Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1427: Death, helplessness and distress signal (middle)

   The eyes gathered on him made Cassia uncomfortable. At this point, he is not ready to explain to Yisha and others immediately. The retracted muscle mass on both legs made a "chicking" sound, and Cassia looked towards Larsa, sighed heavily, and the air blasted away into a large area of ​​dead leaves.

"If I can return to Larsa safely, then naturally there will be plenty of time to explain. In short, now you only need to know that the organization arranged for me to come here for some reason. After I am responsible for the break, you must use up all of your resources. There is a chance of survival only if the force escapes. The large army is not far away, and there is the person in charge of the enemy there. There is no guarantee that the enemy will be blocked completely, but the person who is let go has a certain strength. Not very strong."

Cassia looked at Isha, and his gaze shifted to everyone's faces again, "If you can't comfort me, some of you will definitely die in the process of fleeing. I hope no matter who it is, you can create more for others before you die. Opportunity to escape."

   "Then, I wish you all the best." Cassia turned and Isha followed, "Maybe we can play a role. The number of enemies cannot be solved by you alone."

"The only effect you have left is to let us see how you died. There is nothing else." Cassia turned his head and said with a smile, "I hope to be in Larsa later. Seeing each of you." No longer listening to the words coming from behind, Cassia ran to the corpses of four enemies. While searching for available things, Isha and Toynby talked to each other a few words before finally looking at herself. Then turned and left with helplessness.

  What would you look like in their eyes? Suddenly, Cassia thought, this kind of trying to figure out the ideas of others would never lose the fun. However, I quickly settled my mood, and the enemies afterwards can't be solved by just doing it. It's just that the concentration of danger signals in the body has not risen to the threshold set by Cassia.

   A few months ago, the red flags should have made me extremely alert. Since entering the third stage of surgery not long ago, all standards seem to have naturally improved a lot. Cassia talked to himself. He sometimes thought about where he is currently in the third stage of this large range of strength. It must be among the top group of people, but this small group of people in the three giant countries will not be counted all at once.

   But Cassia can be sure that there is almost no possibility of himself dying in a single fight. But in reality, as the most important middle-level stage among surgeons, many surgeons rarely engage in individual battles with certain forces. The face will definitely be a team with unknown numbers and configuration, as if more than four thousand meters away.

   It's just the nature of the Flame Alliance that makes Cassia not feel dangerous. The specificity of the body is the best weapon against ordinary second-class creatures. But going back to the empire, or encountering an enemy in a common country in the distant sea, facing the steel machine, the effect of breath deterrence will be linearly minimized.

   "It's okay to be alone forever, but once the team is around, Isha and the others' current situation will probably happen from time to time."

Cassia has not found a balance point. On the one hand, he knows that quantity and power will have an absolute important position in the future, but on the other hand, power needs to be accumulated. Even if he wants to become Nuoer, he can become the biggest on his side with absolute power. Bargaining chips, but there is no clear way.

   But the contradiction in the end all pointed to a reason, not enough time. But this is something that cannot be changed.

  Hang the dagger around his waist and placed a dozen or so steel bombs in a convenient position, Cassia went to an ancient tree not far from the captain. Standing in the middle, the sonic pulse maintained its minimum intensity and frequency, and after gently wrapping the enemy, Cassia did a good job of hiding herself.

   When the enemy was two kilometers away from here, Cassia let out a sigh of relief, and quickly recalled the basic countermeasures in his head. At the same time, he used a tactical knife to open a long wound on his left arm. It controls the muscles to squeeze the wound and inhibits the super-intensity healing effect of self-healing. The heartbeat, breathing and breath disappeared in the next moment, and Cassia was completely silent as if something had swallowed her stomach suddenly.

   At the same time, two kilometers away.

   The one who ran away among the five enemies saw the large army in front of him, and his horror finally recovered. Only after being deterred, he returned to calm. After his tight body was relaxed, he had no strength to maintain. He lost his balance during the run and thumped on the ground, leaving only a violent gasp. Several people in the team rushed over at this time, helped him up, and took him to the giant wolf.

   All the sceneries in his sight were glare, and he could feel how the other four people died one after another in a very short time. When his breath was restored for a short time, he closed his eyes and shook his head. Only then did he remember the appearance in front of so many people just now, and he didn't feel his heart beating fiercely.

   It doesn't matter, he thought. As someone else, he might behave worse than himself.

   "Lovis." When thinking, when someone called his name, the man suddenly opened his eyes, as if he woke up from sleep. The team had stopped, and several giant wolves gathered around.

   "Master Osnia." Rovis wanted to sit up, and Osnia waved his hand to indicate that he was not using it. Feeling the gazes of dozens of people around him scanning him, Lovis opened his mouth and exhaled, very nervous.

"Tell me about what happened just now." Osnia touched his chin and forgot to look ahead when he spoke. "What happened, everything you saw, and the information you got about the enemy. It should be very interesting. Something knights, dragon blood, and a keen sense of smell in the encirclement net in advance. I also know the flame alliance, but he should not be a member of the alliance. It may be other giant countries coming here because of some mission Family elite."

   Loves opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word. He thought about it carefully, and after feeling the violent aura, he just ran away desperately. As for what the enemy looked like, he didn't even have an impression. But something must be said, Loves forced himself to make a sound.

   The team set off again at this time, and the giant wolves of Rovis and Osnia also moved, but not fast. After half a minute, Osnia stopped the team again after listening to Lovis's hesitation.

"It can scare away the red wolf's profiteering atmosphere and the terrifying explosive speed." Osnia muttered to himself. This was the only information he got from Loves, but he added one afterwards, "There is another one that will calculate And analytical head." After that, he beckoned, and one of the guards came forward, "sir."

"You and thirty people walked around the front area from the side, dispersed and continued chasing. The goal is to roughly get the enemy's position and find out the enemy's specific situation. The large team will be one and a half minutes away from you." Nia said that afterwards he looked forward and thought for dozens of seconds before calling the correspondent, "Sending a message to the headquarters said that I was attacked by powerful members of other giant countries and was seriously injured in critical life. Other personnel who cleaned the area rushed over to assist immediately."


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