Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1470: Danger and Intuition (Part 1)

   The name "Kasia" immediately attracted the attention of Noroska and Hilary Li.

   Immediately flipping through the information in her hand, Hilary Li also immediately leaned to Nonoska's side and looked at the densely printed imperial texts with him. A few minutes later, Nonoska put down the information, got up after thinking for a while, went to the communication machine, and asked the deputy below to immediately prepare the corresponding map.

   "Where is the other party's identity?" Sitting back in his seat, Noroska crossed her fingers.

Chilman waved his hand, expressing his helplessness, "The other party is a strong man in the five-stage operation, and I have not been qualified to capture his trace. You can rest assured that the other party does not know us very well, just knows that the State of the Church has sent a group of people. Come to the empire and take action against Cassia. From here, you can know that the opponent is the group of the Quartet that stands on the opposite side of the Kira Andi family. Afterwards, the opponent finally knows me..."

As he said, Chilman gestured, "At that time, the two of us were separated by the wall of the hotel room. He could detect me, but I could not detect him. Later, he gave this information to me. Said it contained what we wanted. Of course, this information was printed out with a machine borrowed from the hotel, and nothing could be traced. By the way, the other party said that we would have another chance to talk in a week. I probably thought Listen to our plan so they can also be prepared."

  Nornoska said "Yes", Chilman and Hilaryli did not speak, waiting for his judgment.

"The information in the material is likely to be true. Although I don't know what method the other party used, it should be time-sensitive. That is, it will only be useful for a period of time." It is both a judgment and a preliminary plan. "The first point, we must review the information. The Kiris family can help us complete this work. The small country still has their strongholds, but the number of people and the quality of the empire will not be very high. The second point, the current contact The several knight servants of the empire that have arrived, need to speed up the progress of cooperation with them. At least in the last few months, or after following up with the confirmed information obtained from the small country, follow the plan to carry out the action against the Cassia ally Ye Jielin The best time is now. I missed it. Whether it is Cassia or Ye Jielin, personal growth speed will eventually become our biggest obstacle."

   "There are too many things to do in the middle. In a while, I will contact the person in charge of the State Education Office to report the basic situation and seek more resources."

   "Don't you think about going directly to a small country?" Hilary Rilly asked after thinking about it, "The opportunities there should be greater."

It was Chilman who shook his head first, "Who do you think would dare to pass by? We, or the guys from the empire's Quartet forces? In recent years, the empire's high-level combat power has died except for the collision with the religious nation in the Visaya Fortress. Once, the only thing that can be recorded is the one killed by the crazy girl. The person who gave me this information, his identity and the power behind it will never be simple. Now that he has determined the specific location of Cassia, the rest It was nothing more than using airships to transport thousands of surgeons over, surrounded the city, and then used their own methods to find Cassia. After that, either they would kill them directly, or grab them for experimentation, or more. Any other purpose is fine. Has this man done this?"

"Everyone knows that Cassia's identity is not ordinary, and there are many secrets in him that many people have not explored. As a member of the Kira Andi family who is closely related to the contemporary knight king of the empire, he escaped with his own suspended animation in the knight attendant assessment. People’s eyes, what did he do for this thing? And it’s not important. The point is that around Cassia, is there any protection provided by the contemporary knight king that Cassia doesn’t even know about?"

"I am also concerned about this, so I will not consider going directly to the small country to start operations." Nonoska continued, "The person who gave Chilman the information chooses to let us deal with Cassia, this matter itself It can explain a lot of problems. Assuming that there is really no protection around Cassia, a four-stage surgeon can easily bring back his body. Let alone the five-stage surgeon standing at the top of the three-phase continental pyramid The strong one. But he didn't do that, and finally chose to give us the opportunity."

   "Take us as cannon fodder?"

"Not exactly." Chilman, who is doing intelligence work, can best explain this problem. "He is very worried about several reasons. First, in the empire, even if there are more stage five surgeons, it will be ours. Memory is the standard. As long as you have the corresponding information, you can accurately record every word on the information and the picture on the photo. Therefore, if there is a protector around Cassia, people in the same empire can be easily recognized ."

   "I don't need to say what the result will be after recognizing it. No one can bear it!"

"The second point, if there is a hidden protector around Cassia, use the internal information of the Church for reference. The battle between the five stages involves a wide range of Ninety-nine percent are stalemates. The situation remains constant. Unless a few people are dispatched at once and careful planning is made, a considerable success rate can be guaranteed. But this involves the first point. Once the information is leaked, no one can bear the anger of the contemporary knight king. They The forces behind him are not good either."

"The third point is that when the high-level combat effectiveness cannot appear, those at the same stage as Cassia, I don’t think they can pose a threat. Therefore, if many plans are placed on Cassia, it will appear out of place and there will always be accidents. ."

   "Or use Ye Jielin as a bait to attract him to appear? But if we act like this, this information seems to be of little use to us." Hilary Li said. Among the three, her job is the distribution and management of logistics and various personnel, and the opinions given on the plan are mostly based on her own intuition. I just have to admit that this kind of intuition that doesn't follow science is often better than Norska and Chilman's thinking for a few days.

"No, without this information, we will always be passive. But now, the initiative has returned to us. But there is a preparation added to it, that is, after confirming that Cassia is indeed in a small country, we need to arrange A large number of people take turns to monitor and report his location information in real time. So, when he is forced to sneak back into the empire because of Ye Jielin's affairs, this is our opportunity."

   "That's right, maybe the time is just right!" With an exclamation voice, Hilary Li thought of another important thing, her face was full of excitement.


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