Steel Steam and Flame

: I have a cold, take a day off

8wv‘9qt50#tkv7qkbbg’ld points extra moves. Those who stayed after the task selection of the previous year do have strong self-control ability. After doing what should be done, he left immediately. r

   For ten seconds, Delrin and Voge chased them down. Strong perception intruded into the air around Thanos from the room on the second floor, pretending to be completely unaware, Cassia still stayed asleep. Until Kaul also noticed the movement outside, he hurried over and knocked on the door. r

   "You two had better stay in your own rooms. I think those rooms will be the strongest in this house." The Delrin three had already made a detailed investigation of the whole house. r

"Let your team take action and patrol secretly around the house. If there is any abnormality, report it in time. And don't do unnecessary things!" Delrin and Voge asked the old butler Kaul who had come out when they chased out. Say. The two of them finally looked at Zayas, "The two of us are familiar with Ye Jielin's style and habits. If there is news, we will use the communication machine to inform you. Of course, if something special happens, you should follow the emergency plan. Yes."r

Zayas nodded, and Cassia came out of his room with her eyes rubbing, and asked in a panic what happened. He is almost forty years old, and his performance now has him in Zayas. I became a person full of burdens in my heart. Without looking at Cassia, Zayas went straight upstairs, turned off the light on the second floor, sat in his room, radiated the perception, and continued to enter the half-sleep rest. r

   Soon after, the team next to the house began to patrol disguised as various passersby, and the lights on the first floor were also on and off because of the situation reported by the team. r

   About half an hour later, Cassia decided that the time was right. He dragged out his silver suitcase from under the bed, took out the tactical knife and revolver inside, and fixed it in a convenient position on his body with special tools. r

   Soon after, Kaul again negotiated in advance and knocked on Cassia's door. r

   "Master Thanos, you need to know something about the patrol." Kaul knocked on the door and said in a small voice. It was repeated several times before Cassia opened the door, and opened it with a tired look of disturbed sleep. Even if Zayas' perception upstairs cannot detect these detailed contents, in Cassia's cognition, he must treat his enemies with care to ensure that no flaws are revealed. r

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The tiredness on his face slowly turned into panic and thinking. He pretended to hesitate and wandered on the stairs on the first floor several times. He walked upstairs quickly and came to Zayas's room. r

   At this time, Zayas had already woke up from half asleep and didn't turn on the light immediately. He knew who was standing outside, the Viscount Thanos who was not threatening at all. Just as an instinctive reaction, after he opened his eyes, he still kept his hand on the pistol on the table next to him, ready to pick it up at any time. r

   Not ready to get up to open the door, Zayas was tired, and he also knew that most of the things that Thanos reported outside the door would not be important news. For him, there are not many things that can match the word "important". r

   Cassia walked over and was about to knock on the door, when he heard a voice coming from the room, "It's fine to say it outside. Now it's a bit inconvenient to open the door." r

Cassia hurriedly said bother, and then he closed his eyes and passively amplified his hearing function to the strongest. At the same time, his right hand had already pulled out the revolver, and the exposed line of drums could be transmitted on the first floor. Under the dim light of, you can see the light blue circular logo. r

   The books I've read in the past have played a big role. When Cassia reported things, he often concealed the key points, and Zayas had to ask him in person to get the answers he wanted. Although there were only a few times, the sound from Zayas through the door was enough for Cassia to judge his specific spatial position in the room. r

   "This is the message from the team." Cassia replied very carefully, as if he was afraid of angering Zayas. r

   "I see." Zayas responded flatly. r

   "Excuse me, please have a good rest." Cassia finally said, "Goodbye." The revolver held in his right hand found the exact location of Zayas at this moment, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation. r

  The flames burst out from the muffler and the front of the drum, and for a short time everything on the second floor was plated with orange-red color. The sound must be loud, but the front of the revolver is equipped with a long silencer, and the whole house is almost airtight. The windows are all closed tightly when Delrin inspects. r

   The sound storm resounding inside the house is just a crow cry outside the house, which is not very crisp. The flame of the bullet's explosion disappeared in an instant, but the orange-red plating on the surroundings seemed to have a lingering rhyme, which could not be dissipated for a long time. r

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Master Thanos." Kaul hurried to the second floor at this time, saw Cassia standing there, called out, and then But I don't know how to speak. He just asked him to knock on the door from time to time and kill the person left alone upstairs, not within the range that Cassia told him. r New Bayi Chinese website debut

   No matter how you look at his strength, he will be stronger than himself. This is Kaul's evaluation of Zayas. He walked over and suppressed the opening of the large chandelier on the second floor, and saw the door in front of Cassia, which had been completely interrupted from the middle The power of the blue silver bullet could give Cassia different every time Experience. r

   Behind a beautiful wooden door, the defensive plate that they brought back in the morning was obviously temporarily installed. And the strongest composite bulletproof board was placed beside Zayas, just as smooth as the pistol he placed on the table. It's just that he didn't expect that there would be such a shot, shooting directly from the door, and without any sense of his senses, he easily harvested his life. r

   pierced through the chest and broke a big hole, leaving only a few blood vessels connected to the fragments in the heart. r

   "Need to be cleaned up? Master Thanos." Kaul stood aside, looked at Zayas's ignorant face, and asked respectfully. r

"It's okay to move it in the underground cold storage first. It will always be a short while later, until the remaining two people come back and they are cleaned up. How to deal with these things in the end is your business." Cassia said, while being careful. Walked into Zayas's room. He turned on the light, glanced at the weapon on the side, and finally took away only the composite bullet-proof board to use. rァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω..còм   "Master Thanos, are the other two rooms as well?" Kaul suggested, but he immediately denied his thoughts. When people leave, they probably have arranged their own rooms."r

Cassia nodded and agreed with the old butler of Kaul, "They are usually so careful." I want to talk about "Steel Steam and Flame" with more like-minded people. WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature" to read novels and talk about life. Finding a confidant~



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