mr. Cassia. He was shocked to think in his heart, and he took the initiative to swallow what he wanted to say. Afterwards, he quietly left alone, and when he returned to the ground not far away, in the thickened and reinforced black cloth dome, one could hear the rubbing of the sea of ​​trees above his head. During this period of time, the season entered the winter ahead of schedule, and the planning and thinking in the brain had to be changed very quickly to adapt to the combat habits and laws of the cold winter season.

The best news so far is that all the members who came to the Southern Forest this time have passed the stage of surgery. Although there are a small number of second-stage members, the environment and temperature of the ordinary cold winter no longer pose any threat to it. The relatively serious matter is that the temperature perception ability can achieve multiple effects under the background of a cold environment.

When he was busy with the layout and logistics of the ground team, the strange falling snow quickly intensified. Snow flakes in the squally wind are like sharp dead leaves, and they can make a "da da" sound even when they hit the leaves.

Cassia, who was still standing in place, did not move, but closed his eyes. Snow fell on him, and the next moment he was melted by his scorching body temperature. Surrounded by a cloud of white air, while breathing, the air spit out has the momentum of a train steam plume.

Cassia wanted to go back to the camp with Hae, and adjust the team advancement plan according to the weather. After hearing Hae's explanation of the weather, it was for him to find a clue that was important to him. With his eyes closed, his body is like a statue cast with molten iron, all because he emptied his head to avoid unnecessary information, to feel the surrounding environment more carefully.

The cross pupils had been expanded, and the enhanced perception was controlled by Cassia, and went toward the thick gray clouds in the sky like rays. Feeling still not peaceful enough, Cassia began to take a deep breath. With the ups and downs of her chest, the howling of the violent wind first disappeared from the perception, and then the large swaths of snow were also shielded by the perception.

Cassia didn't count the time. When a vaguely glowing ribbon of smoke appeared in his perception, he could not remember how long it had passed. It was already a blizzard, and the snow flakes were getting closer to the appearance of thin ice flakes. With the help of the strong wind, it made itself sharp.

Immersed in perception, Cassia continued to feel the surrounding environment in detail. When something like glowing smoke ribbons appeared, he realized that his perception seemed to blend into the surrounding environment. To be precise, he could use these glowing smoke ribbons floating in the air to treat them like steam copper pipes. The carrier of, makes the perception that could only radiate within a kilometer of the whole body go farther.

It's not limited to being a carrier, it's a pipeline. Perception has been enhanced in these smoky ribbon-like things, and has become more acute.

Cassia allowed herself to perceive and follow the glowing smoke ribbon in the environment, continuing upward. As the perception faded away, thick gray-black clouds reappeared in Cassia's head. The clouds have lost their visual appearance, and perceiving them, at this moment, is a huge collection composed of countless free and irregular luminous smoke strips. They are no longer gray-black, but with a silver-white fluorescent color, like a huge living body, and the glowing cigarette strips are the blood vessels and veins all over the body.

The world seems to be divided into the outer and inner parts, and the inner world in the perception is another layer. There is only the earth and the sky, the southern forest has completely disappeared, and the huge cloud layer dyes the sky into a misty silvery white color. Perception follows the luminous smoke belt, getting closer to the clouds. There was already a faint sense of oppression coming from the clouds. Cassia wanted to test the extended limit of perception at this moment, but when he was approaching the clouds, a strange feeling came from his body, with a familiar taste.

Cassia immediately remembered that she had inadvertently connected the spirit of the World Tree a few days ago, and the extension of perception stopped immediately. I only felt it nearby, but there was a huge attraction coming from the clouds, and Cassia had to gather her perception to avoid the things that happened a few days ago again.

During the closing process, Cassia did not forget to continue to observe the surrounding environment. Vaguely, in addition to the free glowing smoke strips, Cassia perceives that in the deeper part of this perceptual world, there are other obscure things all around.

This kind of obscure thing is essentially the same thing, and it's hidden deeply. It's just that no matter how much Cassia analyzes, she can't penetrate perception anymore. Quickly give up, Cassia can only gather her perception.

In Cassia's consciousness, the time of perception extended by the light-emitting smoke ribbon is not long, perhaps just a few breaths. Only when he opened his eyes and the body signals poured into his brain again, the specific sense of time told him that the whole process roughly consumed nearly four hours.

I don't know when the body temperature has dropped to about zero degrees. Cassia opened his eyes and saw darkness. The sonic pulse was transmitted immediately, and between the different patterns, Cassia knew that after nearly four hours of a huge blizzard, this clearing area had already accumulated more than knee snow. But his body temperature dropped, almost buried under the snow, leaving only the side facing the wind exposed to the air.

After the snow on the body was cleaned up, after the body temperature rose, a large amount of white gas rose up around Cassia. He took a deep breath, and the cold air couldn't lower the temperature of his body.

"Is it a typical endless sea climate?" Looking around, Cassia looked at the sky again. The light is faint, and it can only barely identify the basic patterns of the clouds in the sky sweeping like waves.

"Perhaps, this is caused by man-made. But whether it is a natural phenomenon or man-made, this may be a rare opportunity for me." While talking to himself, UU Reading Cassia turned his body, carrying snow flakes on his back. The gust of wind, looking straight ahead of him. After a stretch of the whole body, the cross pupil appeared again, but this time, there was also a dark circle surrounding the cross pupil.

There was no sound. Pieces of black scales without any luster instantly covered Cassia's skin, completely enveloping it. In the next moment, within a few hundred meters of the surrounding radius, large swaths of white things appeared under the dim light. This is the frost powder formed by the condensation of moisture in the air when the surrounding temperature drops sharply. In the blink of an eye, the dense frost powder enveloped this area, and then it was blown away by the gust of wind.

Cassia opened his arms, where visible, silver-white lines were like the projection of light on his body, with life, swimming aimlessly on the tight black scales.

"Will the power of the giant whale be Noah?" Cassia sighed. At this moment, whether it is the gray-black clouds or the silver-white glowing smoke bands in the perceptual perspective, he has found the source, "Heavy rain is coming. Before, I need to be more familiar with this feeling. This may become an opportunity for me to successfully master and use the power of the giant whale."

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