Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1769: 1 know nothing (7)

The experimental body has piled up building blocks on the body of No. 0, like layers of rough-looking armor, completely pressed it to the lowest layer, and protected it. Cassia wanted to run behind them, but only then thought of turning around, and the gray-brown waves had swept forward. In the blink of an eye, the wave of the distorted space ran directly over them, and in the next moment it had gone tens of meters away, until it walked close to a kilometer before it completely lost its strength and gradually dissipated.

Within this huge fan-shaped area, the dead leaves completely disappeared, and the trembling ground calmed down, as if sprayed with a layer of matte black paint, uniformly and aesthetically twisted and smooth. The roots and exposed rhizomes of the ancient trees all lost their bark, and the sap quickly filled the ground around them.

"Boom!" An old tree shook violently and tilted toward a center. After finishing the sonic attack just now, the three-headed dragon almost swooped forward, and the ground exploded under the pressure of three huge claws. Large swaths of powerful earth and stones splashed and hit the trunk of a tree to smash the size of a fist. Pits.

Seeing a flowing shadow flashing past, it instantly pulled the distance away, avoiding the attack, and Sasir, Henoy and others were not surprised. Henoy and another dragon knight continued to chase, and Sasir immediately drove the dragon to stretch out its claws to grab the smoke that was produced by the slap, and fish out the **** experimental body. At this moment, Zero emerged from a bunch of experimental subjects, and several jumps went to Sasir's side. The giant dragon put down a bunch of experimental subjects, and some of the inner layer immediately got up, not caring about the injuries on their bodies at all, and began to pursue them. Sasir also immediately turned around and chased Cassia, who was covered in light blue.

"How's it going?" In the sound of the dragon's rushing, Sasir did not forget to care about the current situation of the zero number. He is the guarantee for himself and Heinoy and others. If Cassia gets close in the subsequent offensive, he still has to rely on Number Zero for emergency containment. The huge body of dragons is destined to find it difficult for them to deal with flexible and small enemies.

Number Zero exhaled a long breath, and the crackling sound when he moved his body made the blood-red fusion scales on his scales continue to crack a lot.

"It's not a big problem." Zero answered calmly, looking at Cassia who was avoiding the attack by Heinoy and others, the cross pupil contracted again, "My own injury is not very serious, which means Cassia's situation. It's roughly the same as me. Even if he doesn't have the protection of the experimental body, his body is weirder than me. Don't be fooled by his performance." While speaking, the cracks on his body's fusion scales were already like wounds. Closed as usual, smooth as before, no trace of cracking can be found.

"Separate it even if we reach the first step of the plan, let's see how long we can delay." If there is no zero number, continue, chase Shanghai Noy and others, and Sasir will also join the battle. At the same time, Number Zero jumped off the dragon's back and went to Kemisur and the others who had walked an arc-shaped route.

They were all observing from the side. In the Dragon Knight's battle, Zero often had no chance to intervene. The dragon not only has a huge size, but also does not appear to be extremely clumsy in terms of its own agility. Because of its huge power, the threat of every attack is comparable to a sniper rifle aimed at the head, and once it is spread, it will cause a chain reaction.

But Mishur and others used guns to carry out auxiliary shooting to further reduce the range of Cassia's space, forcing him to reveal deadly flaws as much as possible. Zero now rested behind them, stepping up time to recover from his physical injuries. The three-headed dragon combined force to launch an attack. Although the test subject helped itself block the huge impact, the vibration it carried could ignore the test subject surrounding it, and could only rely on the strength of the body to resist it.

There are only less than fifteen subjects that are still able to move. Zero stares at them, who rely on instinct to dodge between the three-headed dragon attack. For some reason, he always feels that whenever he seems to have the advantage , But after careful thinking, I can always find that relative to the target, Cassia, the most serious loss has always been his side.

Only the current number of fifty test subjects, and most of them are injured, the threat has been reduced by more than half. In the face of goals, this amount can't play any role at all. The other members of the team did not decrease in number, but Zero knew that these members were even more useless than the experimental body. As long as they lose themselves or the limitations of Dragon Knight, their death is only a matter of time and speed.

At this moment, more than two hundred people who had evacuated went to the hole where Foster was, and defended two to three kilometers away, which was regarded as helping Foster alleviate a little pressure.

Saswa issued an order to keep surrounding personnel away during observation zero. It is always a hidden danger that there are team members around. Although Cassia is surrounded by three dragons in an area, it is difficult to rush out, but Sasir and others also have no way to make the dragon capture the speed and flexibility at all times. At this stage, Cassia was close to the limit. Zero needs to be there all the time, not only needs him to put pressure on Cassia at any time, but also needs him to create a link in the chain, to ensure that Cassia and everyone between them will not easily use the breath or dragon's breath.

The three-headed dragon flapped its wings from time to time to disperse the smog that filled it. The armors on their bodies were corroded, and pungent black-gray smoke was constantly emitting. Heinoy's dragon had already taken off the red-heat-like devices on the two claws, and the corrosion of Cassia's blood directly made them useless.

The light cyan blood on Cassia's body was roughly washed away by him in the battle. At this time, he almost stopped attacking, but constantly avoided through the speed and flexibility of himself, as well as the interference of the three dragons.

The high-frequency sound waves were superimposed in the next moment, and Cassia wanted to get closer to the hole, but was completely blocked by Sasir and the others, and couldn't advance a little further. UU Reading is only about two kilometers away from the entrance of the cave. Cassia, Sasir and others can see the scorched black area that has been swept by the dragon’s breath, and the sun getting closer to noon will illuminate it abnormally. Bright.

Feeling the spread of high-frequency sound waves, Mishuer, Jeremy and others all looked at the hole in the ground. At this moment, the situation that should have relaxed them a little, but in a disguised form made them bear a greater magnitude. pressure. The spirit became tense, but Mishur and others were very passive before this sense of unknown.

"Pay attention to the hole! Captain Sasir, if the situation is still stalemate, you can use a red mercury bomb whenever necessary!" But Mishuer reminded in the communication that she sometimes even thinks that the target emits sound pulses, which is deliberately used to distract them. Means of force.


At the same time, the advancing Cassie stopped. Not only is high-frequency sound waves captured, it also perceives vibrations transmitted from the ground. No longer rushing forward, Cassie had a little impression of this place. Because it's not far from the entrance and exit of Dedidong, the place it passed just now is the cavity where it used materials for the "Shimen".

The action became gentle the next moment, and Cassiehe was like a well-trained soldier at this moment, hiding under the ground, quietly lurking towards the entrance and exit.

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