Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1755: Dragon Knight vs Dragon Knight (14)

"Steel Steam and Flame (!

Hanoi and the dragon went mid-air, while Sasir took his dragon and crawled along with the team on the ground. The investigation of the surrounding area was entrusted to the two dragon knights, and the range of perception could be as far as ten kilometers. During the journey of thousands of meters, the surroundings remained quiet from beginning to end, without any movement.

During the period, there were changes between Zero and Cassia, and their moving speed was fast and slow. But Sasir and the others can only sense a general idea, and they don't know the specific situation. All the members of Sawyer’s team had already gathered afterwards, and Foster waited for the remaining two dragon knights to also advance about eight or nine kilometers, and according to Sasir’s orders, they finally circumvented an arc. Shaped lines so that you can catch up with them after observing the movement of the forest in a larger area. Excluding number zero and the experimental body, all the rest of the team was assembled at this time.

But whether the team continues to walk or build a complete offensive and defensive position on the spot, waiting for Cassia and Zero to move here, but Mishur and the others have not yet come to a fixed result. The team can only keep walking in front of Cassia and them, thinking about the safest way to support them.

"Still approaching towards this side." Heinoy's voice was windy. At this moment, she is on the high altitude next to the location of Cassia and Zero, in order to obtain more accurate detection information, "There are 37 of the fifty subjects left. During the two minutes of observation, None of the test subjects died,..., etc. It seems that another one died just now. Only thirty-six subjects are still active. Mr. Zero has been entangled with the target, and the test subjects only cooperate mostly, in front of the battle. , The role they can play is not very obvious. The subject that died just now was killed by Mr. Zero after Cassia left the restriction."

"The goal seems to be the same as Miss Kermisul guessed. Even with Mr. Zero's restrictions, he has been thinking of ways to move in a fixed direction, almost following the route of our retreat."

"Miss Heinoy, there are other things in the air." Jeremy asked. "Without more information, we can't guess the meaning of the target's doing this at all."

"There is no more situation. Except for a slight increase in the smoke rising from the extreme distance, I think that in this area, we and the target are the only ones. This is obviously an area that has been emptied. I am in mid-air. You can feel the quiet and empty below through the perception of the dragon. Except for us, there are no other visible creatures in a large area below." Heinoy scanned around, more sure of his own words," Captain Sasl, I don’t know how you feel."

"It's roughly the same." On the ground, Sasir replied, "But because he felt the breath on the target, he came to this area earlier than us, and it is normal to dispel the surrounding Type 2 creatures. But in my cognition, it is understandable that the breath scares away the ordinary second-class creatures, and it makes this place with a sense of emptiness in life, and it has to be doubted. "

"Either Cassia's current state is not what he really is, or there is a reason other than the target. Will there be a large-scale use of a biological agent here in advance?"

"You mean letting biological agents blend into the environment here in order to have an undetectable impact on us later? There are indeed similar precedents, and the actual effect is correct. But..." Looking at one of the holy guards, "Do you think there is such a possibility in the surrounding environment?"

"No, if there is, I will remind you immediately when I notice it." The holy guard said, "Of course it does not rule out that the target's pharmacist is far more powerful than me, whether it is a release technique or a deployment. I can’t find any traces of the biological agent specifications that came out. But this kind of probabilistic...

"Mr. Tornos, do you think that the entrance and exit of the huge cave not long ago have any unclear connection with these things?" Seeing that the other side was discussing, Sawyer approached Tornos and pressed He asked with a voice, "If there are Type II creatures similar to the lord, it should be normal that there are no other Type II creatures around."

Tornos said "um", he obviously also thought about the same problem as Saoya again because of the discussion of Ke Mishuer and others.

"It's not clear about the relationship. The huge entrances and exits, the depth is considerable, and it was only unearthed recently, etc. factors, from these factors, it indicates that nothing is necessarily said." Tornos could not give a clear answer. , He looked around, "If I remember well, our current position is not far from the entrance and exit of the cave. Continue to advance at the current speed, which is about two minutes."

Soya nodded after hearing this, "I'll put it forward first, maybe I can get the answer from other people at once. Going to the entrance and exit of the cave is also more complete."

"Yes." Tornos agreed. The darkness in the cave is terrifying, and he has not been able to suppress this impression at the moment.

Sawyer later intercepted the discussion of Komishuer and others in his own voice, because they could not draw any conclusions, and all their ideas were based on guesses without factual basis.

When Komishuer and others listened to Saoya's brief explanation, they were all caught in the same thinking as Tornos.

"Are there needle-like hairs around, or some kind of pungent smell?" After digesting Sawyer's words, Sasir first said, "The second kind of person who will actively make holes in the dark forest. There are many kinds of creatures, but according to Captain Soya’s description, such a huge cave mouth is likely to be the product of a second type of creature like the king rat. In addition to the huge cave entrance, the pungent smell around the cave mouth is also the most obvious One of its characteristics. This smell is a biological toxicant."

Seeing Saoya shaking his head, Sasir thought about it carefully. He does know many kinds of creatures that can dig out such caves, but most of them have a fixed living environment, and it is almost impossible to appear in the dark forest.

"In short, it's only about two minutes away, and it's not too late to make a judgment after getting there." Saoya said, so everyone put their doubts into their hearts.

After a while, a well-lit area gradually appeared in front of the dark forest. A large beam of light fell, like a spotlight on the stage, illuminating the area two to three hundred meters before as if waiting for the actors to enter the stage.

The faces of Saoya and Tornos were already very ugly at this moment, and when Ke Mishuer and others noticed something was wrong between the two, the whole team had stopped in place unknowingly.

"The pile of trees is gone!" Saoya said with a solemn tone.

"A huge pile of trees. Not long ago, many ancient branches were chopped down, and they were piled up under the sunlight." Tornos continued, adding details. Like Saoya, he constantly determines the obscure marks made on the surrounding ancient trees, and observes the bright area, contrasts with his own memory, and makes sure that he has not found the wrong place.

"It's indeed gone, the entrance and exit of the cave have been blocked again, and a disguise is also made."

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