Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1442: Spiral and Skeleton Mountain (middle)

I didn’t like Ilix very much at first. With the identity of a deputy captain among the guards of the Holy Fathers, Li Suman told herself that it’s fine to get along with him at first, but now, after a few months of getting along, Even if the other person's face looks very popular with women, it seems that it can no longer offset any negative emotions.

   "Want to destroy these stone paintings?" I knew Ilix's plan, and made him succeed several times on the way. Relying on his instinct, Keli Suman seemed to know that this long exploration mission was about to end, so he no longer acquiesced in Ilix's behavior.

   Walking in the front, she wanted to say more things that only she knew to arouse Elix's interest, and then stopped at the key node to observe the reaction. But with this kind of aimless spreading forward, Li Suman's sloppy breath was converging a little bit.

   The range of perception and sensitivity are much higher than that of Ilix. Only when Li Suman noticed something around him, Ilix began to smell the anomalies in the air.

   there was a familiar taste, and Ilix couldn't remember what it was for a while. Following the Fathers all the year round, he has forgotten a lot of things, both memory and body. But as the temperature gradually dropped, until the two of them had advanced several kilometers, he finally remembered that the smell was like the seaside air that was soaked in salt all year round. The salt in the air from the sea water into the air for a long time, I don't understand the feeling.

"Captain Li Suman." The footsteps behind him disappeared, Li Suman turned around, and the solid beam hit Elix's face directly, "You can go back directly if you don't want to move on. No one is stopping you here. "When Li Suman, who was still smiling at the corner of his mouth, moved forward again, the smile was completely replaced by seriousness.

   "Boom!" It is no coincidence that Li Suman walked forward less than ten meters away. The bright flashlight in his hand suddenly lost its light, accompanied by a crisp sound of glass shards falling to the ground. Ilix, who had no choice but to follow behind, stopped immediately. In the blink of an eye, Li Suman seemed to be frozen, and there was already a cold current that entangled her body like a white mist, and all her breath became The cream powder slowly falling.

   Then, something that would not normally be observed appeared in the eyes of the two at the same time. Li Suman raised her hand at this time, and the cold current disappeared in an instant, and her body was like a large fluorescent moss multiplying, and she was also wrapped in a light blue fluorescent light for a short time. It was a thin film-like object that seemed to exist or not, following the lines of her body in incomparable detail, depicting a phantom that was about one-third larger, and enveloped it.

   almost subconsciously looked at his feet, but under the weak light, it was just a hard rocky ground that no one had stepped on for a long time. There was nothing but a few broken stones. At the next level of the spiral, when Li Suman reacted, she suddenly turned her head and looked to the side for no reason. At this moment, her eyes seemed to be able to pass through the layers of obstacles in the space, and she saw another person rushing to the same destination. Others come.

   The sloppy footsteps turned into running, Li Suman lifted his finger, and the blue fluorescence instantly skyrocketed. When there was a subtle white color in it, the surroundings had been fully illuminated, and the temperature close to the negative number began to rise sharply. This is a conch-like tunnel, close to a kilometer in height, slowly shrinking and spiraling toward the only point, and finally it comes together.

  Perhaps the passage itself is a conch shell that has been transformed into a fossil and formed after a long period of time. Because Li Suman believes that there should not be any nutrients in this hard rock, but there are large areas of fluorescent moss growing here.

The speed is maintained at a number that does not actively squeeze the air out of the blasting sound. The skyrocketing light source on Li Suman’s finger is like the only lamp in the dark, not only dispersing all the surrounding light, the more downward, the colder the air is also a short moment. When heated, the air expands into a gust of wind, squeezing it along the spiral tunnel to the first huge exit.

The downward trend of the spiral tunnel rotation is not obvious. At Li Suman’s speed, she draws a spiral that cannot be connected end to end. She feels that she has only gone down a few hundred meters, but this spiral The length is close to ten kilometers.

   But it will not be far away, Li Suman muttered to herself. Even though the air around her finger's light was wavy and twisted due to the high temperature, she could still judge that the temperature here was rapidly decreasing with depth at an irregular ratio. In the silent space, there was an inexplicable voice at this moment, like the whine of a dead conch shell in the wind on the beach.

   glanced at Ilix, who was hundreds of meters away from him, Li Suman had no plan to wait for him. If you want to get to the final point of the spiral, it seems that it is not far away, but you need to run a thousand times, or even ten thousand times, on your feet. It will not be a short time. Li Suman calculated with the data she imagined and got the answer that would take three hours.

   Terrible distance and length, but Li Suman felt happy because of it, and gave birth to a sense of luck that was rare to encounter novel things. The pale blue phantom that enveloped her now doubled in size, but it also became more blurred. After a very short stay, she stepped forward and headed towards the coldest place at the end of the spiral.

At the same time, in different places and different forces, at different times, they all noticed the sound caused by the atmosphere in the tunnel in their own followed Li Suman in their own forms. Steps, when they perceive the sudden drop in temperature, everyone is destined to never stop again.

Although the    route is different, the form is exactly the same. All the strong from all forces set off. The air in the spiral space that had been silent for an unknown period of time finally became vigorous. Amidst the constant expansion and explosion of the air, the sound of "whooping" changed from a state of seeming to nothing to truly floating in it. The sound in the ear.

   This is the only solo of the tone, a sad sigh, haunting everyone.

   The three-hour rushing run is not at all costly to those who go to the point where the spiral passage is attributed. As a five-stage surgeon, whether it is an empire, the entire post-phase continent, or the three-phase continent, which is almost the entire land world observed, they are truly powerful, and they never know the exhausted extreme alloy. The ultimate machine manufactured.

   When the distance of the spiral corridor around one circle began to show a geometric reduction, the temperature also dropped to about minus two hundred degrees with the spiral distance, and the height of the corridor was now reduced to only fifty or sixty meters.

Li Suman, who was walking in the front, slowed down at the end, and waited until Ilix went to his side, and waited until several members of other forces caught up with him, and then walked the last section of the spiral corridor with them. Distance.

   Soon after, a huge black void appeared in the perception of everyone at the end of the spiral tunnel.


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