Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1515: Individual effort and cooperation (in)

Cassia looked over, squinting her eyes slightly, as if she didn't want to let the light in her eyes show a little more: "Information will become more and more in the future, and some things can only be told to you when necessary. Because of this. , At least your mood will be better, so that you won’t be crushed by too much information and bring great pressure."

It seemed that the thoughtful Nighthawk was digesting these words from Cassia. Cassia stood quietly, waiting for her doubts.

"There will be more and more information in the future, so I can believe that what you know should be related to the core?" Nighthawk thought about it for a tentative word, and then said.

"Yes, it involves the core." In rare words of confidence, Cassia said, no one knows what the core of this incident is better than himself. "I can't tell you yet. It involves a lot of things. At least this time the destination is holy. The Dorage Empire, one of the three giant countries. Looking at it this way, you should be able to imagine a lot of things."

Nighthawk nodded in agreement, and once again smoked half of the cigarette in his hand. Like many people Cassia had met, when thinking, the length of something like a cigarette was cut extremely fast, and it was difficult for the person holding it to notice this. Only when the ashes fall down, or suddenly recover, will I suddenly discover this.

Nighthawk looked over, with more doubts on his face.

"For the first point, it is difficult for me to imagine how to use only two heavy sniper rifles to achieve the desired effect in the face of the enemy. Let alone this point, you will definitely not answer if you say it. Quandang I believe that you have a method that I don’t know can deal with those kinetic armors."

"But for the second point. You said,'You will help me as much as possible, as protection'." Here showed interest, and Nighthawk grasped the point by intuition, "If I remember correctly, Soria Sir, you are the object of our protection. It is true that through the feeling of your skin texture last night, let me know that your strength is indeed inconsistent with the usual appearance. But in terms of skin texture Many three-stage surgeons can easily do it with certain surgical development capabilities. So on this point, I think..."

"Want to understand the real situation?" A helpless smile appeared, but Cassia did not deny Nighthawk's doubts. In the surgeon's ecosystem, strength and surgical development capabilities are indeed the best reference for horizontal comparison. . As for the brain and other comprehensive capabilities, such as control and command of the battlefield, as well as experience, etc., compared to strength and surgical development capabilities, the priority and proportion are indeed lower. They are definitely not the first consideration.

Cassia stretched out her left hand and compared it to a gesture of wanting to shake hands with the other party. "If you don’t mind..." Before finishing speaking, Cassia felt that her hand had been held by a delicate and gentle thing. Living.

"I don't mind." Nighthawk's eyes were gleaming. "And then? Isn't it as simple as trying to shake hands with me? Or do you want me to feel it?"

Cassia was not moved by the many meanings in Nighthawk’s eyes: "Just test the strength of your arm, and by the way, you can also see the strength of muscles and bones. These can be seen roughly. Use all your strength, if necessary, you You can use two hands. I will use your strength after testing your strength. I don’t have to worry about anything. I am still very confident in controlling my strength and will not hurt you."

"My strength is not a strong point, but it is still considered better." Nighthawk smiled, "Then you be careful, if you can't stand it, remember to squeeze." At the end of the voice, Cassia could already feel the huge palm of his hand. Oppressive force. In terms of strength alone, Nighthawk's grip is really not very good. It is no problem to crush the arm bones of some ordinary surgeons, but it will not help people who have undergone bone strengthening surgery. As for the knight attendants within the empire, as well as the elite figures of the major families, bone strengthening almost always accompanied them since they became surgeons. It is not developed as a surgical project, but as a simple thing that can be obtained by accumulating resources. The big family has never lacked the corresponding medicine and corresponding resources.

Cassia joined the five fingers together. On the exposed arm of Nighthawk, the muscles have been squirming slightly, but they still can't change the position and appearance of the five fingers. They can only squeeze some flesh and blood.

Seeing that there is no expression on Cassia’s face, and the hardness of the bones that hide the black scales, the nighthawk feels like the ultimate metal she has had the opportunity to encounter in the laboratory base. Something to contend with. No longer had any contempt, Nighthawk threw away the cigarette decisively, and the other hand also held the palm of the hand at this time, and worked hard together.

There hasn't been any change, and I can't even let the bones of the palm rub against the sound of "chucking".

"It's almost done, I need to use force." Cassia said, carefully controlling the power. The hardness of the hand bones was not much harder than that of the spine, and he was afraid of crushing Nighthawk's entire palm at once. For a nighthawk's surgeon, the simple data suppression of the strength and sensitivity can leave the opponent without any means in battle.

The strength increased slowly, and when Nighthawk's palm bones made a sound, she herself realized the seriousness. It was almost instinctively wanting to withdraw her but the feeling that came, made her immediately understand that this is impossible. There was no temperature in the palm of the opponent's hand, and the pressure brought by the power even acted on the whole body, because Nighthawk could not feel the end of that power. The unknown is always synonymous with arousing curiosity and bringing fear.

"That's it." Cassia released his hand and said, "I said providing protection, roughly what I meant. In addition, to deal with the enemy's kinetic armor and enemies with stronger personal strength, your two heavy sniper firearms It’s just an auxiliary function."

"I don't understand why the organization keeps people like you in the team instead of making full use of it." Nighthawk exhaled and rubbed his hands, his tone full of curiosity and keen interest. This is exactly what Cassia hopes to see, and can rely on these curiosities and interests for a long time to come to a stable and long-term cooperative relationship with Nighthawk.

"There are many reasons." The sound of the rain became louder at this time. "The most important one is probably that there is no suitable person on the enemy's side? I think." Cassia said, "I have a lot of limitations. At some point in time, you may have guessed the reason for yourself. But at that time, I hope that all the information and guesses are only in your heart."

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