Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1540: Start (below)

The two did not speak for a while and fell into silence. The question I talked about originally required a lot of words, but I didn't know what I needed to say.

"Do you think it will be successful?" After a while, Oville said a question that surprised and puzzled Violet. Such words shouldn't appear in Oville's mouth. Violet has always believed that among them, Oville should be the one who understands Cassia's strength and status best.

"You must be very clear in your heart? I shouldn't ask you about this kind of stuff?" Violet asked in turn, "It's been a long time since I left the empire. Everyone, including you and me, is making continuous progress. Among them. But with these, I want to get rid of him. It’s impossible to think about it. You become the way you are. Although you don’t like it, most people who know the situation are envious, including me. The source is Cassia From this point of view, turning it into a probability of success is also a very impressive number."

Ovilia nodded in belief, "I don't doubt my strength. I just feel that there will be many surprises in the process. The plan for MacDonald will be so successful, not only because of his personal strength. He is the farthest out of touch with the knight attendant. Another point is that he had a bad friction with the hacker before the plan. For two reasons, MacDonald was completely calculated by us until all the steps were taken. He was put in a cultivation tank."

"But for Mevis, who is also a woman, will she follow the route we set for the intuition and various perceptual enhancements brought about by the continuous improvement of the surgeon?"

Violet waved her hand, as if comforting Ovilia: "Rather than worry about this, it is better to focus on the future actions. Mevis will naturally watch the whole process from the horror. The strength of the two may not be equal. , But in my head I think the horror is more powerful. His contact with Cassia is much longer than ours. No matter what method, as long as Mevis and Isabel of Manoma die in this whirlpool, our goal will be achieved. As for other things, what we have to do is to earn enough merit and benefits as much as possible, and to show ourselves well. In the end, whether Cassia is caught and whether or not it is dead has little to do with us. So , I think we are probably the one with the least stress this time. If we still look heavy, what kind of expressions should other people look like?"

"It seems reasonable. After all, Mevis and Isabel don't need to be solved by us personally. They only need to cooperate, and they can evacuate in time when they are in danger." Ovilia, who agreed, let out a sigh, "Don't be discovered by Mevis What, as women, I always think we have some intuitive advantages."

"There needs to be more follow-up from you." Not forgetting to add, Ovilia tightened her thin windbreaker, ready to turn around and go back to the rest room.

"This was originally my job." Violet replied, but there was obvious hesitation. "In fact, you really want to know the current situation of Cassia, right?"

As if he had been aware of something that he had been hiding, Oville's head was turned away, and his expression, eyes, and aura all changed all at once. Then it disappeared suddenly and returned to the usual state, even more relaxed.

"You don't understand the feeling of being beaten suddenly. What you saw that night caused a big impact on me. If his condition is better, my side will feel better."

htps: //

"It's not like you." Violet said as if she had discovered something new.

Ovilia began to move forward: "There is an opportunity now. If you can contact him head-on, you can also look at him, and you will understand what I saw and what I am thinking about now." Violet, who was walking behind, smiled, but remembered it in his head.

In different regions at the same time, the family teams from the empire are all planning to go to the regions that they need to defend and monitor. Temporary strongholds everywhere are either directly on the spot or set up in some caves. All kinds of small teams are spreading across a wide belt at this moment, making various preparations.

It seems that the number and equipment are their advantages. After careful consideration, the small number of targets brought about by the small number of enemies has become the first issue they need to consider. A slight negligence in some places will enable the enemy with a smaller target to be able to rely on his own flexibly and calmly to sneak past, resulting in the complete loss of all preparations.

At about 4 o'clock in the morning, on a mountain peak in the border strip, nearly twenty people gathered at the time. All wore the same field uniforms, and they all wore unusually strong masks. Including the body shape, it seems that a unified template has been arranged in advance, so that after the time point has passed, everyone who rushed can see some differences except for the height and gender. The other aspects are things out of the same model.

Controlling voice changes is very simple for this group of five-stage people. They have no appearance and characteristics before they come here. They have determined their own code names. Everything is to prevent anyone from being aware of their true identity. For them, the subsequent chaos and possible battles are not a threat. The one who is really scared is always after the matter is over, suddenly one day the crazy girl takes the holy sword to find her family.

"At present, it can be determined that the enemy is led by the knight commander of the Kira Andi This time we will also come with a third of the holy spear, so you must be prepared." The mask is also one. Zhang has no characteristic high-strength alloy products, even with dark lenses on the eyes. However, in many cases, they do not have a high demand for vision. In the real battle, the dominant thing is to rely on the perception of the biological inductive stress field.

"Starting at 6 o'clock in the morning, everyone will go to the area specified in the plan. The target has been determined to come to the small country next to it, and there are surgeons around to protect it. It is only a matter of time before the battle is triggered, but it is necessary to remind you here. "

The unusually hoarse voice is like the effect played by several recording devices: "I know that many people are sent by their respective families as numbers, but this situation only exists on our side. The enemy does not think so at all. Once caught, the probability of being forced to stay and fight is very high. I hope you can do what you can do. Naturally, someone will help you bear all the consequences afterwards."

"You are the core members of your respective families, and I think everyone understands the follow-up plan for crazy girls. Here, the Holy Fathers let me bring the words over—I hope you don’t do things that you regret. , And don’t let this incident end in regret."

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