Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1493: Confusion, True and False, and Coincidence (Part 1)

“It’s normal that there are controlled items on intercontinental trains connecting small countries. For a long time, the intercontinental train line has been a rationalized official channel. As long as you pay enough transportation costs, you can even turn several carriages into your own private exclusive cargo boxes. , You can stuff whatever you want in it.” After the passengers were all driven out of the train, the female Nighthawk looked at the train and gave her own explanation. “A year ago, this official channel was all It still exists. Now,,,"

   "Are you saying that someone doesn't want our journey to go smoothly?" Isha asked after observing all the passengers. Cassia then remembered that she had always been the head of General Transportation Company. Isha should be very familiar with the transportation route. "Looking at the appearance of other passengers around, the situation seems a little different. This is just a routine inspection. The official channel you mentioned has regulations for trains. This one should not be a channel."

   "By the way, for this mission, is there any information to introduce the enemy? If so, even if it is just a rough idea, I think I can make simple preparations based on this information."

   After she finished speaking, Isha looked to her left and right. She and Cassia are next to each other. On the left are General Adolf and Pullman, and on the right are Cassia and the woman Nighthawk.

   There was no feedback on the inquiry. The five of them were like pendants worn by Yisha, just listening, all silent. As the nighthawk who provoked the topic, he completely forgot what he had just said at this moment, and had a tired and sleepy look all over his face.

   Soon after, just like on the train, Nighthawk suddenly stood up: "I'll look around, and by the way, check the inspection by the station staff." When she finished speaking, she had walked out several meters away. Seeing this, Isha stood up, "I'll go to the other side to look."

   The remaining four people with their own ideas stayed in place and guarded their luggage, all with silent expressions like people abandoned by fellow women.

   Adolf and General Pullman really don't want to go, they just have no way. The heart is full of helplessness and bitterness, but there is no person to talk to, and no place to dump. Cassia has completely become an ordinary second-stage surgeon, thinking a lot in his head, but will not show a little. As for the remaining men, Cassia can't see anything at present. Men also have code names called owls, which are similar to women’s nighthawks.

   As for whether there is a connection between the two, only Adolf knows.

   It wasn't until the station attendant used the loudspeaker to urge the passengers to start getting on the train, that Nighthawk and Isha came back separately. All bring back answers that have not been found. So in an atmosphere where all the staff were not energetic, the six people got on the train, and passed numerous identity checks towards the evening, stepped out of the territory of the Lalsa country and entered the nearby small country.

   The journey is not interesting, but it is definitely not boring. On the second day, the train stopped at the station after a day of continuous operation. A team of 23 persons entered different carriages. The captain came to Cassia and sat down next to them and briefly explained the situation of the team. The members of the organization temporarily convened from the nearby regions are all commensurate with codes, and only a few people know each other.

   The feeling is the same as before. The members of the organization don't know how many people in the organization are around them. Only after similar tasks appear, will a large number of members suddenly emerge from various places.

   This is only the first team, just like Cassia and the others are gradually forming a regular combat team. The first team brings advanced communication machines and plural communicators. Then in the afternoon of the same day, another squad of thirteen people boarded the train, with heavy weapons in the luggage.

   In the next two days, another five teams successively boarded the trains at the stopped stations and brought many professional personnel. Before you know it, a simple team seems to have taken shape. Correspondents, investigations, intelligence analysis and summary, as well as doctors, etc., all have members occupying corresponding functional positions. The total number exceeds a hundred, and the six lifeless people have become more active as a result.

   It’s just that my inner thoughts are different, and Cassia is worried that because of the joining of various teams, the target will become bigger and easier to leave traces. The probability that the traces have been exposed is almost close to 100%. It is not impossible to arrange personnel to conduct rotation monitoring along the way with the enemy's power. Revealing the team's specifications in the enemy's eyes so early, once the enemy finds an opportunity, it is only a matter of one battle to cut the number by half.

   Cassia doesn't trust the strength of the members of the organization around him. Time is more urgent, and the quality control will certainly not be satisfactory. This time, I have been **** by Adolf and Terry Weikang around me, and I may not want to provide some help to other members of the organization. Cassia is very afraid that the enemy will attack the team on the way. This is tantamount to telling people around him that he is the real Cassia. As the number and intensity of offense increase, the chances of revealing their true identity will also increase dramatically.

"We can only continue to follow." There is no way for Cassia to comfort herself as much as At this time, there is still a long distance from the border of the empire, even if the small country is in the cracks of the giant country's territory. It can be imagined that it will take nearly half a month to finish crossing them.

   Sleep became more during the journey, and Cassia could not find a good way of pastime, so she could only close her eyes frequently and force herself into a semi-sleep state.

   In the early morning of the third day, the night sky was covered with a layer of pale smoke by the cold light of the full moon, and there was an interweaving image of dark shadows and fuzzy cold light on the ground. The clanging of the steel wheels of the train did not disturb the passengers' sleep. Soon after, the speed of the train slowed down significantly, and the friction sound between the windows and the atmosphere began to decrease. With a few clear siren sounds, the sparse passengers in the carriage were all awakened, and they opened their wistful eyes and looked around. There is a vague voice.

   The carriage was quiet for a long time and became noisy in people's interactive words.

  Kassia and the others did not sleep, they opened their eyes as if performing, pretending to be awakened, and then closed their eyes again.

   "There are still ten days left before the end of the journey." In the hearts of all the members, only this matter is clearest.

   It didn't take long for the thought to fall in my heart, maybe dozens of breaths, the fire suddenly tore through the darkness and rose from the side of the train. The explosion shock wave easily smashed the glass, passing through the windows of the carriages together with the fire, and while running horizontally through the carriages, it stained everyone's faces.


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