Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1473: Induction force field, unique weight reduction method (middle)

   After leaving the empire, Cassia has never rested like this. He was completely drowsy, didn't need to think about anything, his body was motionless, and there was no dream of pulling him to other places. There was only a quiet place, cool weather, suitable temperature, and good humidity. Even if night comes, mosquitoes will not approach here easily.

   A very suitable place to sleep and rest, even if it is not Cassia’s own subjective wishes.

   After a few hours, the molten material melted at high temperature loses its temperature, and it is shaped like frozen black-red lava, condensing into lumps. There were no night shifts in several factories around, and silence fell until early morning. But Cassia still didn't wake up, and all her mental and physical strength was taken away, which brought a huge burden to this body. If there is no solid red mercury in the abdomen to play a firm role, during the coma, the withering reaction is enough to turn Cassia into a group of dragon tissues that are dying in the cycle of self-proliferation and swallowing.

   The next day it passed so peacefully, no one noticed it. At noon on the third day, the fallen sculptural Cassia, as if he was fused with the ground, finally moved. In the next hour or two, Cassia really sat up, dragged his body against the wall of the factory building, and breathed.

   The feeling of coming home from a low-level hospital after a serious illness as a child, strangeness and powerlessness. All Cassia could do now was to constantly rely on breathing to wake up the body that was sleeping in a coma. The glare eroded the sight, and the pain and tinnitus did not want to leave his head, and entangled there. Sitting and waiting for the sunset, Cassia returned to the body level of an ordinary person. Taking off the lead bag, his own weight becomes a foreign object, and every move becomes difficult. It only took ten minutes to get to the limousine car. After getting water and food, the stomach bag that hadn't lost any function allowed Cassia to gradually get basic energy.

   then lay down in the car for the whole night, during which Cassia slept several times in a row, but already had a strong self-regular biological clock, each time he did not let this sleep more than three hours.

At noon on the fourth day, Cassia cleaned up the molten material that had condensed in the factory. After bringing the lead bag and the second-generation holy sword back to the car, he sat in the sun and enjoyed this rare thing, which was also obtained because of his body. The tranquility.

   There was a warm feeling from the bare skin, and Cassia closed her eyes and sighed occasionally. But more is the joy that is difficult to express in my heart. There is no need to think more, nor need too much information to guide, let alone look for conclusive evidence, like something stored somewhere in his head since Cassia’s birth, he understands that the layer lasts for less than a second What is the film that broke instantly.

"Sucarius said that because of the repulsive effect, the bio-inductive stress field will appear on me very early, and I can feel it in the third stage." Cassia's often serious face Full of smiles, it's been a long time since I was so happy. He is even in the mood to pull up the wild grass around him and play with it in his hand, "This is not a lie, and the actual situation is also true."

   Except for this one point, Cassia was not surprised. He never considered all the rest.

   Mental fatigue only needs to rest for a few days before returning to normal. But physically, most of the physical energy can be recovered at night, but most of the energy substances stored in the blood and the high-energy fat everywhere have disappeared. The weight that was close to one ton before disappeared by more than two hundred catties in that instant.

   As the energy disappears, there seems to be some useless components in the bones, which evaporate themselves in the biological inductive stress field.

   saw himself in the rearview mirror of the limo, and was cut off abruptly. Now he looked thin, he had just recovered from a serious illness, his face was pale, and there was not much expression in his eyes.

  The result that can be exchanged is very satisfying to Cassia. He doesn't know if he will be able to stimulate the so-called bio-inductive stress field again next time with a high concentration of attention. But as long as there is a starting point, Cassia believes that this body will record the feelings at that time outside of consciousness.

"The second-generation holy sword and the high concentration of attention, these two seem to be the reason for me to stimulate the bio-inductive stress field. The second-generation holy sword should be a medium. I have never known how to use the holy sword correctly. Now look back. Because the specifications of the second-generation holy sword are top-notch, even with energy materials as auxiliary drives, the minimum requirements for users are probably the fourth stage surgeons with mature biological inductive stress fields."

   Within the next two weeks, Cassia knew that he could no longer train. He needs time to eat a lot of food to supplement the huge consumption in that short instant. The hunger caused by the stomach pouch is so strong that it will affect thinking from time to time. After shielding herself from this feeling, Cassia sat in the sun all afternoon.

"The first feature is that the induction force field is a tangible substance, which seems to exist only in the self's perception, but there must be different ways to see or perceive their specific appearance." Cassia recalled a few days ago A short-term memory, trying to make the bio-inductive stress field establish a clear shape in his head. "The second one was the shape of a soap bubble enveloping itself, which was extremely unstable. It didn’t control its consciousness, and even broke instantly. But since it is tangible, it should be controlled by the spirit, and the substantive spirit after the three stages is its foundation. The shape or many changes not yet It is clear whether there are any unknown restrictions."

"The third point is the extreme high temperature. There is a relevant record in the military school's data that the threat of the surgeon removing the bullet is after the fourth stage. No matter what kind of bullet, the high temperature can instantly melt the ground. And energy, with the size and weight of the warhead, is the result of contact with the biological inductive stress field, either directly evaporated or turned into molten iron, losing the threat."

   "The next fourth point is that the reason why I can generate a physical inductance stress field in the third stage has something to do with the transformation organs that have already formed in my body?"

   Many analyses are based on guesses of incomplete information, and Cassia cares most about the last point. What is the bottom line of the biological inductive stress field? He will look for the most reasonable solution later. After a personal experience, the sensation of energy flowing violently in the body until it disappeared reminded Cassia of the first time she used her breath consciously.

   There is something to think about between the two, and both draw energy from all parts of the body and transform it into another form. All this requires a special structure to complete, just as the "breath" is not actually a pure flame, but an incandescent high-temperature heat stream. As for whether there are other substances in the incandescent heat flow, Cassia is still unclear.

   However, from the triggering of the breath and this bio-inductive stress field, the reaction of solid red mercury gave Cassia a terrible idea.


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