Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1587: Destroy everything that can be destroyed (middle)

   "Just to protect one thing, it may take a huge effort, and it also requires a lot of conditions." With a long sigh, Cassia retorted the horror, but his tone was with depression that he didn't notice. Subconsciously, he understood that whether it was his first mission, talking with Li in that small garden, or using a communicator to talk to Hae now, he was always at an absolute disadvantage. In four years, no matter how strong the environment is, only that layer of skin is infiltrated, and the inner things still retain strong resistance and rejection.

"Mr. Cassia, the effort you think, and the many conditions you think, please allow me to say some ugly words at this moment." This may be another level of battle, or it is already terrifying. The plan also said that it was not necessarily. On weekdays, I sat quietly in a quiet room. Most of the time, Cassia was in his head. This is his pleasure, a pleasure that few people can experience, just like building a clay puppet by himself and wanting to see how he will end up in the future.

"They are all useless and boring things. They are completely wasting one's time and energy, and gradually wearing away the huge advantages that existed in each period." The words did not appear harsh, "Mr. Cassia, if the time can be traced back to a thousand years ago. At that time, the empire was just established, and the operation just happened. Your current method is absolutely correct, and now after a thousand years, one of the four forces will definitely be your last name."

"However, history cannot be changed, and time will not go back. In such an empire, your approach will not play a role at all." He sighed at this moment, "Consolation in my heart-at least I am doing it. I am working hard, and I have seen good results in a short time, all are in the plan. According to the plan, with enough time, it will definitely succeed."

"Probably so, Mr. Cassia." He asked very clearly, but didn't leave Cassia with time to answer, and then continued his own words, "You are just chasing time, and filling in time as much as possible. Cassia Sir, in my opinion, these are all useless things. Indeed, they will have satisfactory effects in a short time, but those effects can only serve as comfort in the heart."

"The simple facts are the current affairs of Ye Jielin. Mr. Cassia, your preparation and hard work for a small country can help you play a small role in this matter? I think in addition to collecting the necessary In addition to the intelligence, it’s difficult to really stand up as your teammate in battle, or form a small team, even if it’s just a team that delays the enemy, isn’t it?"

   lay on the rock again, the stars in the night were brighter, and Cassia's black pupils seemed to house them all. This is not bad, but it is also an ordinary summer scene he hasn't seen in a long time.

"Mr. Ha, you are right. I realize this, but I am completely stuck in the quagmire. There is no way to break free. I can only try to prevent myself from sinking." Cassia replied, her voice loose and unable to block the cold wind. Like a house, "If I say it takes time, maybe Mr. Ha has more sufficient reasons to refute me."

"Mr. Cassia, everyone has absolute self-consciousness. They know what they should do and how to do it. But many times,'knowing' does not mean that it is right." He replied, "There must be many reasons to refute you. But it has no substantive meaning..."

   "Because these are not important."

   Cassia made a puzzled sound of "Um," and there was a long inhalation sound from the communication.

"Things that can be supplemented by external forces, there are always ways to supplement them, and there are often more than one way. Mr. Cassia, Miss Yejielin will give you a share of these things, and there will be a lot of surplus. You What is missing is not these external forces. Even without Miss Yejielin, the Kira Andi family is a huge collection of forces that you have never touched."

"Just like your own consciousness, you know what I want to say." After the warmth and magnetic **** disappeared, the voice of horrified words became more and more sharp. It was the harsh rubbing sound when the swords intersected, "What you lack is to fill the body. Empty thoughts. The years of military school and small country have not been enough to erode all of you. Speaking from the source, Mr. Cassia, as a civilian, you have spent nearly eighteen years quietly and quietly. The right environment, without the right education, and without a broader vision, you do not have the ideas that rival the top aristocrats at all. The family education of the families of the four forces is one of the guarantees that it can be stable for a thousand years. This Once the educated person catches the opportunity, he will have a huge driving force and will not be confused."

"For you, Mr. Cassia, the rapid learning ability of the surgeon can only help you master various abilities and skills to survive, but there are some things that you can't learn. Even if you learn it, it can only be called plagiarism. You. I have never had the ambition to fill my own emptiness. The so-called protection,,, actually, Mr. Cassia, I think you misjudged the relationship. It is not Ye Jielin who is protected. From the beginning, the people who are protected have always It's you. And what you did was just an instinctive struggle. You are the drowning person. You are swinging your feet very hard. You think you are swimming with another person to the shore. But in fact, At least in my eyes, your effort is just trying to move your feet to reduce the burden on the protector."

   "To sum up, Mr. Cassia, you are an excellent protected person because you don't need the protector to spend more thought and energy."

   The second silence came at this time, and the two gave myself enough time in a tacit understanding.

   "Mr. Cassia, returning to what you said, Ye Jielin you said plus you and me form an alliance, probably because you understand what you are missing and expect to make up from the outside?"

"That's it." Cassia replied, a little hastily, "I discovered this shortly after entering the military school and joining Ye Jielin's alliance. Some things can be seen through the eyes, and no detailed comparison is required. I don’t have leadership skills and can think normally. I become an engineer or a holy emissary, get a good salary, and gradually improve my life. UU reading takes a long time in my brain. Time. When I wanted to empty it later to load other things, I realized that the difficulty seemed to be wrong by me, and the deviation was really huge."

   "But make up from the outside, with Ye Jielin as the leader, Mr. Hack, you make the plan, and I as the executor, I think..."

   The words were interrupted by a horror, "Mr. Cassia, please forgive me for interrupting you. If you think this way, please allow me to decline your alliance invitation."

   "As for the cause,,,"

"Mr. Cassia, you are indeed a powerful surgeon who is difficult to handle and deal with, but I still insist on what I say. As an empty steel machine, it exists alone. Perhaps most people will think carefully about it, but it really There is no difficulty in dealing with it."

"If this machine is embedded in the alliance and becomes a component, then most people's careful thinking will disappear, because this machine has no thoughts, that is, it will never become the core, and it will never have the possibility of becoming a source of danger. Component can be found again, and even disassembled at any time. But the core disappears, no matter how many components there are no miracles. If you want to deal with such a component, you only need to break the core that gives it instructions. In this way, Mr. Cassia , The degree of threat you bring, as well as your own advantages, will be gone from that moment on."

   "Ms. Ye Jielin and I can't bear the tremendous pressure and danger brought by the core itself."

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