Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1433: I'm used to talking about luck (middle)

   Hearing the roar in the communication turned into electronic noise, the correspondent was very flustered. He had never seen such a situation. He was stunned for a few seconds next to the communication machine, shaking his whole body before he woke up and ran out of the communication room to look for his superiors.

At the same time, Cassia returned the same way and went to the corpse. After the sound pulse once again confirmed that everyone had a shot in the head, he picked up a handful of firecrackers and chased after Isha and the others. .

   The only good news now is that the enemy captain called everyone back before his death. I don’t know if it will be useful, but Isha will be given more chances to survive. I hope that the time comes in a hurry. At this moment, Cassia can only think like this. At that time, the enemy formed a team of thirty people to chase from the side. It was indeed a situation that he did not think about.

And now I have a feeling of self-blame, because although I only met Isha and Toynby not long ago, as a newcomer who went to the new department of the organization, they met only a few days, but the two gave themselves a lot. Take care. This makes Cassia feel very comfortable, even if the care is completely useless for him, it's just that many things have always been based on attitude and process, rather than the established result.

  But the identity and characteristics made Cassia have to let go of the thirty people, otherwise, Isha and the others would lose the only opportunity.

   Not long ago, the enemy cut off his arm and shot all the wings on his body instantly. At that time, the danger signal directly broke through the threshold set by Cassia. If there is no scaly state, Cassia has seriously simulated it, and he will probably not die, but there will be no follow-up.

   "After all, scale, as his strongest means, has gradually begun to show weakness." Cassia muttered to herself while on the move. Of course, the so-called "weakness" does not mean that the strength cannot meet the requirements. And it was Cassia who was in the scaly state completely able to regard himself as a monster, which caused a serious sense of disconnection with him in the normal state.

  Many problems have become ordinary. It is very difficult for him to solve, but it is too easy and simple in the scaled state. It shouldn't be like this. There must be a transitional period in between. Cassia believes that under this situation, it will be more calm to deal with many situations. At least scale can be used as one's real trump card, and can gradually get rid of the label attached to oneself.

   However, there are many gains this time. Generally speaking, now his position among the elites of family power has become clear. In addition, the ability to develop surgery is increasingly lacking. The drawbacks of sound-related capabilities are becoming more and more obvious. The sonic pulse and the corresponding attack methods gave Cassia an almost omnipotent feeling within the small country, all because of the incompleteness of the small country's resources and knowledge. In the face of the elites in the giant country, with the comprehensive increase in knowledge and cognition, the discovery of sound waves in battle seems to have become a simple matter of time.

   Cassia had a new direction for a while. This time, he spread out his perception to fight, except that the range was too small, but the other aspects were several layers stronger than the sound pulse. In addition, in the blood poisoning, the poison in the enemy's wings also stimulated them to make changes.

"Can this aspect be used?" The sudden thought made Cassia see a certain possibility, "Using the impact and rapid vibration of high-frequency sound waves, the liquid metal-like blood can instantly become misty and diffuse. Considerable range. Create a very toxic blood mist without breathing, as long as it touches the skin, it can cause a fatal threat. The only problem is the amount of blood."

   It's not that there is not enough blood. Anyone who undergoes a second-stage surgeon is a mobile hematopoietic machine. As long as time and nutrition keep up, someone is willing to buy blood. Cassia thinks that if this is the case, the disputes among the surgeons will probably be reduced by half. Everyone stays at home to exercise, supplements basic food and essential nutrients, and can live what they want by selling blood alone.

   Soon after, a small group of enemies whose direction of action was opposite to the one was detected in the sound pulse. Cassia chose to ignore them and rushed to wherever he wanted to go in peace.

   After running about 20 kilometers away from the battle location, Yisha and the others appeared at the first battle location. The traces of the rush, some dripping and dried blood around the old tree, shows that Isha and the others have been resting here for a short time. There are three enemy corpses, but the rest is the charred corpse that Cassia needs to search carefully to find. It should be the ordinary members of those two meters. One person? Or two people.

Footsteps, blood on the dead leaves without time and energy to deal with, and small pits on the ground and ancient trees that were blasted by the enemy’s explosive crossbow arrows, all of which indicate that from the first resting place, Isha and the others The situation has been going down. The speed has always been the fastest. Up to this moment in the sonic pulse, a dozen enemy teams have passed by, including one with more than a dozen people.

   After careful observation several times, after confirming that it was the team chasing Yisha and others, Cassia thought for a while, but did not stop at the last moment.

   The current travel distance is more than thirty kilometers, and a small battlefield quickly enters Cassia's field of vision. This seems to be the final battlefield, leaving eight enemy bodies, plus the three just now, and the team that returned not long ago, the number has been consistent with the total number.

   Behind an ancient tree, I saw the captain's body that had been sieved. Under the sound wave pulse, Cassia stood still on the spot for a few seconds before continuing to walk forward following his own feelings.

   One hundred meters later, Cassia stopped and sighed as he looked at the corpse of the ancient tree in front of him.

   is Toynby, sitting leaning against the old tree, facing Cassia. He has completely lost his breath of life, and judging from the degree of blood coagulation, the death time has exceeded ten minutes. With a pistol in his hand, the bullets in the magazine have finished. A thin wire was tied to his wrist, which was connected to dozens of steel bombs on his body. But the enemy did not give him a chance to tear off this thread, because only these parts of the corpse remained intact, and the rest of the body and legs were all scattered into fragments in the explosive crossbow.

  'S eyes are still open and looking forward, the shadow of Cassia and the darker scenery around him are reflected in the dilated pupils. The fingers were already stiff, but he still pressed the trigger of the pistol firmly. Cassia walked over, let out a sigh, then shook his head and disappeared in the forest behind Toynby.


"My lord, emergency communication, from the headquarters!" On an alien hunting bird with a wingspan of nearly fifty meters, Monica connected and looked at Corkva, "Osnia confirmed the death, our target It is no longer to rush over to support, but to go in this direction to track and contain the enemy."

As she spoke, Monica unfolded the small map and pointed to a place, "It is very close to us, and at the speed of this alienated hunting bird, it can reach the sky in more than half an hour. In addition, Conelia of the Crocodile Tribe also Change direction to approach here."

"In addition, this news has been sent back to the Thunder Wolf tribe. They have issued a reward, saying that they are willing to pay a considerable reward to the person who drags the enemy. Less bounty."

   "From the headquarter, the person in charge should have set off?" Corqueva asked. He had no interest in remuneration. At the same time he believed that Conelia was the same. Not worth it, Corqueva's judgment.

"No, the person in charge seems to be thousands of meters away from here at the moment, and there is an abnormal situation that needs to be dealt with. But as for the Thunder Wolf tribe, I remember that there are their people in this border forest trading center. If so. , Then we have set off now."

   "In this case, let's just follow up and take a look in mid-air."


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