Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1726: Mixed test and information collection (medium)

"Theoretically, Nichols has a good upper limit. As for whether he can perform in practice, it depends on his own determination?" But Mishur spent some time clarifying in his head what Sassel wanted to show. It means, "Maybe you will die because of this, right? Captain Sassel, Nichols will have a high chance of ushering in this kind of result after you play the upper limit in your mouth?"

"Being able to stand in the second batch is that Nichols has this possibility. Stopping the second batch and not being able to go to the top group of people is also because there is only one possibility in him, and this This kind of thing is very likely to be a disposable item. After using it, he himself will not have it."

Sasir laughed: "The dragon knight itself is full of dangers, not as beautiful as you see Miss Mishur. But once you succeed, you can indeed stand at the top of the pyramid one step. And the so-called step requires The time is not long. Compared with you, the dragon knight can fully see the future potential and growth in more than ten years, that is, the twelve years when the dragon has grown up."

"The most important period of time is when the dragon is a juvenile. Because once the dragon becomes an adult under time, there will be many things that cannot be done. In short, no medicine and all kinds of dragons are needed. The special method customized by the knight, the mental pressure of the adult dragon will quickly assimilate ourselves, which is a little bit of cannibalization, until we reach the critical point, we will completely die. This is roughly the same as assimilating our body. The process, as for the reason, is actually very simple-when the strength of our dragon knight itself is too far from that of the dragon, the connection established from the dragon's childhood will have many problems, so that it will break at a certain moment."

"At that time, as a dragon knight, we would naturally lose the title and identity of the dragon knight."

But Mishur was full of interest. What Sasir said was information she had never heard before: "But,,, there must be a remedy? Otherwise, I don’t think that the limit is twelve years. The number of dragon knights can be adequately supplemented."

Sasir continued the wry smile on his face: "It's not a remedy. As we who will be abandoned by the dragon, we can only choose other new dragons to combine with ourselves again. It's like falling into a cycle. , Our dragon knight is the thing that is cycled. We combine with different young dragons again and again, repeat training, and strengthen our ability as a dragon knight a little bit, but also improve our strength as a stranger little by little until we reach high Step, get rid of this cycle completely."

As he said, Sasir sighed heavily: "But Miss Mishur, do you know how many times have I combined, now known as the Dragon Knight?"

The atmosphere suddenly became less brisk, but Mishur put away the interest on his face, and expressed respect and sympathy for the heavy air around him: "According to your age, it should be the fourth or fifth time. My observations Strong, so you can roughly tell your actual age, Captain Sasir."

"It's the sixth time..." Under the sigh, it was Sasir's deep helplessness and fatigue, as well as a heavy sense of depression from the spirit, "Among the dragon knights, my age can only be regarded as middle and upper. Most dragon knights repeat the same thing throughout their lives. Even though everyone knows that after becoming a high-level surgeon, they can leave the cycle, but in the end, the result is that most people are stuck in a dead cycle and cannot get out. When looking at it as a stranger, you can get the help of dragons to speed up your own evolution. In other words, on the way to a higher level, the chance of a dragon knight will be the number of people like Mishur. Times. But the base of the probability itself is too small. After multiplying by several times, it is still a very small number. In addition to the psychological comfort, many people will actively forget this benefit."

"For a person of my age, the dragon knight is a cage that can't get out. There is no way to break it unless death. Many people who successfully break the cage will choose to put down the status of the dragon knight at the first time, just as A stranger goes to survive. But..."

Sasir closed his eyes again and paid attention to the bottom: "However, they finally came back for various reasons. No one can get rid of the title of Dragon Knight. Maybe after the high-level, there will be another prison. ,,,"

But Mishur didn't speak for a while. I don't know what to say. She is not the kind of role that will comfort people. If she really wants to comfort and meet the requirements of Sasir's death, she can do it perfectly in a very short time.

"Nichols, it's Captain Sasir that you are going to get out of the cage a step?"

"Yes, I hope that I can successfully complete the task with you Miss Komishur, so that I can get more resources when I go back to get rid of the shackles of this cycle. However, under normal circumstances, Nichols's head is very Smart, at the right moment, he needs to give him a little stimulation to make him determined to show his upper limit. At that time, I hope you can say something to Miss Mishur beside..."


The compressed air has a very high temperature and becomes extremely stuffy in a wide range.

Cassia then added the two articles "continuous low-intensity air cannon and large-area air bomb blast" to the message. For the ground team, the several attack methods displayed by the Dragon Knights at the moment are enough to cause them to suffer huge losses in a short period of time.

There were leaves and sawdust flying around, and the continuous compressed air cannon emitted by the dragon in the sky had the power of ordinary artillery, and each explosion triggered could set off a large amount of mud. The continuous shallow pit followed Cassia's twisted and round figure, drawing a very long line.

It’s just that this kind of attack method with almost no cost to dragons ~ The fatal flaw of slow speed is the best way to break it in front of Cassia. It can easily be avoided, except that the hot wind generated during the explosion can hit the body, and it has no effect.

Cassia circled among the ancient trees and fired another shot: "There are still thirteen bullets left, probably only one piece of armor can be lifted." Pulling the bolt, Cassia connected to the trajectory of the shot just now, and the bullet was accurate. The joint between the two pieces of armor at the location of the dragon's chest. This is the fifteenth shot. The armor on the chest of the dragon has more than a dozen shallow pits, and the seams around the armor have openings. If it continues, it is only a matter of time before this piece of armor falls off. But this dragon knight refused to lower his height and kept above the safe level.

"It's really a troublesome question." Cassia muttered to herself, looking for an angle and firing a sixteenth shot. The gap around the armor became larger again.

But with the roar of the dragon, Cassia finally sighed when the familiar attack struck again. Immediately after taking a deep breath, the sonic pulse immediately spread to a range of 6,500 meters, and Cassia detected the first team near here.

"It’s almost time. Since you don’t cooperate, information about you can only be obtained from other dragon knights later. Unfortunately, you could have been flying with this dragon in the sky for a longer period of time... ,"

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