Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1599: Falling (middle)

"Mousse's transfer stop location is the same as expected. It is indeed an abandoned outpost in this area. But the observation time is running out, and it is bad news that you can’t find the regularity. You can let Mr. Hae and Ovilia The personnel of ”have prepared the materials and set off. The team will not move fast, and the time left for you will not be much, less than a day.” Without thinking about the phrase “relatively smooth”, this is not something Cassia needs to worry about. The hacker will handle the problem. Even if the handling is not satisfactory, it is still in the psychological expectations of the two. After the number of knight attendants was determined, from then on, including some elite members of the family, with the help of their own family, they have eliminated their information spreading outside as much as possible.

"The team is in a state of preparation at any time. I notified Miss Oville. She has many reasons. Maybe she can only provide the materials you need, Mr. Cassia. But the number of personnel does not need to be considered. The plan will be implemented as desired." He responded that he was very quiet, as if he was in an empty place, and there was a vague echo, "As for your three friends, Mr. Cassia, I will also convey your original words. They are very happy and very willing. Help you Mr. Cassia in this matter. After the operation with you, Mr. Cassia, they will pass through the belt mountains as planned. For absolute safety, after calculating the time, I notified Mr. Atohuan, he It will appear in the form of coincidence at the right time as a response."

"According to the plan, the news of your fight with Mevis, Mr. Cassia, will also be spread out by Ovilia and I soon after the operation starts—this time will be about half an hour to an hour. Responding to the battles and the high-level surgeons induced by Mevis’ contingency plan.” He added the most important part of the plan, “Mr. Cassia, are you sure there is no problem with this?”

Most of the actual implementation plan was negotiated between Cassia and Hae, but the basic template was already anticipated by Hao. The banded mountains are extremely wide, and there are only a few small countries bordering them. However, most teams and personnel are concentrated in a large area, and the speed of emergency rushing is relatively easy. With the airship, it is not a problem to reach most places in one day.

Although the plan is only for Mevis, both Hae and Cassia understand that it is not only themselves, but Mevis' temporary alliance will also consider unusually many things. Among them, what made the two of them cared about was the contingency plan that Mevis made for themselves.

The disappearance of continuous signals is inevitable, and this situation cannot be prevented. The horror asked Ato Ring about the possibility of simulating continuous signals. Lower-level signals can be simulated using signals of multiple frequencies, but in the face of Maivis’ current status, he definitely won’t give a chance on communication machines. .

Another method is to use large machines to directly interfere with the coverage of the entire belt-shaped mountain range. The condition given by the Ato ring is that the interfering military airships will only be used during the war. The rules are at least medium-sized ships. Will have such a huge coverage area, so that a whole area of ​​communication is completely paralyzed. This condition cannot be realized, even if this kind of thing does exist in the private armies of the Quartet forces, if some things appear here, the nature of the banded mountains will completely change.

This is the self-rescue method proposed by Cassia, and it is also the self-protection of judgment of the situation. In Mayvis's emergency plan, it was almost certain that after the continuous signal disappeared for a period of time, the news would be directly communicated to the high-level surgeons they could contact. In response, what Cassia can do is to reduce the time difference between the two parties' high-level combat forces to obtain this information in the same way.

After getting a definite answer, he pondered for a little while, thought about the pros and cons, and thought that there was no omission, and then talked about additional information.

The identities of the other two have been determined by hackers. One is a member of the Supervision Agency of the Tricolor Group, named Augustus; the other, Cassia and the hacker are familiar with each other, but they are familiar with this family. Both of them had learned some information about the Frui family because of Miss Shake's relationship. This is probably the place where the two thought of going together by coincidence. They both hope that after Shaco graduated from the Imperial History School, they could find a chance to cooperate with the Frui family. Because in the study of ancient history and ancient ruins, apart from several exclusive institutions of the empire, the Frui family occupies an important position.

The other person is Lidian, an elite member of the Frui family. Both himself and the Frui family are closely related to the Imperial Mineral Company. The Tricolor Group and the Imperial Mineral Resources are like a unified entity, and the Frui family is naturally very closely related to both of them.

"Unfortunately, the two men brought by Mevis himself could not determine the specific identity." He said with apologetics, "I set the target on the other three knight attendants in Astus, thinking it was two of them. .However, due to the information protection of the respective knight attendants by the major families, there is no possibility of infiltration at all. Miss Ovilia used the personnel in the family to determine, and no definite result was obtained. Perhaps two of them did not. They are really in the family, but whether they stay in Manoma or not, there is currently no basis that can be directly proved."

"The hypothesis is about the probability of two of them?" Cassia asked, "Mr. Hack, you must have the analyzed list in hand? Tell me the probability of each of them appearing here, and the information available to them. That’s it. The rest can only be confirmed after they have actually met. The two have been staying in a secret door room of the Mevis airship. They have never gotten off the airship and want to investigate them clearly. Identity is indeed difficult. However, the probability of two of them should be more than half."

After finishing the information in his head, Hae started to answer Cassia’s questions one by one: "The probability is about 30%. Two of the three of Agnes, Isabel, and Phil, because of MacDonald, and then four of them. Indeed, they will stand on the same front for a period of time to prevent McDonald’s things from repeating themselves. There is a high probability that they will reach a cooperation. I think this will be the case now."

"However, the people who can reach a temporary alliance with Mayvis in Manoma are not limited to the three of them. Before the knight attendant assessment, Mayvis was a family elite in the Astus family. It has a wide network of relationships. Especially among the five prince families, there are not a few people who keep in touch with Mevis. There will always be one small circle after another, which is normal. The knight attendant assessment is over until now. , These circles in Mevis have increased. Mr. Cassia, your reputation in the empire, coupled with the special nature of Miss Yejielin among the 36 knight attendants, want to form an alliance with Mevis, together There are definitely not a few people who have seized this opportunity."

"The intelligence shows that there are a lot of characters. Under time constraints, it is very difficult to investigate whether they are in the empire. This work is still in progress. Some people have been excluded, and a few more will be excluded before the operation begins. A. But the remaining base is still large compared to those two. But Agnes and the three of them are the most probable in any case. To balance the analysis in many aspects, they are the most assured that Meves can find Members of the alliance."

It took some time to inform Cassia all the information of the people analyzed. There is no corresponding printing machine in the mountains. The appearance and characteristics can only rely on the tacit understanding between the two and the ability to understand each other. Describe in words.

"Mr. Cassia, the weapon you need will go to the designated place at noon tomorrow." The handover of some other things, "Miss Ovilia provided, but the blue silver bullet is restricted by her authority, and she can't do anything. And I am here. , Even if you notify the family members or the stronghold of the Hill family in the small country, the length of time caused by the journey is not allowed. Mr. Cassia, the mask you need will be brought over, and I have also prepared some medicine for you. Hope it can help you in some places."

"The place that should be prepared has been considered, and now I can only wait for the other side's next stop." Cassia replied, and there was nothing important to discuss at this time. After two or three rounds of attacks supported by long-range firepower, the hacked team will quickly withdraw. For the rest of the time, everything will be faced by Cassia alone, and the horror that is restricted in many ways will not help Cassia much.

As long as the information of the seven is detailed enough and there is information not available in the black market, it is the greatest help to Cassia. The ability to develop a completed surgical project can definitely change the way a surgeon fights. Cassia has a deep understanding of this sentence. After experiencing the convenience of sonic pulses and high and low sonic waves, in the thinking before the operation, these abilities were taken into consideration by Cassia in the battle plan as the core.

There was still some time until the early morning, and Cassia did not analyze Lidian's thoughts about the battle form of Augustus based on intelligence, and turned the topic to the current situation within the empire.

"Miss Yejielin has been staying in the residence of the Twelve Knights of the Round Table, and she has nowhere else to go. The Webley family is definitely not a place to go back." The horror explained the question that Cassia was interested in.

"There will be the second battlefield, the battlefield in the Manoma area. Those who are fortunate enough to participate in it are all from the empire, and it can even be said that they are the famous powerhouses in the whole post-phase continent. Actually, I am originally. I didn’t want to come here. The original intention was to stay in Manoma and enjoy the rare scenery that would burst out at a certain moment from afar. But there is something more appealing to me.”

With horror, there was a familiar feeling imprinted on Cassia's head in the voice.

"But I think the place to worry the least is Manoma. The capital of the empire does not mention the importance of Miss Yejielin in this incident, even if someone wants to make a big move in the residence of the Twelve Round Table Knights. , The members of the Imperial Council will never allow them to enlarge the incident. There will be no problems with them to deal with the aftermath. According to the limited information at present, how many people can be attracted to the Knights of the Round Table Station is probably not clear now. It’s an excellent place to gather intelligence, but it’s between the third generation of the Knight King in the empire. Considering the risk of'showing up', this is a problem worthy of consideration by the major families."

"Especially the twenty-three major public families, the endless loop agreement between them will eventually become fragile after a thousand years, and they will face disintegration at any time. The combined collective name of the twenty-three major public families is one of the four forces of the empire. The infinite loop protocol broke down in a certain ring, and the consequences..." The sharp laughter made Cassia pull away some communicators, but the keen sense of hearing made the laughter not change in the ears. "This is very Interesting things, I look forward to one day I can sit down and share with you Mr. Cassia."

"Satrick, it's almost time, and everyone who should have arrived has also come. Those who haven't come also expressed their attitude with silence. It's time to set off." The old man looked at Sartre sitting in the corridor outside the room. Rick, the dark cane slammed on the floor regularly as he approached, and the sound of "dongdong" was as clear as the sound of a pendulum clock at zero o'clock.

Satrik turned his head and silently glanced at the old man who came by: "Otto, when did you become so impatient. In the memory of twenty years ago, calmness is the best summary of you. "

"When you also saw a Knight of the Round Table was killed in just one or two hours, and the corpse of UU Reading was melted into air, you should understand my mood at the moment. "Otto sat down like Satrik did, with his cane placed beside him, "In the empire these years, apart from the Visya Fortress incident, when has there been a shock to us because of the death of one person? Something happened? Nothing!"

"Impact?" There was a sense of contempt in Satrik's words, "Otto, you should also go to the country of fog and take a look at the amber corpses that have been solidified by the World Tree. But you must get it. You have the chance to see it if you are too deep. The scene there allows you to redefine what is called an'impact'. I don't want to talk about the mission right now, Otto." Satrik's tone was low.

"That doesn't seem to be anything to talk about." Otto responded, not caring about Satrik's attitude.

"Oh, that's right." Otto seemed to think of something, and began to speak. "Maybe you can see some old friends this time."

"Old friend? I don't think I have many friends anymore. Most of them are just acquaintances. Do you want to say that Hilda and Bocha? We did meet each other during the war, and decades later, they all passed away." Satrik said, cutting off Otto's later words, "If you want to say other things, I have a few topics I want to talk to you."

Otto was a little surprised and glanced at Satrik, "I'm very interested."

"Holy Royal Hall should know the "Mechanical Dragon" plan of Yuanhai Common Country, right?"

Otto's eyes narrowed slightly, and a dry smile: "After escaping from the country of fog, did you go to the Common Country of Far Seas? I thought the Flame Alliance was your home for more than ten years. Let me think about it. For the Common Ocean Country, it must be the King of Steel Defoni Phoenix Law? Only that person has the strength to accept and continue this ideal project of the Common Ocean Country."

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