Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1709: Gods, Black Dragons and Traps (Part 2)

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"The high priest, whether it will be an army of dragon knights, or simply a large number of dragoons, does not matter. As long as it can indeed affect the actions of dragons, even if only part of it. Multiply this part by the current number of wild dragon species , It’s not a force that any of our countries can resist. Critical existence doesn’t just come from dragons. At present, there are a large number of Type 2 creatures in extreme regions. Perhaps they are the focus of attention."

"I seem to have forgotten this aspect." In the end, the words became inaudible due to the high priest's contemplation. It took a long time for the high priest to raise his head again. It cannot be said that it was Ming Enlightenment. Rather, he had already thought about this in his heart. It was only reminded by Defoni that he suddenly extended his thoughts to broader considerations.

"The complete disappearance of the limits of the world, according to the backwardness and speculation of many evidences, the'protection mechanism' provided by the extreme region will completely disappear. At that time, the environment of all places in the mainland will become the same. The extreme region and the deep sea domain will also disappear. Great,,,"

"That's it. The huge number of dragons has not yet found a solution. The base number is even greater, and the second type creatures with almost no numerical restrictions are in front of them. The underground creatures are okay. Before the world restrictions disappear, if the environment changes The direction and degree are roughly the same as the calculated results. We can destroy entrances and exits in advance and impose seal-like measures. After all, the beast tides formed by underground creatures caused us heavy losses hundreds of years ago, and they also caused a lot of damage. But underground Creatures always have traces to be traced, and there is a thick ground separated from us. After finding a way to deal with it, it gradually becomes simpler."

"There are not too many people who know underground creatures now." The high priest added, with emotion on his face, "In ancient history, the trunk of the collapsed world tree was buried in the ground, so it was created in the ground for a long time. Another ecological world is completely different from that on the ground. I have to say that human history is very short, and many places have not been explored and understood. There are also hidden dangers that may erupt with environmental changes."

Defoni was infected by the high priest, and there was a sigh of exclamation in the voice: "Now is not the time to think about underground creatures, that is at least a hidden danger that we can intervene. If that giant dragon can affect dragons, The second type of creatures don’t even have to think about it. When the “protection mechanism” disappears, the second type of creatures are willing to go out of the limit area, plus the influence of the dragon, even if it is not from the attack of the alliance between the church and the natural society , This alone is enough to distract most of our attention."

"So I came to find you. This time I am not finalizing specific measures, nor signing any agreement, etc. I just came here to serve as a reminder and give me a proposal that I can choose from."

"Wait..." The high priest understood Defoni's purpose. With his current status, he certainly couldn’t give Defoni any definite answer, “I still have to rely on his own strength.” The high priest looked at Defoni, “You know that this kind of thing cannot be between you and me. Then I can decide what comes out. But I can promise you that I will do my best to win the final cooperation. After all, the situation in our respective countries is basically the same, and we are all preparing for the same thing."

"That's the best." Defoni agreed, feeling somewhat relieved, "The promise I gave here is not only all the results involved in the Mechanical Dragon Project, but also the results of other cooperation projects in the future, they are completely shared. After all, taking the Mechanical Dragon Project alone, in terms of conception, it needs the technology of the Far Sea Common Nations on the mechanical body to make the skeleton, and then the biotechnology used by the Saint Dorag Empire on their armor to fill it. The vacancy outside the skeleton. Similar to the combination of a mechanical body and a biological body, in the end, you need to come for control."

After listening to Defoni's words, the high priest probably had the outline of the mechanical dragon in his heart: "Is it another kind of dragon knight,..., mechanical dragon knight? Perhaps in biotechnology, the biological flesh and tissues used, etc. , All have to be customized from the beginning, just like the complete growth process of the dragon knight..."


Under the dark blue night sky, a few long strips of shadows are very difficult to observe. This is a professional airship fleet, with a cruiser-class airship as its flagship, followed by four frigate-class airships, and three gunboat airships with a length of about 150 meters. A fleet of terrifying firepower.

All the light displays on the hull were turned off, and even the round windows set up in various rooms were blocked, so as to prevent a little light from leaking.

"Ah, finally here." On the other side, Cassia above the ancient tree stretched out while looking at the almost non-existent fleet shadow in the sky. After getting down the ancient tree Cassia fell on Cassie's black back, and then escaped into the underground network again, losing track.

"Ten hours." In the hole network, Cassia sorted out the interval time after the sensing test body was detected.

Cassia knows that this can only be used as a reference. It is the first time that the enemy has invested in the sensing experiment in the forest. There must be many unfamiliar parts in the middle process. Even if information is obtained, it will take time to fully mobilize a fleet here. . And what Cassia has been thinking about is another point, whether the enemy, namely Tovelest, knows the information that induction works in both directions.

There is no clue for Cassia to judge. But now that he knows that the other party will care about the result of the induction, this is great news for Cassia. As for how to use it later, for him without team trends and too much information, it is not something he needs to think about. Give it to Hae and Macquarie, how they should think and make plans, they have to have a headache.

Cassiehe stopped at a node in the underground network, Cassia also took a rest on its warm scales: "The hacker will take the batch of small bottles filled with blood at about three in the morning. The next communication It is about nine o'clock tomorrow morning,,,," After a simple calculation, Cassia got the calculation result of "three days". This is probably the point in time when the two parties officially contacted in the southern forest.

"Taking this opportunity, being able to analyze a part is also the greatest help to myself." Cassia worked out his plan soon. Finding that Cassiehe has completed the biggest goal of acting alone, in the remaining time, Cassia wants to continue her guess, analyze the dragon's organization and organ structure, and try to transfer the good part to herself.

In this short time, he seemed to have only such things to do.

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