Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1665: Transformation, defection and secret contact (part 1)

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"I hope that it will come sooner or slower. Waiting is a psychological torture for everyone. Fortunately, we have already experienced the time on the ocean-going ship. Those students, it is the first time to perform this kind of task. Hilaryly said that their training effect is very good. During the period of the Far Sea Common Country, the performance and performance data can be seen in the past. But once faced with this kind of thing, the three-stage members Not to mention, there are many in the second stage that cannot be adapted."

Noroska looked at Chilman: "The religious state is not the same as the empire, and it is even very different from the common country of the Far Seas. But I think the educational system of the religious state is excellent. Above the mainland of the left, especially surgery Even if you go to the second stage, it is still a learning period. On the side of the empire, after undergoing surgery, many people will not be treated as ordinary people."

"The original intention of the teaching country is probably the nature of experimentation with this group of students?" Chilman followed up with the topic Noroska wanted to talk about, "The internal situation of each super large country is different. The empire seems peaceful, but fierce and vicious competition has always existed within it, especially between forces. Their imperial assemblies can only be controlled at the macro level, and there is nothing that can be done when it comes to details. In fact, the empire does not have a real leader, it is more like the big powers gathered together for the benefit, relying on mutual restrictions on agreements and alliances, to forcibly squeeze into a whole, and be born for greater benefits. Among these forces, There are many who want to be the heads of this congregation."

"As long as the'heads' are not determined and other forces cannot be convinced, vicious competition will always exist." Chilman added that the experience in the black market allows him to easily analyze most of the situation. Bad. The quality of surgeons alone is tantamount to a higher overall level of the empire, whether it is a student or a person in the black market."

"Is the religion the whole?" Noroska asked after hearing Chilman's words.

"At least broadly speaking, the orders of the Holy See are more than everything. Even members of the royal family have to bow to the Holy See. There are great forces within the Holy See, but they are all gradually evolved from the royal family and several institutions after the Holy See grants rights. It will be like an empire. But like the state of education, many things will be carried out very easily. Like education, when it comes to surgery students, there is a set of systems, and if you want to graduate, the theoretical and practical standards are also national standards. General. Although the standard is not as strict as that of the Empire, the students who come out, if they want to use it later, with a little instruction, they can be regarded as the kind of reserve army."

"Here in the empire, the assembled surgeons are more like a fortified team dedicated to a certain task. The difference and nature are different." Perhaps Chilman's leisure time interest is also based on intelligence matters. The time to the Yuanhai Common Country, from a blank start to a detailed understanding now, are all tasks that require effort.

"Don't worry, we are more like logistics. Once it starts, the main battlefield still has to rely on people from the empire to support it." Chilman comforted. He knows that his growth environment and the beginning of life are different from those of Nonoska, and there is a certain difference in the perception of things. "But I have always been curious about what agreement the Holy See has reached with the power of the empire. So that they are willing to help to such a degree. In a few years, the red star should come? At that time everyone will become enemies on the battlefield with knives. Such a situation, thinking about it at the moment, feels absurd. ."

"It should be said that it is a mistake, and this kind of mistake has existed for thousands of years, but there are still a large group of people who are not tired of it. It seems that if they did not participate, it is a loss."

"Loss cannot be said. After all, when power and power reach a higher point, more ambitions and desires will always grow. Furthermore, of course it is not about us. The main researcher, in fact, do not fully understand the world. The ocean-going ships to explore have never been cut off and have been sent out one after another. How long has passed since the basic exploration of this world has not been completed. Want to stand more Go high, after all, they don’t know where the highest point is, so if they don’t know, just keep climbing up."

Chilman smiled after he finished speaking, and Noroska patted him on the shoulder, and the two of them just walked out of Camp 1.

Camp 1 was first built, and defense and camouflage have been completed. The work efficiency of the surgeon and the professionalism of the Ocean Common Nation Jungle Combat Team, if it hadn’t been for Noroska and Chilman to know the specific location of Camp One, they would just be in front of them at this moment without turning on perception A group of naturally formed vines.

Relying on the old strong tree trunks, supplemented by branches and vines, etc., Camp One has been hidden in nature.

The two entered from the entrance, and the scene changed immediately. On the not-flat wooden floor, people coming and going are stepping up to make defenses for several other camps-smashing the excavated boulders and crushed rocks, packing them in bags woven from vines, and filling the gaps. The soil is made into square bricks to resist bullets and bomb fragments.

On the top floor, Noroska and Chilman entered a spacious room there, and could feel the steam coming in from the cracks in the room. I thought that only Hilary Li was there, but there was one more person from the Flame Alliance—the man whose domesticated type 2 creature was the black giant wolf. The people of the Flame Alliance are all in the second camp. After these hours of communication, Noroska and the others basically understand it. They have learned a new knowledge. In the Flame Alliance, whether it is an outsider or a familiar person, often the name of each other depends on the second-class creature domesticated by the other party.

The black wolf is what Norosca calls the man of the Flame Alliance. Correspondingly, the female member who was sitting on the armored car-like spider, to show respect, added the word "Ms. Spider" after the spider. Some strange names, but the other party doesn't seem to be angry.

Noroska greeted the black wolf, and saw Hilary Li shaking new information to him, and understood the reason why the black wolf came.

"I'll take a look first." Nonoska took the information and sat down. After reading it carefully, he looked at the black wolf. "The people from the Imperial Palace are coming over, do you want to build a separate camp for them? The information says that they will do it themselves. Bring the team and supplies. If it is so formal, it is no accident that they will send the bait over and prepare to gradually shift the area towards this place."

After hearing this, the black wolf waved his hand: "I don't care about the camp. In short, it is your people who are working on the establishment. I want to talk to you about the people from the Saint Royal Hall. After they came, there were three different areas in this area. People from the country coexist. There must be no major language problems, but what should we do in terms of command?

"Mr. Black Wolf, you should have your own ideas, otherwise you won't make a special trip over here." Nonoska put down the information and said. He could see that the black wolf didn't want to deal with the people in the Saint Royal Hall, so he wanted to make the rules here before they came.

"According to the number of people, divide the predetermined area." The black wolf said, "They can support each other, but it is absolutely impossible to mix teams. Noroska, you should know in your heart."

"Yes. The surrounding map should also be surveyed and mapped. After the time is set, we can discuss it first." Nonoska replied politely, "If there are other questions, then we can discuss them together."

The black wolf nodded, but left directly. Then the three people in the room sat down at the simple wooden table, and when Chilman had finished reading the information, the conversation continued.

"People come here at this time, and the high probability is to prevent Cassia from moving." Chilman took a separate sheet from the data and placed it in the center of the wooden table. "I don't really understand the meaning of these data, but I understand the importance. "

Both Noroska and Hilary Li took a look. Hilaryli said first: "Regarding blood concentration, one of them focuses on the percentage of dragons. The surgeon is a species between ordinary humans and the second type of organism. The stage of surgery is different, so corresponding,,,"

Hilarylee paused: "In short, Cassia's current percentage should be reached in five stages. Just know this. So correspondingly, the first point, according to all the information we have collected about him, is now at three. In the stage of Cassia, in a single battle, there are few people who can beat him. In theory. I don’t know the situation of the Holy See and the young generation of the three knights. Those who have the candidacy for the heir of the Pope, and the Saintess Among those with sub-identities, one or two may be found. In addition, within the empire, I think the one who can match Cassia is the number zero currently active in Manoma."

"Then the second point." Noroska said instead of Hilaryli, "Cassia is regarded as the third-generation knight king in the empire. There are such data in the third stage. In the eyes of many people, this This is the most favorable evidence. This is telling the power families of the empire that as long as Cassia does not die halfway, it is possible to embark on the same path as the third generation of knight kings in the future."

"In addition, the relationship between Cassia and the third generation of knight kings..." Chilman said to He reviewed the information, "As long as there is enough time, no accidents, two popes, etc. The ultimate power of the order..."

Chilman looked at Noroska: "The words we talked about on the way back may be realized by the two of them. The dominance and deterrence of the Holy See are definitely impossible to say that it has nothing to do with the popes. Lack. The empire of the'chief' needs this kind of situation."

"That's something for the future." Nonoska thought on his face, "Now, the Saint Royal Hall will send someone over in advance. It is also clear that even if the Zero is used as a tool to sniper Cassia, it is because Cassia is from one position. The image that was established in the hearts of most people from the beginning, it is impossible to break this image with the zero number alone. They have to consider the impact of this message after the empire spreads-neutral power families that have not expressed their views, and The family they are working with. Anyone who makes a little action in private is difficult to deal with."

"So in the end you have to rely on your own people." Chilman added, "Everyone is a beast in this country. It's not that no one can kill anyone, but you are determined to kill another beast. At that time, you have to know that in the dark, other beasts have already heard the sound and rushed over to watch, waiting for you to make the last blow when you are weak. The positioning of cicadas, oriole, and praying mantis is not determined in the empire. None of them have The'heads' of dominance and deterrence are prone to this situation, but..."

"But the empire can actually rely on this balance to survive a thousand years?" Nonoska sighed with a smile, "this is probably caused by the alliance between the Church State and the Nature Association. Because the empire knows that besides itself, there are two other beasts. I have been watching them. So to keep this situation so long, apart from the empire itself, both the left and the right continent are responsible."

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