Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1785: The Watcher in the Dark (1)

Interrupted by others, the two sides stopped the argument. After a while, after the default time for each to sort out their emotions, there was a voice at the foot of this huge ancient tree.

"Otto, the Priest of the Far Borders of the Holy Palace Hall, is one of the central figures on the bright side. If something bad happens to him, firstly, our power will be damaged and we will lose a top member. Correspondingly, there will also be a top member on the enemy’s side that will be liberated, which will have a wide range of effects afterwards. Second, Otto can be killed or severely injured by the enemy. What will they do if they are replaced by other members? Thinking? The same conclusion applies to the enemy."

"This time is to perform the task assigned by the Pope. The Holy Royal Hall of the Saint Dorag Empire is an ally of the Pope. I hope you will not have any different thoughts during this time. When we really get the target's corpse, It’s just before your eyes, and it’s not too late to discuss other matters later."

The person speaking at the moment has a good weight and right to speak in the team, and no one refutes it, and it is taken as a default by others.

"Hurry up, it's been a lot of time. The enemy will definitely try their best to shorten the time to kill Otto. At this moment, the comparison is between their respective support speed and the number of people hidden around. Wait until most of the people are gathered together. There is an area, and then it will not be a chaotic battle, or it will not be able to fight, so they can only do their own work and watch each other retreat." The speaker has gotten up and glanced at the sky, "The weather afterwards is not good, heavy rain The weather is troublesome. Thunder and lightning will affect our senses, and we may feel unsatisfactory in our actions."

Eleven people at the foot of the old tree got up one after another. They come from five different functional organizations basically without any communication. Only when it is necessary at present, will they say a few words to each other.

Someone glanced at the direction, then waved his hand to signal the others to follow. In the thunderous air explosion, the shadows of the eleven members of the religious nation gradually dispersed until they finally disappeared completely.

"Those people started to move." At the same time, somewhere in the forest, a person sitting on the root of the tree opened his eyes, took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly, then said to the other five people around, "Eleven people There is no separation, so we still have to contact the other team. Although we don't know who ordered the other party to come, we can see that their position is the same as ours."

The speaker looked around at this time, and when his gaze stayed, he immediately attracted one's attention.

"Well, the speed advantage has come to you as a convenient tool for transmitting information." There is a lot of helplessness in the words.

"The reasons why everyone took the risk to participate in this matter are not very different. The help we received was not small. Some of us should have become corpses, and we can stand here now. I don't need to say more about the reasons. Remember that Ye Jielin is his youngest daughter, and I, who was also a father, can understand this feeling. This is not only an opportunity for us to repay the help and resources we have received, but also an opportunity to release ourselves. Since everyone has come. , Of course, I did not forget the original agreement. After this incident, we have nothing to do with it. So it is the last thing in the work, he also asked me to convey my gratitude to you. Because the current Southern Forest does indeed It's full of danger. But, please do your best to pull the incident to the side of Magdalene without affecting your own lives."

htps: //

The speaker was an old man with a little gray hair. Seeing that the others had no objection, he got up and expressed his gratitude one by one.

One person left afterwards and rushed to dock their messages with the other team. The eleven people of the church have already acted, and the six of them alone are not enough to intercept.


Cassia arrived at the new camp in the evening. The bodies of the two-headed dragons had not been digested by Cassie Hei. With the powerful digestive ability of the dragons, facing the huge size of the dragon, he felt helpless for a while. Only after digesting most of the dragon, the remaining part was sealed in the depths of the underground network under the command of Cassia, waiting for time to be excavated in the future. However, the undamaged armors on the two dragons, and those that could be used by Cassiehei, were all taken away.

In the natural environment, it may take several years for the corpse of a dragon to die out naturally. Because for many creatures, the flesh and blood of dragons is no different from biological poisons, and there are only a limited number of molds that can corrupt it. The corpses of most dragons were either found and swallowed by their own kind, or they were treated as precious food by some powerful creatures of the second type. In the southern forest center, most of the second-class creatures with powerful individuals can evolve to this point. There is no need for Cassia to worry about the remaining corpses decayed after too long.

Cassiehe was placed on the edge of the camp so that he could be there as soon as possible. Let Cassiehey continue to dig new holes there, looking forward to help in the future, but also helping digestion. The battle at the entrance and exit of the cave is not a long time at this moment, but it is also true that most of the dragon body's flesh and blood was eaten and digested by Cassiehei. There have been changes in the body, and the body length has not increased significantly. Through the movement of Cassie black walking on the ground, at least in terms of weight, Cassie believes that Cassie is walking the same route as herself—the weight is abnormal in the same age and strength stage. individual.

The black scales are finer and lose their luster further. If it can reflect cold light in the past, it now has the effect of light-absorbing material even more. The increase in hardness was expected, so when Cassia left, he calmed Cassie's black, while taking away from its chest nearly thirty black scales that were close to the size of half of an adult's chest. Top-quality raw materials, high strength and light weight characteristics like meteorite, simple cutting, no additional processing, size and thickness are very suitable for making defensive protective scales, so I don’t care about the Cassie black when the scales are pulled off Painful and scared grievances howled.

It is also at this moment that Cassia has a deeper understanding of why dragons are top strategic resources. Whether it is the forces of the Quartet or the giant country, there must be one condition in the foundation of the foothold, and that is the dragon captive farm. Later, Cassia couldn't help but think of Sukarius, consciously it was more difficult to rescue him from the captivity.

The new camp is still under construction. With more than a dozen old trees as reference points, the black cloth dome that blocks light is first built. Numerous tents have landed everywhere, and members who are making temporary tables from ancient branches can be seen everywhere. More people are digging and building underground camps, but because the heavy rain has dropped, the process and requirements this time will be much stricter and more complicated. Rao is the strength and speed of the surgeon, and he has to follow the process step by step. It is no longer as simple as holding an alloy shovel and digging the soil at a speed exceeding the excavation speed of construction machinery.

In a relatively quiet corner of the camp, Cassia saw Hae sitting alone in it. First, after asking the hacker for sufficient alloy wires, Cassia immediately asked about the follow-up content that had not been finished in the communication not long ago.

Several photos were hacked and handed to Cassia, which were printed out via a communication machine.

"Broken a hand and a foot. I remember that Miss Ye Jielin is in the second stage of the operation, so there is no need to worry about her health." Terrified watching Cassia. He is already keen, very good at observing others, and can capture all kinds of details that most people can't capture. Ji could see the tremendous changes in Cassia's body next to him in a very short time. He didn't know how to describe it. It was more than a beast-like aura, no longer a violent feeling, but a piercing coldness.

The reason for this change is horrified. For Cassia, the hacker himself investigated very clearly. Even though most of the data was completely deleted from the super analyzer shortly after Cassia entered the military school, the remaining paper archives were removed and destroyed by professionals. But at least all the information that can be found is known by hackers. There are really not many things that can be cared about by Cassia, or things that he can care about.

Although the surgeon is separated from ordinary humans at the level of life, but mentally, he still thinks from a human perspective and has roughly the same emotional system.

This change was completely suppressed by Cassia in an instant. I know, Cassia also knows that it is most important to stay sensible at this moment. Most things, or all things, can never be done with one mood.

"Photos and information were scattered among Manoma and several other prosperous areas at the same time, and then came to the forest as quickly as possible." The hacker put away the photos Cassia put down. "The information stated that the next step is to cut off. The broken hands and feet. However, they will be temporarily frozen to give them the possibility of being connected for a certain period of time. Doing so will make you more seductive."

"Are you aware of what happened on Mr. McGerry's side now?" Cassia did not change the subject, but one of the reasons the enemy suddenly did this was what was happening in that area.

"The top surgeon who came to the forest this time, regardless of death or loss of combat power, will liberate one of our top combat powers and play more roles. The balance will be broken, and the time will be reduced after success. If the delay continues, the advantages will be further expanded."

"The enemy will definitely not allow this to happen, whether it is the current time or in the future." Cassia stared down at the table top that still exudes a woody fragrance, and the hand on it could feel the moist texture of the fresh trees. "The enemy should I understand that even if Ye Jielin's information is released, it will not be able to divert attention and reduce the pressure on McGerry's side. They do have determination, but in decision-making, they will not do excessive things in the near future."

"Mr. McGerry, the result of the enemy's top figure is basically doomed. It is not death, nor can it play its own role in the subsequent time. The real-time intelligence in the enemy's hands is definitely more detailed than ours. This has been foreseen. Gu The progress of the plan needs to be accelerated so that McGerry cannot accumulate advantages. The enemy intends to turn that area into a chaotic battlefield for high-level surgeons, trapping most of the members in it and not leaving, and preventing the top combat power from being affected. One of the means of rapid expansion." He put his cane on the table, and his fingers began to tap the table in an orderly manner. Because of the humidity, there was no "dongdong" sound.

"You have begun to test Mr. Cassia's level of patience step by step. When you reach the limit, you must appear in front of the enemy. After all, death is only the most neat of all forms."

At this moment, Cassia looked up, and it seemed that through the tent, the black cloth dome and the canopy, he could see a large cloud of gray edged in the evening. Forgot to answer, Cassia slowly lowered his head as he thought, with the reflection of the desktop, the cane and the sword in his eyes, and the reflection of his hands. UU reading can represent that their electrical signals have never evoked a reaction in his head.

"The limbs that are not necrotic can be continued. After being destroyed, they can be recreated through follow-up training at the cost of more than a year. There is also a choice of mechanical bodies. The Webley Arms Company, Infinite Communications and several twenty-three major public families jointly research The product of manufacture.” The horror that listed the bad results stopped the tapping of the finger, and Cassia had raised his head at the moment, taking a silent long breath.

"Need to wait, whether it's the heavy rain or the situation on Macquarie's side." Most of the words were helpless. My own strength does not support myself to go to the enemy's joint base alone. Everything needs the cooperation and involvement of the team to find opportunities.

At this moment, Lyle holding the alloy wire entered the tent, felt the complex composition in the air, silently placed it on the table and left.

Soon after, there was a breeze in the forest, and the sultry sensation was further reduced, replaced by the coldness of early winter.

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