Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1495: Confusion, truth and coincidence (part 2)

   The rising fireball is more like a certain fuel substance being ignited. At this moment, a flame band is flowing on both sides of the train, and the squeezed light just clamps the train. Ordinary passengers lost their way in the sound of the explosion, some of them rushed into the carriage again, and some of them were like Cassia and others, and fled back along the train.

   Adolf and General Pullman rely on their own perception, they know the location of each enemy very well. Adolf's indifferent and calm commanding voice has been ringing in the communication, without any panic. The enemy seemed to be actively attacking. There was a continuous "click" sound from a rapid-fire machine gun in the direction of the station. The head of the train was hit by several artillery pieces, and metal fragments flew around with flames.

   After a few breaths, the ground suddenly trembled for a few times, and a huge boom with vibrations was instantly transmitted to everyone through the air. The shock wave swelled with the steam that was dyed red by the fire, and rolled around like a tsunami. The intercontinental trains in small countries are all hybrids, largely relying on the super-vapor compression device technology of the former Empire. The steam storage tank was destroyed by the enemy. When Cassia turned around, a dark red-plated gray mushroom cloud had already risen, and it was still growing slowly, rushing to a higher sky.

   When the impact carried the hot and humid air on him, Adolf had directed more than a hundred people to the rear of the train to remove their suitcases. The captains of each squad gathered their players and began to evacuate from three safe directions in an orderly manner.

   A large number of ordinary passengers were left behind, and their eyesight could not catch the glimmer. The night was the real night for them, and the dark shadows drawn by the firelight now became obstructive to the confusion of vision.

   Half a minute later, the flame band burning behind turned into a bonfire in the dark alone, with a light curtain open, and no longer had the real feeling of approaching. The faint gunfire occasionally floated to my ears, but no enemy caught up. Perhaps it was the same as the situation detected by the male owl. The enemy was only for the important figures of other forces who were traveling on the train, and Cassia and the others were only implicated.

   The evacuation direction quickly deviated from the railway line. After judging where there would be a city based on the intensity of the lights under the night sky, Adolf explained the direction and approximate location of the meeting to the scattered other teams, and went to General Pullman.

   "Have you received news?" There is no doubt, it is all helpless, and a sense of powerlessness.

General Pullman shook his head, as if he was a little angry, but he was more upset about what would happen in the next ten days: "I thought it was you who got the news. Don't think too much, everyone above us has plans. What they need is this kind of natural and non-artificial effect. If we tell us the plan and steps, no matter how we cooperate, there will always be a touch of performance. You don’t know that Soria is meant to replace And who to imitate, no one of the boy’s enemies can be fooled..."

   "So I chose to sacrifice us... I don't know how many such situations remain along the way." Understanding the truth, Adolf sighed and stopped talking.

   General Pullman, who was listening to his ears, remembered Li Suman's smiling face, and realized that the air in the early morning was colder again. He knew that it was not someone else, but a woman named Li Suman, who had been kept in the ice field for decades. After being recalled, I will definitely take advantage of these hours to enjoy all kinds of fun. And she also likes these fun things, even if there is a danger of being chased by a crazy girl behind her back.

   But before being hunted down, Li Suman usually thinks that a crazy girl will not hunt down herself. Even if that day comes, she thinks she can still find a reason to ask McGerry to help. Or in the end, just go to the real Cassia with a bunch of reasons.


"This is called a professional team. Hundreds of cameras are turned on and off controlled by the analyzer. The light will not only look dark, but also has a natural taste. It really costs some money to buy this set of professional equipment. It's totally worth it." Throwing a bunch of photos on the table, Noroska took a glass of wine and drank half a glass of wine, her face was full of joy, "Well, there are also attractive things, and the evidence is sufficient. There are many close-ups in the shooting, and the target's face can be seen. As long as you are familiar with the target, you can be sure that this is Cassia. Let Ye Jielin walk out of the station and only need to release these photos little by little at the right time."

"Is there any more blurry?" After reading the photos, Chilman folded them neatly and placed them in front of Hilary Li, and then asked, "You can't put these photos among the black market intelligence merchants in the first place. There is a sense of gradual progress. The sense of hierarchy and progress makes Ye Jielin, or those who choose to stand on Cassia's side, clearly realize that we are getting close to him a little bit, and we can break through a certain sense of separation at any time. Only in this way can their mood fluctuate and disrupt their plans."

  Nornosca nodded, "It took several hours to transmit these data and information. This is only part of the selection. There is also a large box of photos, you can choose whatever you want."

"Only I think this Cassia in the photo is a little bit different from the intelligence we have been getting?" When Noroska and Chilman were talking, Hilary Riley took out a photo that captured Cassia’s front. Hold it up and compare it with the portrait on the wall of this room, “Don’t you think the target of the photo is an ordinary surgeon? Some serious expressions hide some fear and confusion. Ruo It's not that his appearance is indeed similar to a portrait. Remove the name Cassia and forget some of the information we got before. The target in the photo is almost an ordinary and healthy young man avoiding explosions."

With the photo swaying in her hand, Hilary Riley handed it to Chilman. She turned around and straightened her head to see the indifferent smile on her face. Her eyes were full of hidden violent "cold blood". "Cassia" portrait.

"I heard that when the target was still in the military school, all the people who performed the mission with him for the first time died. After each mission, the death rate of the target teammates was very high. There are rumors that many teammates are targeting themselves. Killed. Even if it’s not, looking at the target’s growth trajectory and the relationship with the Empire’s contemporary knight king, the image in my heart, even if the target is not a cold-blooded creature that has inherited the education of the Imperial Military School~www. should also be a very smart and stable person."

  Hila Ruili added how she felt after reading the photo. The huge contrast made her a little confused at the moment.

   Chilman and Noroska were still happy just now, but they were knocked to the ground by these words. They picked up the photo and looked at it, imitating Hilary's actions to compare it, and it really smelled like that.

   "The target knows his identity, and it is normal to do some disguise." After a while, Nonoska answered with such an explanation. Silence came at this time for some reason, and the photos kept passing in the hands of the three. It was not until the end that Nonoska looked at Chilman, "Tovillest, I don’t know if they have a way to go. Determine the true identity of the target?"

"The strong guy will contact me in the near future, and I will explain this to him." Chilman smacked his mouth, and the wine that he drank had a feeling of distaste. "This is a high probability of target disguise, even if the photo The person above is not. The real Cassia should also be by his side. Besides, our current main plan is to target Ye Jielin.” What follows is more like a kind of comfort and psychological hint.


"I have prepared a network of intelligence merchants to disseminate news, and only the corresponding information and photos from your side." The voice was about to be drowned out by the excitement, and I thought that it would be revealed from my hands soon Things, Li Suman can't suppress her mood at all.


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