Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1452: Ancient historical legends (part 1)

McOnnis had a brief silence at this time, and then changed to a heavier tone, "Planning in advance is a good thing for us, but in the face of the current situation, I think it is the most correct to take every step calmly. You. I must be aware of the situation related to the cemetery a week ago. If No. 1 took away the crystals refined and synthesized by the beluga during ancient history, there is a 100% chance that it will form an alliance with the giant whales. The process will take some time to complete. The true leaders of giant whales have never been in the waters close to the post-phase continent. But for this, we must also deal with it at a huge price."

Tovilest chuckled, taking it seriously, but didn't seem to care much. "To deal with us, I went to form an alliance with the giant whales. With the identity of being born in dragon embryos, this kind of agreement relationship is only It will be temporary. The giant whale can find us hiding in the tundra by freezing air, but is this too idealistic. We live for dozens of times as long as No. 1 has grown up from birth to this moment. .McOonnis, you and I both admit that McGree is the biggest threat and destroyer of all plans, but you have to know that for someone like McGree who has no clear desires and only knows to graft other people’s ideas and ideals, it will not Understand the power of desire as the opposite of reason."

"One and Macquarie are indeed our biggest obstacles, but they naturally have others to deal with. As long as they hide well in a short time, it is our victory. It should not be us who is anxious. Besides, they are not our ultimate enemy. Not to mention the lingering old people on the other two continents, but the people who are frozen inside the empire's four forces, that is also a huge number. Especially the holy fathers of the Holy Palace, they rely on faith to gain power Apart from the first generation king and holy emperor, he was the first to learn about the gods. But fortunately, hundreds of years ago, the people of the Avalon institution became sober because of the second generation of knight kings, and they were completely separated from the empire. It is directly related. Otherwise, after hundreds of years, it will not leave us such an opportunity."

   "The Avalon institution is indeed worthy of admiration." McOnnis continued with sincerity.

"But it's just a group of dead heads. They don't want to, but because theoretical data allows them to see something, that kind of thing represents uncontrollable destruction. They don't understand the so-called progress or evolution, it is all about establishment. In the uninterrupted cycle of death and rebirth.” The words were filled with obvious anger, and Tovelest was very dissatisfied with the Avalon institution. Although at the beginning he regarded himself as the glory of his life, but The glory has disappeared invisible at this moment.

"If they are willing to truly serve as the Avalon institution of the empire, the post-phase continent would have already been unified into a super country after several wars." This is a pity for Tovilest, "but not Affect anything, this time the Red Star's anomaly will eventually drag them off the field. There is no place on the three-phase continent that can find a place to stay."

   "It's just that as a representative of reason and data after all, they, like McGerry, don't understand the power that desires give everyone, sometimes it can be infinite."

"God, I graduated successfully from school more than a hundred years ago. I never really believed it." McOnly laughed at himself. Sitting in a small room, he held a microphone in one hand and a pen in the other. Contact, while writing something down.

"Me, McOsney." These words are not comforting. "All surgeons have such a process. When their lives are prolonged, they can tear a steel column with their bare hands. The blade is no longer a threat, and bullets cannot It's fatal. Everyone treats himself as a god. Looking back, we were not even bugs."

   The two are connected by radio, sighing at each other in different places.

"Zero is the core of the plan. Originally, we each had important tasks, but after the knight attendant's assessment, the self-departure of Zero was beyond my expectation." The topic changed after sighing, "McOonnis, let you and some black market and small forces People who deal with each other are really boring."

   "It should be the reasonable vacation I have saved over the past few decades." There was a laugh from McOnnis, and Tovelest felt a little relief for some reason.

"Zero is the identical twin brother of No. 1, and it was the result of a controlled experiment. At the core of the experiment, training, training, and education have to rely on you. In this way, we are like their two Father."

   "Maybe number zero agrees, but number one doesn't know. Seeing number one, ,, can't be said to see, seeing it means we are gone." As we eased the mood, communication became easier.

   "Indeed." Tovelest admitted, "In short, it is still what I said at the beginning. I hope the data comparison is in line with the guessed conclusion."

   Soon after, McOnnis, who was cut off, stood in front of the window thinking as usual. A few hundred meters away, the zero number is always in his senses. As Tovelest said, now he is really like the father of number zero. Whether he is safe or educated, he has spent a lot of energy and thought in order to make him go in the direction he wants. It doesn’t matter whether it’s worth it or not. As a self who has come together with Tovelest because of the same desires and ideals, McOnnis has put a lot of effort into pursuing but now he thinks of the original point of the plan. Sometimes I think, if I didn't find the slab at that time, and I didn't go to Tovelest, who was not the patriarch of the Chila Andi family, to translate the strange text on it. At that moment, what would I be like.

   It’s been too long from the beginning to the present, and McOnnis has forgotten how he felt when he first learned the meaning of strange words. It's vague, but he knows that compared to the moment, there is indeed something that is not smooth.

   Looking in the direction of Zero, McOnnis's face suddenly looked much older. While looking forward to it, he was also afraid. I hope that No. 0 will grow up quickly and become their strongest force. In addition, I think of No. 1 from time to time. History repeats itself constantly, and he knows this law after reading many books.

   When the light through the window disappeared, this corner of the coastal city fell into relative calm. In recent times, similar scenarios have repeatedly appeared in many places in the empire. Most of the things in the cemetery have come to an end within the expectations of the various forces, but the crystals on the horns of the white whale still worries more people.


"Let's talk, what do you want to know, it's just a boring journey to find someone to talk to." On the airship on the return journey, Li Suman, who came out of the bathroom, wiped her hair, and noticed that the special communicator had prompt features, and found After lying on the bed in a comfortable position, he contacted him.


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