Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1394: Colorful Larsa (Part 1)

Latest website: Li Suman is on a mission to explore a cemetery. General Pullman knows about this. If anything happened during this period, it should be the result of the negotiation between Li Suman and the person behind Adolf in advance. I don't take the risk to question. Both parties are people with powerful powers. Every time they cooperate, they must have detailed personal considerations.

However, it was somewhat unhappy that Li Suman had not told him in advance. It's just that General Pullman knew that even if he was dissatisfied, he couldn't say anything in the face of Li Suman. She can only go step by step according to her established plan.

The environment and geographic location of Larsa made Pullman very concerned, not suitable for development with peace of mind, and not conducive to Soriatu's hiding of himself. The follow-up plan has already begun, is it too fast? General Pullman can easily think of this, but he himself is in a passive state and has no way of knowing the steps and progress of the plan.

Separating from Adolf in the park, Pullman contacted his few men on the way back, asking them to evacuate here a week later, return to their original lives, and wait for new orders. There was nothing to prepare. After Pullman asked a familiar black market businessman to send himself a copy of the information about the country of Larsa, in the next few days, except for the necessary contact with Adolf, the rest of the time was to read the information sent. . I have never been to Larsa, and a lot of information has been heard in decades. In addition, Pullman is very concerned about geographical location, Adolf also said that he became the main person in charge of Larsa.

The ability to have a strong man like Adolf as the person in charge is enough to show that bad things will happen in Larsa.

On the other side, on the evening of returning to the residence, Cassia had read the pile of materials. A more detailed understanding of the state of Larsa, especially the complex trading network that exists there.

The data mentions that the gray areas of Lalsa and the Houxiang Continent are relatively close. With the name of a trading country, this has caused the black market to flourish. There are several behemoths entrenched in the dark world that exists there, all of which extend from the joint interior of the Flame Alliance and the Far Sea. The types of goods are extremely rich, and firearms and weapons in giant countries are characteristic products there. In addition, the country of Larsa is also one of the concentrated areas of human trafficking. Although the state administrators are resolutely cracking down on this kind of business, from the perspective of strength and execution, it is mostly just a loud slogan.

The domestic style and atmosphere vary greatly depending on the region. According to the data, Larsa is like a polymer with a little bit of everything, and a wonderful chemical reaction has taken place on that piece of land. At the same time, the country of Larsa is also a negative textbook in the textbook, and it is regarded as a hidden colony by many small countries. Without his own culture, without his own language, there is only an empty shell called "Larsa".

"At least law and order and security are not like gray areas. The trading market will vary according to the region." After reading the information, Cassia concluded, "The large amount of trade has made it a favorite place for many businessmen and speculators. The operation seems very ordinary. Many illegal transactions become legalized but rare, and are somewhat affected by the gray area."

The information did not specify the specific work content after going to Larsa. After reading the information, Cassia, who had experience in the previous missions, did not think that this time would be as simple and easy as Adolf said. The environment does not allow the surgeons there to relax, and many forces in the two giant countries have stretched out a hand to grab a corner of Larsa. The identity of the organization there is certainly not protector and mediator.

Probably it was pretending to be one of many forces and doing his own thing in peace.

The following week, Cassia spent half of his time with Waters. I went to the factory for a few rounds, and the production line of shells and artillery was the focus. The first batch of goods has been loaded and transported away, and a small part has been in the hands of customers. Waters made a special trip to find Cassia for this, one is to report this happy event, and the other is when to start the redevelopment of shells and artillery technology.

At present, Cassia only provides two combinations of artillery-artillery tube for individual soldiers, and cannonball-simple artillery shell launcher. Although there are only two, they are still extremely sought-after weapons in the eyes of many forces.

But it can be better. Just like the mobile cart for firearms and ammunition that Delya integrated and designed in Tussini, the artillery tube also has a vehicle-mounted format, ranging from quadruple to twenty-four. Depending on the type of artillery, more types can be extended.

The same applies to shells. From shell charge to warhead material, or launch tube caliber, it can also be divided into various types. That's what Waters discussed with Cassia. The more specifications, the more customers can be attracted in the black market. In the current business network, most of the customers are small forces, engaged in various businesses in the black market, and the number is probably between five or six hundred. These customers may disappear due to a dispute at any time, and the risks and throughput of various products are not appreciable. It depends on the accumulated number to support a decent base.

Waters' idea is to follow the current momentum as soon as possible, promote the maturity of technology, and try to produce products that are more powerful and more environmentally applicable. At that time, excluding the black market, countries with similar conditions to the Kingdom of Chil will also become a source of potential customers. If you can get business from these small countries, you can get a long-term guarantee in terms of stability and throughput.

Cassia knows that there are few countries in this small country that have a history of more than a hundred years. They do not involve wars between the three giant countries. Even in peacetime, changes in various regimes can cause many large and small wars~www. In addition, there are also many wars caused by regional independence, neighbouring countries due to resource disputes, or wars caused by each other's struggle for territory with less than a few decades of history. Because there is no historical accumulation, the war has destroyed most of the economy, causing the infrastructure and construction of some small countries to fail to keep up.

This is the case in the Kingdom of Chi'er, because the country was not long established, and many important areas in the country were mostly involving merchants and foreign forces. Taking weapons and ammunition as an example, if the Chil Kingdom can be extended for decades, it is bound to build its own factory instead of signing a long-term agreement with a weapon merchant like Cassia and buying from them.

And do it again. Combat aircraft, tanks, military armored vehicles, artillery, etc. are indeed produced in our own factories. However, the national power of the Chil Kingdom is in the middle and upper reaches of the small countries. In many other countries that are deeply mired in large and small wars or wars, even if they have their own factories, the production speed cannot keep up with the consumption speed.

This is the opportunity for the arms dealers, and it is also the opportunity that Waters wants to seize.

The content of the discussion roughly revolved around these, and finally Cassia gave an answer to wait until the current business stabilized. "We have also reached a stage of rapid development. Many conditions are roughly complete, and you can just do it with your hands."

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