Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1759: The history of circulation (part 1)

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"It's Satrik." McGerry blurted out, "but I also found the priest Otto of the Far Frontier of the Holy Emperor Hall next to him, so I asked other people to rush over to help temporarily." McGerry looked at him. Hilda landed in the approximate direction of the ground in a small airship, "I don't know what's going on, it's been a while."

"For Hilda, you can rest assured. She has another third of the holy spear in her hand. In this forest, except for the black dragon Monique Roa, no one can stop her when she wants to leave." McOnness I am very confident. Several people generally know each other’s roots. "It’s just that Satrik is also a special person. The reason why he was directly recruited by the Holy Fathers is not entirely because he escaped from Manicoroa’s hands. Up."

"It's not because of this strength, but because of some information that Satrik may know?" McGerry said for another reason, "On the surface, he escaped from Manicoroa. But few people really care about this fact. Perhaps even Satrik himself would not pay too much attention to it. Everyone knows that if Monique Roja uses normal power, Satrik cannot escape. In it, I am more inclined to reach some kind of agreement or get help from other people."

McGerry spoke very lightly in the last sentence, as if he was afraid of being heard by others.

McOnnis naturally noticed the change and hesitated a little. He was thinking about whether to discuss these things with McGerry here. After thinking about it, he and McGregor are both members of the same family and friends. Before the Kira Andi family was split, he, Magri, and Hilda were the three recognized pillars of the family and were responsible for different directions. Whether it’s now or later, there’s definitely no fight between the two, because it doesn’t make sense. After simple thinking, the two can think that the final result of the battle will be no result, except that it will destroy a large area of ​​forest.

"The Will of the World Tree has always been under the care of Manicoroa and the others. I don't know how long it started. It has been passed down from generation to generation, and it has become what it is now." McOnness said, "The southern forest is no longer Expansion is also an event in history. I am afraid that we will not be able to trace back to that point in time. But in a few years it will be like a cycle to the starting point, regardless of whether the will of the world tree is newly generated or the one that has not completely died in ancient history. , This time, they will probably also participate."

"We have been exploring the endless waters around the continent, hoping to find traces of the continental group in ancient historical data. But it has been hundreds of years since we have the ability to conduct oceanography. Nothing has been discovered. In addition to more information that constantly stimulates people’s curiosity, the evidence needed has not been found."

McOnnis looked at McGerry at this time: "After becoming a high-level surgeon among other populations, I have been in endless panic for two periods of time. At that time, my head was confused and I didn't know how to find my footing. point."

"For the first time, I think you should be the same. It is also an experience that most people who have only become advanced surgeons have."

"Is it a solid stage for a four-stage surgeon?" McGlyry answered with a question.

"The spirit is strengthened, and the perception is improved. At the same time, advanced surgeons can feel deeper things. For example, the ubiquitous world restrictions outside the limit area, and those deep underground. However, only it is. I feel this is nothing, because before there is no detailed information, these are regarded as normal. But later, in the stable stage, what the surgeon generally needs to do is to accumulate energy materials as soon as possible, and understand that the permissions can be unlocked. Read all kinds of materials."

McOnnis sighed: "I can still clearly remember the complicated mood at that time, and the panic that gradually grew in my heart afterwards. When I know that the world's limitations and the deep veins of the earth are caused by human factors. It’s the first time that I experienced my own insignificance in the entire historical cycle."

"The second period is now at this stage." McOnnis continued his own words, "The fifth stage is late, but in any case, he can't take the last step and become the second type of life. Although the current understanding of the world As time has deepened, I have gained a clearer understanding. But every time I think of the world in the age of gods and ancient history, I will find myself in fear and insignificance."

"This is only caused by the environment, and has nothing to do with us. If time changes, we will become the strong in that era." McGerry started to speak, but there was little confidence.

Maconice smiled: "I know that the environment is only one of the influencing factors. Because of the changes in the environment, many things have been lost in the entire world. This is the point."

"Well, there must be no conclusions about this matter. All kinds of information are intermittent, and there are many huge faults in it. The entire history of the three-phase continent cannot be found completely, let alone the distance. It's our more distant ancient history, and the age of gods that only exists in ancient history."

"If that's the case, why bother to pursue things from the age of gods?" McGlyry asked, "you are not such a person."

"Because I want to learn more, so I can walk out of fear and insignificance. There are many ways, but there are two most effective methods. One is to stand at the peak of strength. Just look at Eleanor's It seems that the King of Knights is probably not the final destination. The second point is knowledge. UU reading, when you know everything, naturally you will not be afraid. And when the six red stars come, they will descend on the sky. In the huge vortex of the patriarch, there is an opportunity for these two methods to be achieved at the same time." McOnnis, who gave an explanation, replied, "I know what you want to say, McGly. The slate obtained by the patriarch has been modified. Things, in fact, we know. As for why..."

Maconnis laughed: "Perkins Kiris is indeed worthy of our admiration, but he does not seem to be considerate. Thousands of years ago, he was a person worthy of respect in that era, but after a thousand years, like a cycle, there are also There are people who deserve to be respected."

"Avalon agency?" McGerry had an answer.

Maconix nodded: "Avalon is the institution that surpasses all forces in the empire. In addition, with the help of the slate, we roughly guess that the will of the World Tree will act again when the six red stars come. So the topic here returns. At the origin, Satrik can escape from Manicoroa, and only the World Tree Will has this ability."

"Serve as the messenger at the necessary moment." McGerry made a judgment. "On the other hand, have you ever thought about the situation that Pekins Kiris is not dead?"

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