Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1464: The past and agreements of ocean exploration (part 1)

   "Remember that it was the second event with extremely heavy losses." Hilary Li did not follow Noroska's wishes, she took the conversation and continued to talk about the memory. Nonoska said that she didn't want to think of it, but she didn't stop Hilaryly from continuing to drive the topic. He knew that decades of life on the ship had already become an important part of his life, and it was impossible to get rid of it.

   Speaking of the situation at the time, their mood and attitude have completely changed. It seems to be simply retelling the content printed in the textbook with calm and no emotional fluctuations. It is no longer something that I have personally experienced, and it is completely from the perspective of the observer.

   "Think about it, it’s been forty,,,, after boarding the Venetian giant ocean-going ship and starting to explore the unknown waters."

"Forty-four years." As Hilarylee was thinking, Nonoska answered and said the specific time, "Forty-four years, seven months, and 13 days. Of course, if we finish today, Fourteen days."

"You remember clearly." Hilary Li with a wry smile didn't know whether it was a compliment or a pity for Norosca, who remembered this time clearly. "At that time, you and I and Chilman were all because of the same It is attracted by notices issued to various departments and institutions of the Church, and even in the dark world. It is in line with the characteristics of our age group at that time, the so-called generous salary, after returning, you can join some of the State’s institutions, as well as job promotion. It doesn't seem important. The important thing is that this notice really aroused the curiosity of too many people. When I was young, I became an adventurer to see all kinds of unknown things. Isn't it an impulse in everyone's heart."

"I am a researcher in the First History Research Institute of the Education, Hilary, you are a teacher at a school for the first and second stage surgeons. And Chilman, before boarding the Venetus, wanders around the country all year round. In the dark world of the city. Intermediate merchants, arms dealers, bounty hunters, assassins who can assassinate everyone within the scope of their capabilities as long as they are paid enough. Speaking of which, among the three of us, Chilman’s experience is legendary and richest , I seem to have done everything for my own life." In the words of sigh, there was also an unconscious gratitude. Nonoska knew that he could still sit in the house alive and talk to Hilary Li's past. The reason for this is that Chilman can occupy 90%. The same is true for Hilary Lily.

  Hila Ruili laughed with a sigh, "This is how everyone is different, because of our respective duties and experiences. Different people will achieve different results before dealing with things and facing various situations."

  Nonuoska nodded in agreement. For Chilman, during the time when the Venetian ocean-going ship explored the unknown waters, to be precise, in the first nineteen years of the exploration, neither he nor Hilary Riley knew about the entire fleet. Among the members, there is another person named Chilman. Similarly, the entire fleet has more than 400,000 members, and the people he and Hilaryli know are limited to a very small part. And during those nineteen years, for the first fifteen years, Noroska and Hilary Li were also strangers to each other. Including Chilman, the three belonged to different functional departments of the fleet and were assigned to work on different entourage ships.

   When the ocean-going ship Venetes set out, it carried more than 130 ships of various types. Among them, there are five material ships that are larger than the Venetes itself. The long ocean-going ship Venetes is about 3,000 meters long, and the hull of the five material ships is nearly 7,000 meters long. It is like an artificially built steel island on the sea. In order to promote its speed to keep up with the fleet, nearly half of the space of each material ship is used to install and build the power system and its auxiliary equipment.

   But fortunately, all equipment and ships are powered by steam, and the seawater purification system is not a problem for the scientific and technological power of the country.

In the three years since    started, the entire huge fleet has never stopped since it started. The speed of the fleet is very impressive following the reversal current formed by the impact of the central ocean current belt on the posterior continent. Three years later, the fleet that did not have any time to stop went smoothly to the fringe area of ​​the previous fleet exploration.

   The exploratory activity consumes a lot of money, but for a long time, it has not stopped. Because the purpose of each exploration is different, for the unknown area, the figure composed of the areas that have been explored is not an arc, but a variety of thorny convex shapes.

   The ocean-going fleet changed course for the first time three years later. They are ready to go to the deepest point they have explored in the past, and then from there as another starting point, to their target sea area. So another two years of non-stop sailing began.

Five years, for the entire fleet of more than 400,000 people, does not appear to be a long time, because the whole process is in the sea area that has been explored, and related follow-up research and exploration are also carried out simultaneously. Curiosity and adventurous psychology are in that period. In time, everyone was indeed satisfied.

   During that time, Nonoska and the others also realized that a group of people called "lone observers" were there far away from the mainland. In some explored sea areas, the materials and ships scrapped by the previous fleet are used as floating islands on the sea, and the conditions in that sea area are continuously observed.

   almost lost contact with the mainland. If it hadn’t been known that there was a special department set up for these people in the church, Noroska believed that these people were the lost people who were lost in the endless sea after major incidents in the fleet.

   Every time a "lone observer" passes by, the fleet will supply them with some fact, this is also one of the tasks and tasks of the ocean-going fleet.

   After five years of calm, the sixth year of voyage began. At that time, Noroska, Hilary Li, Chilman were still in their respective positions, doing their own things well. When there is time, not only them, but many other people, will choose to walk among the ships that can be boarded in the entire fleet. While looking at all kinds of ships, they also apply for a rare departure from the fleet to explore the sea. Opportunities to follow up previous research and collect further data tasks.

   In the sixth year, roughly this has passed. By the seventh year, the entire fleet remained absolutely vigorous, and there was no death or case during the period. Of course, more than 400,000 people will certainly not be all surgeons, but as far as medical treatment and disease prevention are concerned, the preparations made by the fleet before the start of each ocean exploration mission are the most parallel with the power system and the defense system. Important matters.

   Then, the seventh year came. By the middle of the seventh year, the ocean-going fleet will go to the deepest point of the sea that has been explored in the past. From there, all the places it will go after will be unknown. At that time, Nonoska and the others also encountered the last material ship of the "Lonely Observer".

   It's just that there are no survivors on it, only a hollow steel hull floating on the sea, and the bones of hundreds of crew members left after the ship has been infected with a certain type of deadly bacteria. The entire ocean-going fleet has changed since then.


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