Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1679: Dragon Knight and Holy Guard (Part 2)

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"It seems that you are really confident." Manicoroa said with a mocking attitude when seeing Letitia, "With the current rights and status, the source and the intermediate process are related to it. So still The delusion that I can solve it, I really don’t really understand what you rely on. Do you think that something that will come out a few years later is a whole class higher than you? It’s just a simple numerical relationship. We at this moment can be regarded as The popular six stages among your surgeons, the dragon escaped from the cage, but the power is the only seven stage here. Have you ever thought about the consequences of this situation?"

"Extreme Sea Vortex is a cage. On the one hand, this cage does not allow it to come out. On the other hand, because the quality and level of the cage are too high, the influence of the world's restrictions for a long time cannot go there. I have thought that in the environment of the cage, if there is ancient history, or a little more forward power remaining in its body,... you just send yourself as the most delicious food."

"Monica, you will definitely not be involved, so please don't think too much about how to deal with various problems. You are not a creature that cares about other people." Letitia retorted full of "It's been nearly five thousand years, I think it's only a half of your life length. It's not symmetrical to your life length. Of course you won't think about our feelings."

"It’s never a good thing to have too much ambition and desire! It’s very easy for you to prolong your life, and the side effects can disappear within a dozen years. If it weren’t for worrying that bad things will happen to yourself in those ten years, you too I did it a long time ago. It can only be said to be a complete failure. Once something is lost, you who once stood at the top should also worry about whether you will be stabbed from behind by others." The laughter formed a sound wave and fell down. The frozen sea surface, "Eternal life is also extremely difficult in ancient history. Is it really capable of helping you under the vortex of the extreme sea?"

"Why can't you trust the product of the age of gods? By the way, you have not been in direct contact with it. It is normal for some situations to be unclear."

"You want to seize the opportunity when this red star comes?" Manicoroa suddenly changed his tone. "A thousand or two thousand years ago, I absolutely believed what you said just now. Now the gods have disappeared long ago, you actually Do you still want to reproduce?"

The tone is not without exaggeration. In fact, Monique Roja had already understood the thoughts of Letitia and others, but he was surprised by the attitude he showed when he saw one of them.

"I will not participate in the affairs of Eleanor. As long as it is not excessive, I will not be concerned about the forest." The dragon spread its wings, and all the cold on the ice disappeared instantly. "Where is the time node of the disconnection in the ancient history , You better think about it. Of course I don’t think you are not clear, but your ambition and desire are too strong."

The wind pressure of the flapping wings made the air compressed and distorted, and Letitia was protected from the slightest influence.

"Whatever you do, as long as mankind does not die, its historical journey is nothing more than repeating the same cycle of reincarnation as your body." The voice that came made Littigia raise her head and look at the gradually smaller black shadow. , Until it disappears in the dark and rainy sky background.

"Go back." Letitia got up and walked towards the small lake, the giant snake's head lifted and her scarlet mouth opened.

A few hours later, in an area covered by dense forest in the Flame Alliance, not too high buildings fell sporadically. A clear call broke the natural quietness of mid-air and spread to a huge range.

Not long after, all parts of the body were wrapped in alloy armor, and hunting birds with all kinds of weapons appeared from the forest, and soon formed a dozen formations, heading towards the dark forest. It wasn't until the hunting bird formation became a small point in the sky, and in the "buzzing" roar, nothing was reflecting the dazzling light over a forest. The five-headed adult dragon with a wingspan of close to 200 meters flapped its wings. After moving for more than a thousand meters in the air, it was the other five-headed juvenile dragon with a size of only fifty or sixty meters. Start chasing the tracks of the hunting birds.

"Dragons are dispatched..." On the roof of a building slightly higher than the trees in the forest, three people looked at the place where the dragons disappeared. Thirteen years ago, one of the three entrances of the'Cryptow' was washed down by crypt creatures, and a dragon rider had to be dispatched to help."

"That's it, but only two were dispatched. The original intention was to hold back the time and prevent the crypt creatures from spreading too far, so as to obtain the opportunity for ground team support to arrive.

"Then this time..." someone raised a question, and the three of them glanced at each other, and they all saw what was in their eyes.

"The ten dragon knights, whether formal or preliminary, are all dragon knights. That’s You can see that they all come from different tribes, not a single formation of a tribe, high priest. The order there...In this case, it is the direction of the dark forest again..."

"The Saint Dorag Empire is there, everyone has news and should know something."

"I hope I can come back. This kind of formation will not be deterrence and inspection."

At almost the same time, a cruiser-class airship passed from high above the long coastline of the empire and began to accelerate. It was two hours after the airship descended. The rain here is very small. Under the sea breeze, rain clouds are moving, and from time to time there are a few rays of sunlight falling, illuminating the navy blue hull of the airship.

Below the airship is a small island with a small area. There is only a flat apron, and a solitary control and command building on the side.

"My lord!" After the airship landed, someone drove away one person who got off the airship and went directly to the control and command building. The two did not go up, but went straight down by the elevator. With the rapid decrease of the number on the gear counter, dim light suddenly shone after it was completely dark.

"It's been a long time since I came here." The person said. In front of him, the alloy and concrete structure of the elevator shaft has completely turned into high-strength glass at some point. After a certain distance from the ground, the elevator shaft is half embedded in the cone-shaped foundation of the island, and gradually exposed to the sea with the slope. The exposed structure makes everything under the surrounding sea completely visible in the elevator.

As the depth drops, and further down, the dark seabed gradually changes from dim to bright. About a few minutes later, a phantom of a huge building group outlined by a little bit of light slowly appeared in the sight of the two of them. At this moment, the elevator is like a capsule for shuttles, sinking alone and into the abyss.

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