Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1409: Drive, safe area and memories (part 1)

"I heard that Lord Berkeley will go hunting for some difficult smuggling teams. This section of the border is a common route from Larsa to the Flame Alliance. After getting information on the cleanup mission, Lord Berkeley commissioned a few people who are in the smuggling business. Spreading some news about cargo control in Larsa should attract a lot of powerful teams, including some famous teams." The two ran very fast, and the direction formed an angle with the gray wolves. Wells was very interested in Berkeley and talked a lot about him with Gore along the way.

"Wells, you want to be with the inspection team and the Beast Cavalry." Gore said directly what Wells was thinking. "Master Berkeley said that there will be a sacrificial ceremony soon. After the ceremony, the Alliance and I am afraid that there will be major changes among the various tribes. Take the opportunity of this cleanup mission to accumulate some merits for yourself. It is your true idea to deal with the subsequent changes."

Wells, who did not respond positively, just sighed, "I just act according to the situation. If I don't get good results, at least I have to meet a few more teams and get a lot of money. Everyone is doing these things. The inspection team and the beast cavalry are the same, otherwise you think they are willing to accept this kind of task for what. It just feels uncomfortable, maybe you are not ready yet."

"If you don't prepare well, you will die at any time later, Wells." Gore reminded.

"You may not live long if you are ready."


The last rest was at one o'clock in the afternoon, and half an hour later, Isha and the team set off again.

With invisible pressure on her body, Isha tried to make herself look relaxed, trying to get rid of all the negative factors at the moment, but she couldn't do it. No adverse news has been received so far, and no trace of the inspection team has been observed. The only trace is the claw marks of the ancient tree.

That doesn't mean anything, Isha kept saying this to herself in her heart. But her heart was not at peace. From seeing those claw marks to the present, Isha did notice the changes in the environment. Like Cassia, Isha, who had been on guard for two consecutive nights, felt the reduction of wildlife. In addition to the fact that the weather has not changed much, the direction of these phenomena generally points to the bad side.

By four o'clock in the afternoon, it is estimated that it will take less than three hours to reach the safe area, and Isha feels more at ease. Although there is a high cost to pay, compared to team members, this money can be offset by the benefits obtained later. If this time I can smoothly talk about the cooperation in sales, Isha understands what is in short supply within the organization. Ever since Lord Servina appointed herself as the deputy chief, Isha knew that there were intangible things since then. It fell on me.

Desire to make everything perfect, this has been Isha's belief since then. A few years have passed, and I always feel that there is still a long way to go from perfection, and there are too many shortcomings in all aspects.

When she returned from thinking to her eyes, Isha couldn't help but glance at the time again. It seems that now the reference condition for determining where the team is in the forest is no longer the speed of travel, but the time when the watch keeps moving. Isha knew she was impatient, but she couldn't think of a solution. I don't want any one person to die, and I don't want to pay more than 100 million dollars in the safe zone. Want to find a perfect solution to the two problems, but Isha had to admit that besides bringing the team to a safe area, she could not produce anything else in her head.

The mood weakened with the light under the dense forest. Isha was thinking about how to keep the team's atmosphere in a better state. Toynby's approach made her head away.

"What's the matter?" Isha asked, her eyes locked the entire team in sight.

"Nothing." Toynby smiled. "At least I and Muriel are still in the team. It's really bad. You can delay the retreat. Don't put too much pressure, the deputy chief. If you encounter an enemy in this state, it will bring danger to the team. We are also adjutants. It is not a good thing to carry many things alone. Let us help you to share a little. Besides, we still don't understand the situation at all."

"I'm sorry." Isha let out a sigh, "It may simply be that I think more."

"I hope everyone thinks..."

Toynbee and Isha turned their heads at the same time, and there was a sudden noise from the side of the team. The wing personnel immediately went to guard tens of meters away, and the whole team immediately entered a fighting state with a command from Isha. After Cassia pulled out his pistol and hid in the ancient tree, he had foreseen the scene at this moment a few minutes ago, because he felt that the opponent was not threatening, so he did not interfere.

Another team appeared in the cracks between the ancient branches after half a minute, and did not notice the stopped Isha and the others. It was not until they walked a hundred meters away again that the flanking investigators discovered that they were already in a state of alert. Another team roared out.

They didn't open fire immediately. This was the rule for the various forces in Larsa to enter the border, even if it was not very easy.

The opponent immediately entered the defense, and the group of more than 30 people was wiped out by the ancient tree in the next moment. After half a minute, the captain thought that if Yisha suddenly attacked and didn't immediately notice that he was already a corpse, he raised his hands and swayed and walked over alone.

After a brief conversation, when they found that their respective targets were the closest safe area, Isha and the captain of the team looked at each other at the same time.

"..., I found a line of claw marks on the road, left by the gray wolf. I didn't care at first, but I remembered it in my heart. Soon after that, I saw a lot of corpses on the road, and there were 40 or 50 people in total. I wanted to return directly. , But looking at the depth of the forest, there is also the worry that there will be people behind, so we can only rush to the nearest safe area. By the way, we are following this route... "This team is not a powerful force of Larsane, it depends on Reselling commodities means doing “dangerous transportation” of commodities to earn profits. As the captain said, he took out his own drawings and pointed out their walking route. He could see the joy of meeting other teams and the panic in his heart. "It's very wrong these days. I often travel to and from the border forest and I am familiar with it. The past few days have made me feel a little weird, like being stared at by something. Although I occasionally see other people’s corpses, they are definitely not so frequent. Moreover, the corpses have not been processed for long, and the shortest time is only one day."

"One day?" Isha asked surely.

"Yes, we still can't even judge the basic situation of the The captain said in a deep voice, "Before entering the border, there was news that the inspection team had passed here, but the current situation , Most likely because of what made them return. And those who died were small teams with only 20 people, which was in line with the configuration of the inspection team. "

"A single inspector will not rashly act on a team with too many people, which is prone to danger. But on the other hand, their radio communication and support pursuit speed dare not let us have ideas about them." Isha said in common sense. "Maybe something really went wrong this time."

While thinking about it, Isha remembered something important, "Are you also because of the goods on the cocoons this time?"

The captain shook his head directly, "No, it's another one, but..."

"But it's more urgent news, I was told suddenly?" Isha interrupted the other party and tried to say it. Seeing the captain's ugly face, Isha already had a judgment. She glanced at the time again, and looked at Larsa subconsciously, "For these tribes to help, even if the other party is not the centralized management, but the identity should be very important. But for what? And now it's too late to withdraw."

At this moment, Yisha cast her gaze to the team behind her, seeing the faces of each member, and an indescribable feeling suddenly rose in her heart.

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