Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1738: Guessing and the Information Network Over Time (Part 2)

"That's why Nichols' death is needed." Sasir replied, keeping the incision in his head. He jumped on the corpse of the giant dragon, but Mishur followed behind, looking at the spine completely destroyed by the sword and the skull pierced by the breath.

Every wound on the dragon's body can provide them with information, and the surrounding traces are also silent language, and they no longer tell anything all the time.

The ability to observe the battlefield, the ability to read traces, and the ability to trace back and simulate the general scene of the battle in the head after obtaining information from the above two. These three are integrated, you can practice and accumulate experience in the day after tomorrow, and gradually increase. It is undeniable that every surgeon who wants to stand at the top of their circle and class should have such a keen observation ability, and it is also a reference point for similar hard indicators.

Correspondingly, react in real time in battle, analyze the enemy’s information instantly, compare the differences between oneself and the enemy, which are advantages, which are disadvantages, how to deal with disadvantages, and how to use advantages. Always observe the enemy in battle, at least after a short contact, you can “familiarize” yourself with the enemy, draw the outline of the enemy, etc. This ability is also what every surgeon standing at the top should possess.

Sasir was not very familiar with this, and he didn't see much. But Ke Mishuer next to him can be called an expert in this area. The members of the Saint Guard often need these two abilities when performing tasks, especially the ability to read the legacy battlefield, in order to help them lock the target faster and better, and speed up the progress of the task.

But Mishur is like a recording machine that can speak. She mechanically speaks every piece of information analyzed, but this is not simply for Sasir to hear, but to confirm to herself, it is for self-correction. Process.

When the two walked from the head to the tail of the dragon's corpse, and returned to the position of the wings, Sasir drew out his short knife and quickly dug out the flesh and blood of the dragon, following the outline of the remaining scales on the corpse. Nichols's body.

Nichols lost all his skin. His own tissues and flesh and blood began to merge with dragon tissues. To be precise, Nichols is more like a kind of nourishment that actively invades into the dragon's body and is absorbed by the dragon. But the real situation is the connection problem between Nichols and the dragon, and the lack of proficiency at all can cause this to happen.

"The spirit of the dragon itself allows him to invade into his body, but the connection between Nichols and the dragon is not close enough, resulting in the dragon’s body being identified as an alien invader, that is, it appears on the dragon’s body. Rejection. This is an instinct. Captive dragons want to control this xenophobia and need to be practiced. Obviously, Nichols's dragon has not been practiced much." Sasir explained .

The clusters of nerve bundles extending from Nichols' body will occasionally tremble once or twice. In addition, what the two can currently observe is a mixture of flesh and blood with a roughly human shape embedded in the dragon tissue. That's it.

"This is the danger you said, Captain Sasser." But Mishur was not interested in it, and then jumped off the dragon's body after mentioning it, and turned to observe other traces left on the surrounding battlefield.

"Yes, this is a danger. But compared to the effect of this upper limit, this danger is actually nothing." Standing on the corpse, Sasir looked at Komishuer and said, "If he can use this method The upper limit of is fully expressed that even if the dragon is dead, he can still rely on his own strength and spirit to separate himself from the dragon’s corpse. This will not only maintain his integrity, but also use the dragon’s power, Gao Intensively heal any of his injuries, and gain strong physical strength in a short period of time afterwards. But,,, we are in the second batch after all. Compared with the top dragon knights, there will definitely be a gap."

But Mishur stood by the pit shot by the dragon's claws, turned around and nodded at Sasir, indicating that he was listening to him. However, the attention was focused on observing the traces around her, and when Komishuer had obtained most of the traces, the entire short battle process was simultaneously generated in her head.

"Ah..." But Mishur "read" the simulated process in his head, and couldn't help sighing, "Go back and wait. There is no cooperation between the ground troops and the experimental team. Whoever it is, it will meet Cassia's. The result is death. Captain Sasir, your dragon knight's role in the future is very important. The offensive to contain the target, attract attention, and suppress the target with high-intensity attacks in a large area, etc., must be completed in an orderly manner. This It requires the cooperation of the four remaining dragon knights of you, otherwise, once the opportunity is put in front of the target, with his ability to seize the opportunity, what awaits us is to be eaten away by him a little bit."

The two jumped on the dragon and returned to the sky. But Mishur took out the communicator and began to explain the information he had about Cassia on a large scale.

Soon after, the other Saint Guard members, the kinetic armored team, and the Zero who received the information, even the hackers and Magley, all knew the process and results of the battle. The transmission of information is only a matter of time. Not long after that, Empire Manoma began to spread the news.

Improving morale is also to pull some people into the market again, and it is impossible for Macquarie and the others to use it.

At an entrance of the underground network, Cassia yelled at it in dragon-like language, reminding Cassiehe who was nesting in it to be ready to listen to her call at any time. The enemy squad in charge of tracking is still behind The dragoons in the sky also recovered to four positions shortly after. Cassia knew that the enemy had gone to observe the battlefield, but he was not worried that the traces would reveal any information.

Both the second-generation holy sword and the biological inductive stress field are already public information. For herself, Cassia believes that what the enemy needs to know most at the moment is her own continuous ability and energy level. With uranium gold as a last resort, Cassia was at ease. The killing range and destructive power of radiant light, and the speed at which creatures die, Cassia had experienced in volcanic no man's land, although he was not sure whether exposure to uranium gold would cause radiation germs to erupt and escape to the surroundings.

After moving around the underground network, due to the lack of information, after his thoughts went to "Perkins Kiris", Cassia stopped speculation in this area and began to organize the information obtained during the battle with the dragon knight.

Using sonic pulses to determine a team of his own, Cassia speeded up and approached. Taking a communicator from them, Cassia immediately contacted the hacker. From the horrible tone, you can know that because the battle caused the communicator to be damaged, too much has happened in the short time when he could not be actively contacted.

"Zero is coming. The high-level surgeons formed a circle on the outermost periphery and started their delaying plans. In other words, Mr. Cassia, the plan has been comprehensive in the ten minutes since you lost contact. Turn on."

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