Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1483: Lonely Journey (Part 2)

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After the task was over, a few tricky things were dealt with immediately. The cumbersomeness of the information interface consumes a lot of energy. Now I just want to enjoy the rare peace and relaxation recently, especially when I lie in bed and read fashion magazines, so that I can use my inexhaustible money in the next few days.

Besides, I did not remember exactly what the adjutant said was the "previous order". The task is arduous and has never stopped since I returned. I don't know whether it is the factors of the times or my own personality that caused this status quo. Many things, many people are willing to find themselves,

"There is no way." As a summary, with the sound of turning the pages of the book, the adjutant came in and put a pile of materials on the desk, completely melted away by the air in the room, as if it had never happened.

Until the time was close to twelve o'clock in the evening, on the small cabinet beside the bed, the impurities that had been read for a decade overlapped slantingly. I want to pour a glass of wine to drink, but the two exquisite wines are already empty, reflecting the cold light. The smacking voice contained a "really troublesome" meaning, and I didn't want to take these steps too much.

It was only a few meters away from the soft bed to the cupboard, but at this moment it seemed a distance that could not be crossed. In the end, he mustered up the courage to leave the comfortable place, and a pair of delicate feet stepped on the wooden floor, making the sound of skin intimate contact with the wooden board. He picked up four bottles of wine at a time, and when he walked back to the bed, he passed the table with the information. After an obvious pause, the wine bottle fell on the table and made a crisp sound. Immediately, the sound of the data being flipped never stopped.

"I'm going to be busy again..." The meaning of complaining and trouble disappeared, becoming a hotbed of intense interest. After reading the information that the adjutant put down, he lay back on the bed, and the fashion magazine on the small cabinet beside the bed suddenly lost its appeal.

After drinking a glass of wine, Li Suman took out two completely different communicators, as if facing a difficult choice, "Who should I contact first? Macquarie? Or Emilia?"

The selection process was painful, but Li Suman seemed to enjoy it. Lying on the bed and looking at the snow-white ceiling, she raised her hands, each dragging a communicator, weighing the same weight, and artificially controlling the two communicators ups and downs. In the end, the sense of fun that emerged from the depths of her heart disrupted her balance in her hands. A communicator won, and Li Suman immediately pressed the contact button, recording the composite radio frequency that was transmitted to the distance through the advanced communication machine.

"Miss Li Suman, there is no contact for a few months, and it is still such a late time, that should be a very important thing." Without getting tired, on the contrary, knowing who is contacting me is full of unknown expectations. . At least a few months ago, because Li Suman acted as an intermediary, he completed a very difficult plan.

"Ah,, ah, ," Before contacting, I had already figured out how to share this joy with Emilia, who is also a woman, but when I heard the voice in the communicator, Li Suman found that she was looking for something wrong. The object. Emilia is an absolutely sensible person, very different from herself who depends on her interest to decide her choice. McGreyin is his old friend, the only one, how much he will play with him.

With no interest at all, Li Suman felt that the taste was lost in his mouth, and could only dry out the information collected by the adjutant.

"Have you started the plan recently?" Emilia thought, "Is it too eager?"

"Probably not." Li Suman didn't think much, because it would be more interesting. If you think about everything clearly and know how to take each step, then you will lose the impact of the unknown on your mood and emotions. "I just want to contact you as soon as I see the information to let you know that there is such an opportunity. That's all. The general plan is still needed."

"I will consider it carefully, and I will give you a definite answer within two days." Like the machine, Emilia's tone remained unchanged before and after.

Looking at the communicator that had been cut off in her hand, Li Suman picked up another one. After a while, she decided to leave it for a few days before telling Macquarie about these things.

It is impossible to keep it hidden. Li Suman, who has read the information, believes that in this event, the real Cassia will definitely appear. If it caused a bad thing and involved herself, she still needed McGlyry to help herself shirk some responsibilities. After all, she knew she was afraid of crazy girls from the bottom of her heart.

"If two Cassias had a chance to meet together, what kind of scene would it be?" Li Suman was most interested in the scene in her heart. For this reason, she thought that for this kind of scene to appear, she should have more Just do something.


"If I don't take the initiative to mention this, you won't speak?" Without knocking, Ye Jielin felt that when the door was opened, Gabriel had already completed the closing action. Ye Jielin was still following the process familiar to her, while talking, often with questioning, she walked straight to the cupboard, picked the best wine in it, and never poured herself a glass.

Leaning on the side of the cupboard, Gabriel poured a glass of wine in an elegant manner. After drinking half a glass, he still did not wait for Ye Jielin's answer. The age of the two seemed to be averaged at this moment. When they went to the same place, they also had the same mood together, waiting for each other's apology or defense. They didn't take the initiative to speak, silence came as expected, leaving only the breath that could be captured from time to time.

Gabriel always gave in. After drinking two glasses of wine, she sighed and looked at Ye Jielin, who was lying on the bed and reading the book with glasses, "Do you really think all the things Atohuan collected Information will not pass through me? I am the person in charge of every analysis of information that is given to you."

"So These are also things I have acquiesced." Ye Jielin was very cold. The two at this moment are like children who are angry.

"The family will support you. You don't need to submit an application. The notice has come to me this morning. There will be a team of hundreds of people, and a large number of high-quality weapons and ammunition, all in the next one or two weeks. Arrive at your private location. The ammunition includes the materials needed on the previously controlled military airship."

"This is indeed very good news for you, but I have to remind you that other than that, there is no better news." Gabriel continued, she knew what she said, even if Ye Jie Lin often appears indifferent, but she listens to her head and will consider all aspects, "From the perspective of the degree of coincidence, it is definitely not a coincidence. The enemy has carefully planned it. Your alliance is currently Walking on the edge of rupture again... Are you sure you still want to go in?"

"Take the initiative?" Ye Jielin sat up, "are they really one step ahead of me?"

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