Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1761: The history of circulation (part 2)

"Macquarie, it's not too far away from the arrival of the red star. From the time when the Astronomical Palace of the Theological Seminary released the news of the red star, it is close to four years at this moment." McOnnis looked at the tree canopy. Layer, his gaze was firm, just for an instant, as if taking his gaze as the axis line, everything within a five-meter radius instantly evaporated. A hollow appeared in the canopy of the tree, just like the mouth of a well, letting a beam of bright sunlight shine down, but unfortunately, the beam did not fall on either of him or Macquarie, but only illuminated the dry dead leaves of one party.

"Two years later, the climate changed drastically. The Holy Child and the Holy Woman met, and thunderstorms brought heavy rains to all continents. In many places, scenes similar to'land waterfalls' will appear. Massive rainwater will become a source of moving steam. With the convenience of heavy rain, it happened little by little from the front." McOnnis said to himself, with a taste of memory in his eyes, "In another two years, the red star will officially appear and be visible during the day. In fact, the situation during the day is still It’s better. At night, I often feel that the entire sky is light red, and the rain that falls is no different from blood. However, considering the approximate death toll in each war, it is not as if the rain is treated as water mixed with blood. What's wrong. That period is also the most inconvenient period. The influence of thunderstorms and red stars made the weak inductive force field almost spread across the entire continent, and everything on electricity had to be affected. If it were not processed, it would not be used at all. The stability can be said to be broken all of a sudden."

"After that, the red star will have to last for several years. As long as it lasts, the war will last for as long as possible. Historical records say that sometimes the red star disappears and the war has to continue for a period of time until the end of the climate change." Speaking of this, McOnnis’s words are already full of emotion, “Then everyone stopped, and each began to pay attention to the internal problems of the country. The construction of the construction, the tidying up, as if nothing happened, ushered in A long period of peace."

"The empire alone has a population of hundreds of billions, and the long-standing backlog of weapons and ammunition always has to find a place to consume. And you know that apart from the first few wars, the wars triggered by the red star have long since changed their taste. , Has become a kind of demand. Regardless of the empire, the other two giant countries, as well as those small countries, all have different degrees of desire for it. At least, before the post-phase continent can not be completely unified, I think this kind of war Although it is useless and necessary, it cannot be denied that it is indeed pushing a lot of things forward." McGerry, who gave his opinion, followed with sigh.

"I don’t know if this regular cycle will end during this time when the six red stars are coming? It’s good to experience it once, and it doesn’t make sense anymore. There is no more flavor and no more people. Excited, I just feel tired."

After speaking, McOnnis moved his gaze from the sky to McGerry’s face: "As for you, although it has only been less than four years, too much has happened during that time. Still insisting on the plan he wants to achieve. , Let surgery be thoroughly popularized on the mainland, let the age of an operator come, and then hide in a corner to observe the changes in the world?"

McGerry nodded: "The ecological circle of the surgeon is too small. As for us, we have always had such a few faces. If we see too many, we will feel tired."

"There will be no good results." McOnly gave his own judgment in advance, "Just to support the current circle of surgeons, resources have become scarce. How many people does the empire have, how many people are there in the entire post-phase continent? Population? After a while, it is not a problem for the mainland population to approach a trillion base. Moreover, the difficulty is not in terms of resources, but the competition will be more fierce. Difficulty is still in this case, what structure should this group have? To support its stability. You must know that power is the purest hotbed that can directly generate various negative emotions and desires. Everyone becomes stronger because of surgery, but the structure of the entire world will be regressed because of this. It is not necessarily an empire. The fact that the forces of the Quartet can stand for a thousand years is all due to the control of the operation."

"These are exactly the things I want to observe silently, and apart from that, I have no other interest." McGerry smiled, "I will choose a suitable time. I still have a lot of time. It doesn't have to be. To be realized, everything will be adjusted according to future developments."

"There is no need to take a pessimistic view on the world of this structure. In my expectation, it may reappear in another sense of ancient history due to the complete disappearance of world restrictions. I have learned about the operation mechanism of the Yuanhai Common Country. The dragon material is only excellent at the top level. Other second-class creatures, as well as the almost inexhaustible underground creatures, and many marine creatures in the endless sea can become surgical materials. Furthermore, with this structured world After it takes shape, the exploration of the outside world will improve. Maybe after the six red stars, traces of the continents that we have been unable to discover suddenly appear?"

Speaking of this incident, McOnnis made McGerry very happy.

"In the past, maybe I would be the same as you said, just thinking about it. But now..." McGerry took a deep breath and slowly vomited it out. "Six red stars can indeed be seen as a historical cycle. The starting point and the end point, no one can say what will change in a few years. The only thing that can be sure is that it does have the ability to bring changes. The world limit is the best example. So I put the plan after the red star, and I am about the red star Very interested after coming."

"Then I hope you can succeed. UU Reading" McOnnis did not hesitate to give his blessings, "Your words remind me a little bit."

"Is the influence of the Red Star ‘shielding’ the traces of other continents to a certain extent?" McGregor guessed what McOnnis would say next.

"The limit of the world may be one of the inherent basis of this guess." McOnly suddenly showed a strong interest, and his tone became more active. "Now Avalon has not studied the nature of the red star clearly. It’s not clear what its specific role is. But starting from the fact that the red star can affect the world’s limits, can it also create a huge “mist”? In the mist, in fact, other continents are not so far away from us, but no matter it is We, or other continents, can’t find the other side around us before the fog disappears? Or, at present, we don’t have the power to break the fog."

McGerry fell into thinking, and then he said: "This matter, maybe the head of the group will come back soon, I can get some information from her."

"Then can I say,,, expect you to give me an answer later?"

"Of course, we have no opposing positions on these matters."

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