Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1784: People from all sides (below)

"What I can think of and what I can do are two completely different things." Cassia retracted his gaze, "This may be an opportunity, Mr. Ha. It's rare for me to have my attention shifted to other directions during this period of time. The enemy's Large forces are evacuating. Based on the given center position, it is not difficult to guess the enemy’s distribution at the moment. Carefully bypass, and equipped with high-speed moving tools or creatures, there is a chance to invade the enemy before the enemy reacts. In the joint base."

After speaking, there was a brief thought, Cassia did not wait for the horror to speak, and added to his own words: "The enemy reacts, as long as the speed is fast enough, it will make them too late to intercept. Losing the two dragons and the experimental team, as long as The enemy has no other means. As far as our class is concerned, no one can stop me, even if it is number zero, it is in this list."

"Mr. Cassia, your analysis is indeed feasible. And you must have undisclosed information that made you think like this. But I have to remind you that the defense measures of the Joint Base are definitely more than just a large number of members. Simple." Hae explained calmly. He would never allow this kind of risky thing to happen, because the current situation is far from the point where it needs to be done. "This moment of entering the forest is facing a large-scale conflict. It's not very long. Both of us have not yet reached the point where we need to take risks. Everything in accordance with the established plan is currently the safest and most likely way to rescue Miss Ye Jielin."

He looked in the direction of the area in the message, his eyes became a seam, but he couldn't stop the penetrating gaze: "I don't know why this commotion happened, but it did become something we talked about not long ago. —The balance must be broken. We and the enemy are working hard to gather information and intelligence, but until now, no one party will say that he knows the other party."

"They are hiding things in their own way. It's just that many things are hidden or not, and the effect is not much different." Cassia sighed, which means that he has compromised with the hacker and will not take risks in a short time. He also knew that he was impulsive not long ago. Thinking that with Cassie Black, he can reach the enemy's joint base in a short period of time, there is always a voice in my heart pushing myself in this direction.

"The unknown is a risk." He said, "Those who prove the unknown are dubbed the title of'adventurer'. It is a profession with the highest mortality rate in history. It can give enough stimulation and satisfy great curiosity. There are always very few people who have completely experienced these feelings. Most of them are death and being shrouded in fear, which creates a shadow that cannot be removed in their heads."

"I will let the two teams speed up their progress as much as possible to obtain information about the enemy's joint base." He comforted, "Now, things are breaking the balance. This is a battle between high-level surgeons, and it is also from Mano. From the beginning of the horse, it has continued to the game between the various forces in the southern forest. There is no room for intervention, just wait for the result. It shouldn't be very long, just within a day or two."

"After the results come out, maybe this heavy rain will follow." Cassia raised his head, his face was gone without seriousness, without any expression. There is a tiny gap above the canopy, and the clouds in the sky can be seen slowly moving under the wind. That is the sea breeze from the endless sea. After a long distance, the cold air it carried has not completely disappeared, making the summer that should have been hot bring sickly coolness.

"It will be a heavy rain that will last for a long time." He commented. The clouds were white before, and now they have grayish corners. It can be expected that they completely turn into gray-black thick rain clouds, it is only a matter of time.

Benefiting from this is not the main camp, it is a temporary place that can be used for a long time, and the evacuation speed of the members is very fast. The entrance to the underground camp was sealed, camouflaged and marked. Some materials are buried in the ground, and there may be opportunities to use them again, but most of the time, this action often means giving up.

On the face of it, the Chila Andi family, in fact, provided logistical material supply guarantees for several major forces, and this thing has lost its pity value.

Continue to meet with individual small teams on the way. Although it was an evacuation, the actual direction was to go deeper into the forest in disguise. Two recent teams have arrived at the destination, and they are setting up camps. They have taken care of the large number of teams that arrived later.

Cassia left the team midway and he had to let Cassie go. The location of the hole network is not too close to the area in the information, nor is it too far. For safety reasons and for actions after the heavy rain, as one of the key points, Cassiehe must be safe and in good condition. .

Along the way, Cassia thought about his plan of action. The sense of danger in his heart is gradually affecting him, and Cassia knows that, so he has to speed up his action.

I don't know how long it has been since Cassia's heart has been haunted by a bad foreboding, like countless pairs of shadowed arms protruding from under the feet, dragging herself into the ground a little bit. Not long ago, the gray-black energy cloud in the sky that could not be seen by Cassia became a key, completely releasing the anxiety in Cassia's heart from somewhere in the cage.

The more important reason is that Cassia knows very well that the start time and place of this incident are most likely not a few months ago, nor among the small countries. As early as a few years ago, this incident was destined to happen.

"Have all of us underestimated the enemy's determination, including myself?" Cassia asked himself. Without waiting for him to think about the answer, the new communicator he gave was shocked. UU reading www.uukanshu. The first reaction of com was that the team encountered the enemy's ground troops when they were evacuating, but when they heard the terrifying tone, anxiety suddenly overflowed in their hearts.

It was probably news about Yejielin, Cassia guessed it, and took a deep breath.


"The people of the Saint Royal Hall, it's worth all of us to rush over? Our mission is the complete body of the target. As long as the goal is achieved, a few more surgeons of the Saint Dorag Empire will die, which will be a good thing for us. You can really Don't worry about handing over the task to someone else?"

"The holy fathers of the Holy Royal Hall contacted. During this time, they are the stand-in representatives of the Pope. If you want to be punished by the Pope after returning to your country, you have the right to choose to stay here and wait for the development of the situation."

"There is not much time for you to argue, please come to a unified conclusion earlier." On the side, there are other people urging both sides of the dispute.

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