Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1720: Surprise and mark (middle)

"The rest of the time is to wait for the information collected by several other team members today. It is expected that there will be no results. We should be the biggest gain here." Seeing that Sasir agreed to his request, Jeremy changed the topic. open.

In the combined team, there are only a few teams that deal with Cassia, each with its own division of labor. The dragon knight team led by Sasir is mainly responsible for reconnaissance and containment. The dragon's aerial suppression and flexibility far exceed all types of airships, and the advantages of performing such operations are huge. The enemy has a way to deal with airships. For dragons, only how to detect their position and lock them in real time is a headache.

When it comes to speed, the dragon will not fly very quickly during the investigation, because the members on the back must be taken care of. Once you encounter the danger of evacuation, you can know that in the southern forest environment, unless it is enclosed by the airship fleet, it is unlikely to achieve results. The speed of dragons can even surpass that of red tube planes, and they can fly long and long distances at supersonic speeds according to their size and physical strength. In the deep forest, among the ancient trees, dragons can also gain great flexibility by relying on their limbs.

If the airship wants to achieve extremely fast sailing speed, it must activate the heat flow protection mechanism, enter the deep blue field, and use the wind field of the hurricane in it—just like the way to speed up the navigation on the sea with the help of ocean currents. But even if it enters the deep blue field, its speed is far behind the red tube plane, let alone the dragon that surpasses the red tube plane.

Sasir and the other four dragon knights knew that as long as they were in mid-air, their safety factor would naturally increase several times. The danger that the dark forest can bring to them is only high. If the enemy cannot touch himself, there is a dragon blocking him, and a composite armor on his body protects the deadly parts, so that he will not be killed by a dark gun at the first time, it is enough to put them in an immortal situation. .

The reason that Sasir would shoot directly to stop Nichols today was because he believed that while the dragon's breath might cause harm to the enemy, it would definitely hinder the subsequent investigation. At that time, with Nichols's character, descending altitude to find the enemy was almost certain to happen.

In the training of dragon knights, the first criterion for combating ground teams is high control. There are many kinds of height lines, and each height line has a different meaning. For example, the degree of danger will increase by one level when it drops down to several kilometers; how high it is from the ground is the lethal line, and so on. The ancient trees in the dark forest changed all the height lines. Sasir reminded several other people before the action started, but the person who really put his words into his head is an unknown number from Nichols’ performance. .

Sometimes, a huge advantage can indeed give people a sense of comfort, paralyze the brain, and cause a serious decline in alertness. The safety brought by dragons and heights can just accelerate the production of this comfort.

The remaining teams are all ground teams, including the kinetic armored team of the Far Sea Common Nations, Number Zero, and members of the Holy Guard of the Holy Palace Hall. It is the kinetic armored team that serves as the ground information search. The mobility is comparable to the effect of the dragon knight in the sky, and there is no need to consider physical issues.

The information came in the evening. As Jeremy expected, they were on the edge of this area, and it was impossible to complete the investigation in one day. Instead, I encountered many enemy teams walking around, but the enemy's purpose was clear. They were all investigating, and only needed to obtain information. When they met, they would evacuated immediately. There was no idea of ​​turning the encounter into an encounter.

In the separate room of the cruiser-class airship, after the meeting and discussion in the conference room, Jeremy and Komishure returned here. They did not plan to rest while drinking wine that barely met their tastes. Time to check your weapons and equipment.

"Tomorrow is you, or me, the person with Sasir?" But when Mishur assembled his special gun that was disassembled into pieces, he deliberately made a metal collision sound to attract Jeremy's attention.

"If you want to act first, I can give you this opportunity."

"Thank you then." The candidate had been decided, but Mishur thanked him politely.

"Now that there is too little information, I just came here to find out that there is no one who has really contacted Cassia. The only information I can refer to is that Cassia himself released it on the black market. The history of the battle is traced back to only two years ago. The knight attendant assessment is of a reference nature. Compare the information he released on the black market with the record of the knight attendant assessment. In less than two years, his improvement is very large, and there are no clear data in many places, with faint vagueness. Is dangerous. So... Are you sure you want to thank me?"

But Mishur assembled the gun while Jeremy was talking. This is a pistol that is different from ordinary firearms. The overall appearance is a rectangular cylinder with a long grip and a large amount of ammunition. The miniature single-handed rapid-fire machine gun uses small-caliber bullets to achieve the effect of a rapid-fire machine gun when used.

"Will Sasl next to me stand still, just watching in mid-air?" But Mishur filled himself with wine, "Except for the Dragon Knight, only one other female member can control his emotions and be clear at any time. Own strength and positioning. The other three have the deadliest sense of superiority in their contact and conversation these days because of the dragons around them. Sasir’s heart is not like his face, which is more honest and sincere. . If all of us will die, and we must put death in an order..."

"In the ground team, the kinetic armor is the first, followed by the experimental body, because they are things that can be abandoned at any time. Then it will be the turn of the three dragon knights. As for Sasir and us, the order depends roughly on the individual. Luck. In the end, it's probably number zero."

But Mishur looked at Jeremy, waiting for his answer.

Knowing that he can’t run away, Jeremy leaned on the chair and sat upright: “I agree with your order, but the kinetic armor team and the three dragon knights are roughly equal, just like us and Sasir, it depends on who it is. I met Cassia first. I really agree with your evaluation of Sasir. He is indeed a person with a lot of thoughts. So in your prediction, I boldly add one."

"Nichols is the first person to die, and may still be in front of the ground team."

"It's very likely." But Mishuer agreed, she saw what Jeremy had in her eyes, "Sathir is not the top batch of dragon knights. It is said that the top batch of people are more important because of it. You can’t participate in this action. Sasir obviously wants to use this action as his springboard to improve his status. And Nichols is currently his biggest obstacle. Nichols is very unstable. It is useless to remind this kind of people. They will behave well in normal time and understand everything. But at a critical moment, they will reveal their nature and become a breakthrough point. Sasir will not. Let Nichols ruin his plan."

"Looking at it this way, the dragon knights of the Flame Alliance are indeed rare. Members like Nichols are not eliminated, and they are still alive. It can explain the importance the Flame Alliance attaches to them, as well as their own Preciousness can also show their own strength from the side. In the Empire, like us, a little investigation of these character information is enough to make him suffer in later actions."

"But be careful, Sasir will not move, and you will not move. The upper level attaches great importance to Cassia, let us form a team, not verbally saying that Cassia is killed, but just to him. The blocking effect... From this attitude, we still can’t see the hidden information. It is our own brain problem. If our actions cannot be combined, there is a high probability that we will not even be able to go back to the prison, and we will all die here. Let alone Said to restore freedom and return to the post of the Holy Guard."

Jeremy sighed. He has always believed that the upper echelons have much more information than them, and their judgments should be more accurate. Being able to sit in a higher position is mostly because you have the hard power to be competent for that position, and then talk about various other influencing factors.

"As for Nichols, Sasir also lacks information. It depends on how he uses this person to get what he wants."

At the same time, Sasir, who was being discussed by Jeremy and Komishuer, went to the stern of the airship.

This place was originally a huge warehouse for storage of materials, small airships and red tube planes. A small part of it has now been converted into temporary aerial medical facilities, responsible for the treatment of injuries of more powerful personnel above the deputy captain level.

Sasir had an extra suitcase in his hand, about the size of a briefcase in the ordinary world. When I saw Nichols, the armor was taken off and set aside. There were stitch marks on the abdomen. It was cut open when the bones were attached. Now the scabs have healed a little.

Nichols looks good. Broken bones and injuries to some organs are not fatal.

"Each person only has one chance, and it is the resource that the teacher has won for us. If it weren't for the first batch of people to participate in the sacrificial ceremony in the next half of the year, no one would use them, we would not be qualified to use such things." Sasl threw over the suitcase, something very precious, Nichols caught it with both hands.

"I was discovered two or three years earlier, and I was trained in advance. With the same time, I can reach the same height. The difference between dragon knights, when it comes to the difference between taming dragons. Everyone can domesticate dragons, They all have this trait, so why can those people choose first and have access to better varieties? Sasir, don’t you think it’s all talents? What are the first batch of people? From birth, who are behind them who are helping them and giving continuous support, you will not be clear? Compared to ours, from a small tribe, we were found to have this kind of talent only after being checked, and finally became a dragon knight. Time is too late. In other words, none of the resources in the early, mid and late stages can catch up."

"Thank you." The emotions were a bit agitated, but Nichols opened the suitcase and saw the six neatly arranged glass bottles with baby arms. His excitement was immediately replaced by joy, and he did not forget to say thank you to Sasir.

The glass bottle is a light red substance soaked in a light green viscous liquid. It has a long worm shape and is visually full of plumpness. It seems to be alive, and it will gently squirm from time to time.

"This is the one you deserve. I'll give you all here. I won't take the rest. You can save it In addition, remember to let your dragon help and suppress them. Recover your injury. The time difference should not exceed two hours. Otherwise, wait until your own spirit can't suppress these organizations, causing total alienation. Other people on the airship will not save you, but will eliminate you directly." With a look of joy on Nichols' face, Sasir shook his head, completely disappointed, and had no strength to speak.

"What the identity of the first batch of people is, everyone knows in their hearts. But Nichols, don’t forget that it’s only a part of it, and there are also people who are in the same situation as ours. Why they can be seen by the big tribe, we Can’t? Many things, once or twice can be attributed to luck, which can be regarded as other people’s problems. But the more the frequency and the longer time, you still have to find the reason from yourself." Sasir responded to Nichols’s earlier statement. The remarks.

"Hurry up and recover. Tomorrow morning, you will have to perform the investigative mission. I will fill up the members of your team, and remember to be in the conference room on time tomorrow morning." Without looking at Nichols again, Sasser took it with him. An expressionless face left straight away. Nichols was still immersed in the joy of getting the suitcase, and did not notice the slight change in Sasir's expression and voice from beginning to end.

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