Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1663: The core of light (middle)

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"Miss Ruoli Suman, you only want to say these few words. I think you should know my character in your heart." Hongmang's reply was merciless, "There is no direct evidence, or more indirect evidence. For you who know the core of the organization, you should understand how long this research lasted and how dangerous it is?"

"But compared to what is currently happening in the empire, I still think that the danger of the organization is much smaller than what is happening in the empire. It has been a long time since the establishment of the organization. At first, it still attracted the attention of others. , But the current situation of the organization, I think it can only be regarded as a potential threat, a small stocking executive agency that is supernumerary of various forces. This is the best state for the organization, and I will not risk breaking it. "

"Miss Emilia, do you really think like this? I want to give the organization another two hundred years, and it is impossible to make a breakthrough in research. The final achievement of the organization will only find a way to purify the ultimate metal, and Let the concentration reach a considerable value. In addition,..., these, you will not have thought about it." Putting away the smile, Li Suman realized that the other party is similar to Macquarie and is a female, so he became serious stand up.

"That means that the organization can only go to that point." Hongmang seemed to see through this matter. "For thousands of years, only the Empire has that kind of technology on the post-phase continent, and it is as powerful as the other two giant countries. They did not come up with the corresponding things for a long time. They may be restricted by other countries on the continent, but for such a long time, they still have not tried their best to make another attempt, which is enough to explain the results that they have paid and obtained in secret research. It's totally unequal."

"Miss Li Suman, you just said something very correct-as long as there is a goal, or some people see the hope that the goal can be achieved, that's it. The actual situation is also completely based on it, and the organization can be established. It is because one person gave a goal and brought a little hope of success. So latecomers stretched out their hands and expressed their willingness to participate and jointly cultivate this goal. Two hundred years is not short, the group of people who established the organization After a long time of death, their successors still remembered the goal, but later, those who continued to participate continued to invest a lot of resources, which allowed them to see benefits beyond the goal."

"The latter generation thinks that they are much more sober than the first generation of founders. They know that the goal is impossible to achieve, so they have other ideas. As for now, the high-level of the organization has changed for several generations, hoping to be completely in the change The silence is silent, and the goal has become a slogan. It will only be used as a banner to call, and no longer point the way to the people of the organization. Do you think that the current organization, in addition to the shell, is the appearance of the organization, how many people inside are sincere Going forward?"

Li Suman was silent, she didn't know Hongmang's intentions for a while.

"That's a lot, Miss Li Suman." Hongmang continued his own words calmly, "The organization currently has no power. I believe you, you know where to find the important things that are missing in organizational research, know The clues to these things, you know who the objects are actually in. However, these are not important to the current organization. Even if you hold those things now, you will appear in front of me in the next moment and say,'Take Go ahead, I know you lack these things.' Even so, there is still very little that can be changed."

"Probably I gave you something, and you give it to the organization. They will not use it for research to achieve the goal, but after the division is used as a bargaining chip in their hands? I should understand what you mean." Li Suman was almost an awakening voice of "Oh", "I remember not long ago, a person called'green or something' had died?"

"It's called Lvshu, the person in charge of purchasing various materials." Hongmang replied, "Through your network of Miss Li Suman, this goal was achieved."

"The green tree is dead, is it not enough?"

"The death of a holy father in the holy royal hall is a good thing or a bad thing for the holy royal hall? Or does it affect the holy royal hall?" Hongmang asked back.

"No, the Fathers have a lot more. This will be a good thing, for the other Fathers, and for us." Li Suman, who answered seriously, understood Hongmang's words, "Since it is not enough, it will be better if it is not enough. A green tree is not enough, plus other people, and the number reaches a certain value to solve these problems. So you should be more involved. Research the several important things needed, the clues in my hand, the specific personnel that have been locked, It won’t be too simple to find the reason. You also want to find the opportunity to clean the inside of the organization, right? Because there are high-level surgeons in the identity of the top of the organization, it is indeed difficult for them to run away."

",,, but now, and in the future, it will not be difficult for just a few senior leaders of the organization. I have a good plan here." At this point, Li Suman almost couldn't restrain her laughter coming out of her throat. , But the moment the voice came out of her throat, she was swallowed back into her stomach forcibly, "Continue to follow up on our cooperation, research materials, and clean the internal organization, all can be resolved."

"The risk is too great. Even if one step is not controlled and goes out of control, it will fail and face greater danger." Hongmang replied in a cold voice, "Miss Li Suman, the follow-up cooperation may be continued. , This is the plan between us, and there is still room for turnover at this moment, even if the core person is a dangerous vortex. But for the research of the organization, since there is no hope, so I will not take risks. What you have is just clues, or rather Just guessing is not necessarily. The current organization, me, or Miss Li Suman, you can’t bear this result."

"Then maybe wait a minute, what you see will be different." After speaking, Li Suman exhaled, "For the support of the empire, if you can, remember to contact me."

"I will think about it and try my best to find a way." After Hongmang finished speaking, the contact was severed.

Turning off the communicator, Hongmang let out a sigh of relief, and re-looked at the map on the desktop in front of him, which was filled with markers is a brief map that includes all the small countries and a part of the border of the empire. A red line traverses the small countries and becomes a dotted line after entering the border of the empire, ending in Manoma. There are many marked points on this route, and each marked point has a detailed record.

"You women are terrible." As he was about to continue his analysis, Kingsley's words came.

"If you think that Li Suman is a person who doesn't know anything and doesn't think about anything, he will pay a huge price later." Hongmang replied coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction with Kingsley's interruption of his analysis. .

"Listening to the conversation between you, she should find evidence later to prove that the boy does have research materials? Look like this, you won."

"No, I lost." Hongmang immediately retorted, "Li Suman will indeed look for evidence to prove that Soriyatu, which is the great value of Cassia. But she knows the clues of the research materials. At that moment, I lost. Even if there is only a small probability, I will try. Regardless of whether Li Suman is looking for evidence, the investigation of this matter will start from this moment."

"And, what do you think Li Suman told me for?" Hongmang smiled, and Kingsley smacked his mouth and said nothing.

"Because from the very beginning, whether it was me or Li Suman, at the beginning of our cooperation, we really thought that Soria is Soria and Cassia is Cassia, there is no connection between the two. But now , Although Li Suman and I still can’t be 100% sure whether Soriatu and Cassia overlap, but this matter is too involved, as long as there is such a possibility, we have to find a way out in advance ."

"That's why Li Suman contacted me. She is more afraid than me."

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